Durability vs. Chronomancer Runes

Durability vs. Chronomancer Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aceldian.4186


I’m gearing up my PvE chrono and had a question: I have a full set of chronomancer runes but I’m considering going for durability runes. I know leadership is best, but I haven’t the time. Between durability and chrono, what will offer the best chance to maximize quickness uptime?

Durability vs. Chronomancer Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: zealex.9410


Pve depends Leadership are the go to but durability aren’t bad. Dura is a poor mans rune choice but i would pick dura over chrono runes and leadership over both.

Durability vs. Chronomancer Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


durability for sure, chrono runes only give quickness to yourself. And given enough practice you’ll be able to maintain 100% quickness uptime with just your skills and no need for extra source.

Durability vs. Chronomancer Runes

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aceldian.4186


Oh, didn’t know that about personal quickness only on chrono runes! Thanks for the input everyone!