ES idea : The Magician

ES idea : The Magician

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


first why Magician ?

mesmer and thief are almost alike and basically countered each other on and off
mesmer uses his illusions to weave deception magic….

so how can mesmer be deceptive?

ok now it will become trickier (you will see no more spamming shatters)

choosing this elite trait will grant you access to deceptive images which change your 4 shatters and your illusions are harder to kill while activate a shatter

Mind wrack – your illusions get overpower and critical dmg for short duration (5 second) and explode after their attack creating smoke cloud blinding the area 120r (12 sec cd) (1 illusion explode dmg X , 2 illusions 2X, 3 illusions 3X)
Cry of Frustration – your illusion get access to taunt pulse which taunt the area around them for 1 sec every 3 sec 240r. when they killed they burst in flare of ashes which proc retaliation to allies around them (20 sec cd, 2 stacks of confusion for each illusion 3 sec each)
Diversion – you become an illusion for a short duration (1sec) . if the illusion killed you disappear in butterfly smoke (1 sec stealth) (for each illusion the duration is prolong by 1 sec) (30 sec cd)
Distortion – command your illusions to alternate the area around them causing reflection to any dmg dealth back to it source (duration 1 sec base) (45sec cd)
Restorative manifestation – disable your shatter for another 10 sec . creating 3 illusions of life which cannot be killed for 10 sec. when taking fatal dmg random ally near them absorb their life force and healed instead (75 sec cd).

as you can see you start seeing the main idea – taunt and retaliation/dmg reflect, burst heal

main hand : shortbow (i know most of you want pistol)

AA – fire a beam of butterflies which dmg and confuse your enemy (yes confusion we are mesmer)

Arrow of chaos – teleport to target location leaving a clone behind you (leap finisher) 12 sec cd

Phantasm wrath – creating a phantasm which gives retaliation to allies around him and attack your target with brutal force which put vulnerability and confusion 5 stacks (retaliation time is 3 sec) – 20 sec

arrow of light – shot an arrow of light to target location creating an area of light which proc light aura on allies for 4 sec and dmg foes – 25 sec cd 240r

Mind control – shot a poison arrow to target location creating an area which taunt foes for 1 sec each second they stand on it and poison them for 3 sec for 3 pulses – 30 sec cd 240r (blast finisher)

as you see the idea is to give many retaliation options via phantasm, light aura also creating vulnerability option which boost your condi and direct dmg so you can go hybrid and still be viable while try to be the focus of fire with taunt.
the shortbow leap can combine nicely with staff leap to confuse your enemy on your location or even with sword to catch running foe.

utilities: deception

heal – see the light – you heal yourself for X amount and creating a phantasm healer (yes yes yes) which give regeneration to allies around him and cleanse 3 conditions off you . if condition was cleanse the phantasm dies. 30 sec cd
deceptive refuge – creating an area of refuge which proc might and retaliation on allies standing in it while proc weakness and confusion on enemies (ethereal field) – 30 sec cd
suspicious eyes – you gain revealed for 3 sec proc reveal in the area around you while gaining stealth to allies 3 sec – 30 sec cd break stun
heavy mind – break stun and slow your enemy for 3 sec – 35 sec
frenzy concussion – for 3 sec you get retaliation, quickness and 5 might but takes doable the dmg – 50 sec
elite – i am what i am – for 3 sec absorb all dmg allies taken and blast it around you. the more dmg absorbed the more dmg is done – 120 sec cd

as you see the idea it to boost retaliation might and control the dmg is taken while forcing enemy to fight you with taunt. so your main dmg is done by taking dmg.


deception cd 20%
your illusion hp is doubled
deception skills proc aegis to allies

for each illusion alive you gain 1 sec of quickness 3 sec cd

remove 3 conditions if you have retaliation and taking dmg – 10 sec cd
when disabled proc 5 sec retaliation and taunt for 3 sec
when proc retaliation you proc regeneration and swiftness for 5 sec – 10 sec cd

reduce incoming dmg when you have retalition on you by 10%

retaliation avenger – retaliation dmg is 100% stronger. your skills dmg are 20% lower
retribution ending – when retaliation ends on you you blast the area doing X dmg – 20 sec cd
when it all begins – when you take dmg below 25% you recharge all your first 4 shatters skills

so this is it

hope you like the ideas here. i am sure some of them might be OP but this is the idea

it will put mesmer is a unique spot (more like phantasm build and less on shatter spamming build)
it will force you to engage and take dmg rather on snicking behind and shatter

see you later

ES idea : The Magician

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


While some of your ideas are nice, I’ve seen so many posts like this one in the past few years. All you can hope for is Anet borrowing a 0.5% of what you wrote, and that would be already and achievement. But in truth, they will never change how shatter works. Implementing a new mechanic is far more likely, imho

ES idea : The Magician

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


they change guard, ele so why not ours.
the mechanism stay the same almost just give other abilities

you still need to shatter but you also have the option not to if you want to play with phantasms build

you can be bruiser, dmg dealer, supporter, or condi with this concept

ES idea : The Magician

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


well, lets hope then