Elementalist going Chrono

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: NayNay.7680


Hi everybody! For the past 3 years I’ve been playing Elementalist, but since the Tempest was revealed and tested i’ve been in a funk as to what I want to play going forward. I tried to like the tempest, but I hate it, so i’ve decided to Clone good ol’ Ralsey (my ele) and Go for Chronomancer unless tempest gets a lot of changes.

I’ve already got another mesmer with endgame gear and whatnot so I like to think i’m proficient in mesmering, but i’m by no means an expert.

In the meantime i’ve been brewing up a build to pvp with while I wait for Chrono-awesomeness to be available.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Rampager stats
Perplexity runes



Phantasmal Fury > Blinding Dissipation > Deceptive Evasion

The Pledge > Maim the Disillusioned > Ineptitude

Rending Shatter > Blurred Inscriptions > Imagined Burden

Decoy, Mirror Images, Signet of Domination, Signet of Midnight, Signet of Humility

Lots of conditions and decent raw damage. Distortion and blinds to keep me bouncing around, stealth to disappear when I need to.

Any thoughts?

Please and thank you

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mak.2657


Are you talking about wvw (no perplexity runes at pvp)? Roaming/zerg? Why rampager runes?
PU is very useful at wvw imo.
I feel defenseless without decoy and blink at pvp and even more at wvw tbh.

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


This is going to come as a shock to you but here it goes…

You could just not use the tempest elite spec and enjoy your elementalist as much as you are doing now. It’s a really crazy and out there idea but give it a shot.

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: NayNay.7680


pvp and wvw roaming

I like trying to play around with different builds to try and make them work rather than just using meta builds. I figured I’d go rampager to maximize my damage output. Mesmer has access to a lot of high-damage conditions, but I didn’t want to rely on conditions too much as my main source of damage. This way I have decent burst damage that applies conditions naturally

Also, I didn’t realize perplexity wasn’t in pvp as I’ve never looked into runes dealing with confusion (Guild wiki doesn’t have the pve-only ones noted as such) my bad there.

This is going to come as a shock to you but here it goes…

You could just not use the tempest elite spec and enjoy your elementalist as much as you are doing now. It’s a really crazy and out there idea but give it a shot.

%100 not a shock. I’m fully aware than I could just play Elementalist the same way, but i’d like to use the new elite specs seeing as how I’ve already paid for them :P

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mak.2657


Rampager feels inferior to sinister for me (though I’m using/playing around with rampager at spvp cause no sinister there) without some might stacking sources. Not sure if Imagine burden could be such source. Mb it is somehow viable at spvp, but at wvw roaming you would have harder time without defensive stats, lack of stealth and ports at the same time imo. I’m playng full sinister with PU now, but still should be very cautious.

(edited by Mak.2657)

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


Well I would say if you really want to get all the bang for buck out of paying for new specialisations then also do it on your brand new paid for class.

It also helps that the revenant looks very good especially once some tweaks have been made and that elite spec, wow, very nice idea.

I terms of helpful advise, I wouldn’t go rampager as you can overload on precision, if you want condition and power then sinister is great but you’ll be glassy as a zerker but not spiking as hard. I keep 2 sets of armour, rabid and assassins and that covers all condition and power builds and possible hybrids for me.

Trinkets can be adjusted to see fit and they’re generally pretty easy to get with guild commendations/fractal relics and make up a large amount of your stats for mixing and matching.

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


if you’re going to try to hybrid between Direct Damage and Conditions then i’d say mix sinister with Zerker,

Beyond that your build looks like its trying to do too much all at the same time to me.

try to focus down on what you really want to do. Conditions from Shatters is nice but you need a staff or Scepter to make investing in Rabid Gear worth while. Bleeding wont get you very far. neither will short bursts of confusion and some Torment.

and as stated above, its easy to go overboard on Precision, once you hit 60% you can trust that nearly every hit will crit, pushing it further eats up points you could put elsewhere..

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: NayNay.7680


Yeah. Played a few rounds with rampager using scepter/focus and staff, then assassin with swords. I’m liking the direct damage route more than Hybrid. Throwing out the signets, as well. Thanks for the tips

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: rchu.8945


This is going to come as a shock to you but here it goes…

You could just not use the tempest elite spec and enjoy your elementalist as much as you are doing now. It’s a really crazy and out there idea but give it a shot.

lol, +1.

Why ditch a perfectly OP class (D/D ele) in PvP that’s adored by Anet with no nerfs?

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


So I decided to finally watch the live stream about Tempest and revenant.

I honestly think the off hand war horn is at least ok. The traits are…well….some are ok. Overload can die in a fire (attunement) and the shouts are a bit lacking however it can be adjusted with cool downs and damage etc to be alright.

Revenant though, wow, seriously this is going to get soooo much QQ. They can reveal thieves, teleport them back when they try and escape and chase them. They can support, stunbreak their team, have almost an endure pain and defiant stance as well as many other things for sustain.

I would say if you wanna switch from ele go revenant, that thing is going to be a pleasure to play as it really shows they’ve learnt a lot since the initial classes were created.

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


Revenant will be fun to see in the game once its been balanced and worked on a bit more but right now its not going to be replacing an Ele or Guard for self sustain and support. It’s very low mobility makes it more of a bruiser tank for the mid to back line joining the front line at the end of fights to put down the final pressure to kill or bring back a chance for victory.

Revenant will likely compete more with Necro and Engi than it will any other class for utility and presence.

Tempest however is just the Ele with a handful of new toys. Nothing game altering or play style revolution about this Specialization, if you ran a D/D ele, you will continue to do so but with even more blast finishers and burning. probably lose a little bit of self sustain in the process as well…

But what can you really give the class that literally already has all the tools it will ever need?

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: NayNay.7680


This is going to come as a shock to you but here it goes…

You could just not use the tempest elite spec and enjoy your elementalist as much as you are doing now. It’s a really crazy and out there idea but give it a shot.

lol, +1.

Why ditch a perfectly OP class (D/D ele) in PvP that’s adored by Anet with no nerfs?

If it’s adored then I want to know how rebound was conceived :P

Simply put, I’m just interested in trying something new. When the new world content comes out i’m looking forward to exploring it, but i’d rather try a new role with another profession than continue to run the same drills over and over, especially when everyone else gets a new style.

Aside from that.. Time magic is way cooler than shouts. But that’s My opinion.

Ral Xarek | Asura Elementalist
Peacemaker Ral |Asura Mesmer

Elementalist going Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlphatheWhite.9351


Simply put, I’m just interested in trying something new. When the new world content comes out i’m looking forward to exploring it, but i’d rather try a new role with another profession than continue to run the same drills over and over, especially when everyone else gets a new style.

Aside from that.. Time magic is way cooler than shouts. But that’s My opinion.

Preach it.

If Chrono gets through the betas relatively unscathed, it will be a very fun version of the Mesmer, and I highly endorse learning to play it.

They’ve already started the knee-jerk nerfs that are the plight of the mesmer though, so…cross your fingers.