Elite phantasm

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: zuroism.2471


I would like another ground target AoE, chaos storm is just not enough.

Zuro Of Oz – Mesmer – 80

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Conncept.7638


We’ve all seen the discussions about elite mantras or elite signets, but I’ve never seen a discussion about an elite phantasm.

I’m thinking aoe, and lots of it. How about you?

It’s been suggested before, my personal preference was a Phantasmal Doppelganger, a phantasm copy of your targeted enemy, similar to the boss ability in P1 of SE.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Illusionary Me: creates a clone that mirrors the mesmer’s movements and actions exactly, causing it to be a true clone but its attacks deal no damage. Actions include weapon swaps, dodging, jumping, utility skills.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: leungclj.4915


illusionary fix: a phantasm that fix the damage of iZerker

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Personally, I like the ideas of a phantasm that essentially copies the player and does what the player does (apart from being in a different spot, obviously). You could even give it the clone appearance rather than the phantasm appearance., and have a chain skill that allows you to swap position with it while it’s active.

Thus, not really a phantasm or a clone, but something that mixes the best features of both.

The question then remains of how to make it interact with other illusions and phantasms. You could make it just another slot out of the three, lasting until killed or until its target is destroyed. A better treatment, however, might be to treat it as a summon – it lasts for a specific amount of time (and will switch target if its target is killed), does not count for one of the three slots, and does not shatter if a shatter skill is used. However, it does gain the benefit of Distortion if you use it, and if you have Illusionary Persona, it’s treated the same as you are for shatters.

Essentially, the aim is that the doppelganger is mechanically indistinguishable from you apart from possibly a smaller health pool.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


If we did get a Phantasm elite I’d think that Conjure Nightmare would be a good candidate for naming if we use GW1 as an origin.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I would like another ground target AoE, chaos storm is just not enough.

And a “fix” for that should tie up our elite slot in AE situations? That’d be a really bad way of balancing things.
We don’t actually have that little in the form of AE, though much is utility instead of damage. Which really isn’t a bad thing design wise.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Avish.7938


Illusionary Mallyx please

The Elonian, The Gangnam, The Sunspear, The Kournan, The Vabbian, The Istani.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Taran Redleaf.7912

Taran Redleaf.7912

Twin Phantasmal Grenadiers
Phantasm: Summon two illusions that hurls explosive grenades at your foes. Works underwater, too.

Damage: 179
Bleeding: (12s) 510 damage
Explosion Radius: 150
Range: 1200

- – - – - – OR – - – - -

Shared Burden
Phantasm: Summon two random Phantasms to attack your foes.

One ranged phantasm: Duelist, Warlock, Mage, Disenchanter
One melee phantasm: Warden, Swordsman, Berserker, Defender

When underwater, this skill always summons both Mariner and Whaler

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: HorridForm.5926


Signet of Progenitor

Casting Time: 1 Second
Cool Down: 120 Second
Passive Effect: Create a clone every 30 seconds
Activate Ability: Create 3 clones, all clones gain invulnerability for 4 seconds.

Total Insanity

Casting Time: 1 3/4 Second
Cool Down: 120 Second
Range: 1200 (Large AoE)
Duration: 6 Seconds

Foes who enter or exit the area suffer 5 conditions.

Blindness: 5 Seconds
Confusion (3): 5 Seconds
Fear: 1 Second
Torment (5): 5 Seconds
Vulnerability (10): 10 Seconds

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Not sure if said yet (not reading everyone’s post)

A phant that looks like a clone with a purple aura instead of being fully covered. that does what ever attacks you do at the same time with same damage and stats >=D (might put stuns in a silly position tho) and it can have 3 clones of its own so it’s viable for shatter builds. To super mindwrack at 6 clones. But the phant keeps a set duration not take up a clone/phant slot and connot be shattered.

60 sec duration
1 sec cast time
210 c/d

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: XRay.1920


phantasmal assassin

summons an illusion in stealth that hits the target for 12k with backstab.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rasudido.6734


While I like the idea of new unique phantasms….. id like thsoe to be added into the normal skills bars instead.

Id just love a elite skill that summoned 3 iZerkers at once just to have a zerg rage with the possibility of 3 zerkers followed by a shatter.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: decease.3215


i want a elite phantom that exist all the time, and heal outside of combat.. like necromancer’s flesh golem.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tricare.2946


Lol this is a joke right?

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


My take on the elite
Twin Dream: summon a phantasm looking like a clone wielding your main-hand weapon.
The phantasm is as tough and hit as hard as other phantasms but he gains an extra 10% in health for each other phantasm active and gains an extra 10% in recharge rate for each clone active. The phantasm uses your weapon #1 autoattack skill.
(1.5s cast time , 120s recharge)

(edited by keenlam.4753)

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

i certainly would like one but not on a long * CD like all mez elite skills are. Max i’d accept is 30sec CD without IC.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: Speedfire.6732


Before game release always dreamed of an elite phantasm. And it really surprised when there was none x(.

How about (like already mentioned) an elite phantasm that looks like the caster. Health pool/damage options have been discussed enough above ^^ . So Illusionary Doppelgänger:

The same ideas we all have about a strong clone with a variety of skills (Or let him wear your weaponry for purpose of confusion).

Also maybe let him live outside of the 3 illusion slots? More like a companion, so you don’t accidently shatter him.

But (this I really wanted badly all along) you can switch with him. So while the phantasm is alive, the skill slot switches to Illusion becomes reality or Vice versa (you get the idea): “Switch places with your Doppelgänger” (1 or 2 sec CD or something like that).

(edited by Speedfire.6732)

Elite phantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

Before game release always dreamed of an elite phantasm. And it really surprised when there was none x(.

How about (like already mentioned) an elite phantasm that looks like the caster. Health pool/damage options have been discussed enough above ^^ . So Illusionary Doppelgänger:

The same ideas we all have about a strong clone with a variety of skills (Or let him wear your weaponry for purpose of confusion).

Also maybe let him live outside of the 3 illusion slots? More like a companion, so you don’t accidently shatter him.

But (this I really wanted badly all along) you can switch with him. So while the phantasm is alive, the skill slot switches to Illusion becomes reality or Vice versa (you get the idea): “Switch places with your Doppelgänger” (1 or 2 sec CD or something like that).

So much want

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag