Equip when bringing HoT in picture

Equip when bringing HoT in picture

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryouzanpaku.1273


I am slowly getting ready for HoT which in my case means crafting piece of Damask a day and farming T6 for legendary (as I am planning to get precursor(s) via quest in HoT)
I am doing all the farming in my fully ascended war, but my heart is still with my first char – created on first day of GW2 – my asura mesmer.
I am not sure which kind of equip I will want to get for her though…

Variants are as follows:

1) Assassin meta – this seems to me a not great choice with coming Chronomancer capability of pretty much perma +30% crit chance

2) Zerker set – probably logical favorite – also with Eternity numnum look

3) Rabid armor+sinister jewelery – my secret favorite as I always liked DoT builds in games (EQ2 necro long time favorite) – Meteorologicus is also amazing – but as for now it does not seems to be much reliable :/

Will probably wait for HoT with craft…. but will be tough choice for me for sure.

Player plays the game. MetaKitten plays the DPS meter on the golem.

Equip when bringing HoT in picture

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raunchy.6891


You can never go wrong with good old berserker.

Equip when bringing HoT in picture

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I wouldn’t say perma +30% crit, the ICD prevent you from inflicting slow on multiple opponents, what if you encounter multiple foes or mesmer clones trigger your slow proc? Plus everything is still under development and numbers will most likely change.

Equip when bringing HoT in picture

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Assassin’s is cheaper and you can always stat swap later.