Experience with Mantra Spec
If you are trying to heal nearby allies, Harmonius Mantras is actually counter-intuitive to a support build. Restorative Mantras only heals nearby allies on a Mantra Charge, and considering its Mantra of Pain thats the most used for this case, it adds an extra second on the already ~6 seconds of total time needing to send out a new pulse of AoE healing.
If on the other hand, you have Mantras to USE said mantras, then Harmonius Mantras can be a godsend as the Charging Time is effectively 2/3rds of what it used to be for the effect.
Harmonious Mantras is good, if you are trying to make use of Mantra of Daze, Pain, and Restoration. Also good for Mantra of Stability in PvE, if only to help insure a stomp with a chain of 6 seconds of stability.
Harmonious Mantras works against you slightly, if you are trying to use Mantra of Pain with Restorative Mantras for AoE Healing Support.
- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)
Last time I checked it’s only like 2600 with healing power, if you feel like chain dazing yourself to do that every 5 seconds feel free. =p
I only bother with the trait if I want to use the Heal Mantra.
The AE healing is ~2.6k with no healing power other than the 200 needed to get Restorative Mantras.
has anyone tested the numbers WITH healing power on gear?
With a significant amount of healing power (Cleric’s Amulet and Runes of Dwayna) it’s 2.9k, if nothing’s changed between Beta and now. Overall healing power is a pitiful stat and should never be invested in.