Feedback on this
If you’re already running PU with Debilitating Dissipation, wouldn’t a more condition focused build out-perform this? (Classic 4/4/6/0/0 build, for example.)
Hambow warriors ain’t got nothing on PU condi.
I adore Mantras with Harmonious Mantras and Mender’s Purity.
Protected Mantras, however, is terrible. It mitigates some damage while you’re casting Mantras. How often are you recasting ‘em right as you’re being waled on, though? Usually I reset mine while I’m in stealth or repositioning. I don’t think the 600 Toughness is going to do that much to mitigate a full burst, and you’re pretty much boned if they try to use an interrupt to make sure it lands (I’d much rather dodge, even if it means a 4-second cooldown on the Mantra).
Try Mantra Mastery (hey, if you want to go “all in” on Mantras ) or Deceptive Evasion in that slot, maybe?