Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I’ll get this out of the way before I begin, before this patch I was punning PU with sword/pistol and sceptor/torch. While it certainly didn’t kill the fastest, it was without a doubt my most useful character. Great in 1v1s, took 2-3 people to take him down in tpvp, condi damage was good, he was just really useful and my favorite character to play.

Since this patch though, he seems to have suffered a bit. For some reason, he’s been having a lot more trouble in 1v1s especially, I’ve been trying out shatter and zerker builds but no build so far has even come close to what he used to be and tends to lose a lot now.

Any tips on a really good mesmer build?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Where do you play? WvW, spvp, tpvp?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazuto.2798


Well your first problem was you were running a PU condition build. You are too used of the (no offence to you) faceroll cheesiness of a condition PU build. Now that it has been nerfed, as well as Dissapation traits being nerfed, your build took quite the blow. Of course you are going to lose more when you try out new builds, you aren’t accustomed to them just yet. I know when I dropped PU on my power build and traited more offensively, I died so much that I wanted to switch back. But now, I am more accustomed to the play style and know how to handle certain situations with my current build and it is really fun to play as (mind you, I dropped PU a long time ago). The patch has only been out for a few days, just keep trying to find a build that will suit you. Be it another condition PU build or maybe even a power build. Keep in mind, I am talking about a WvW standpoint.

I run 4/6/4/0/0 (Mix of Phantasm/Shatter) in WvW, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
I run 4/4/0/0/6 (Glkittenter) in PvP, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
Both are power builds.

EDIT: So GW2 forums censored “Glass Sha (Don’t Mind This) tter” in my PvP build for whatever reason, so that is what it says.

Sempiternal Order [SO]
Northern Shiverpeaks

(edited by Kazuto.2798)

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Well your first problem was you were running a PU condition build. You are too used of the (no offence to you) faceroll cheesiness of a condition PU build. Now that it has been nerfed, as well as Dissapation traits being nerfed, your build took quite the blow. Of course you are going to lose more when you try out new builds, you aren’t accustomed to them just yet. I know when I dropped PU on my power build and traited more offensively, I died so much that I wanted to switch back. But now, I am more accustomed to the play style and know how to handle certain situations with my current build and it is really fun to play as (mind you, I dropped PU a long time ago). The patch has only been out for a few days, just keep trying to find a build that will suit you. Be it another condition PU build or maybe even a power build. Keep in mind, I am talking about a WvW standpoint.

I run 4/6/4/0/0 (Mix of Phantasm/Shatter) in WvW, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
I run 4/4/0/0/6 (Glkittenter) in PvP, Sword/Pistol – Greatsword.
Both are power builds.

EDIT: So GW2 forums censored “Glass Sha (Don’t Mind This) tter” in my PvP build for whatever reason, so that is what it says.

I don’t take offense to that, it was faceroll, the reason I am a bit dissapointed is my celestial axe warrior and my PU mesmer were my two best pvpers and they both got hit kinda hard this patch so now im really, really struggling in 1v1s where before I was considered “good.”

I’ve been messing around with several weapon types, traits, etc. still kinda struggling, hopefully I can figure something out.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazuto.2798


Yeah, I get you. This is going to sound redundant, but the best thing I would do is adapt my play style. I was posting on my phone so making a build link from the editor would’ve been quite annoying, but I am on my computer right now so here:


I find that this build is pretty enjoyable and effective to my play style in PvP, but don’t just copy it. Well, you can if you want to, just helping a fellow Mesmer out. But, my point in posting my build is for inspiration, maybe you can take my build and adjust it to your play style. Maybe make it more defensive, since you used to run PU. That’s what I’ve done, I use builds that I see from other people and adjust it to be my own. Sometimes I just think builds up myself, considering the situations I will encounter and what traits can synergize with each other, my weapon skills, and my utilities. Also, consider what combos you can do. It is all trial and error. Best of luck!

Sempiternal Order [SO]
Northern Shiverpeaks

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Yeah, I get you. This is going to sound redundant, but the best thing I would do is adapt my play style. I was posting on my phone so making a build link from the editor would’ve been quite annoying, but I am on my computer right now so here:


I find that this build is pretty enjoyable and effective to my play style in PvP, but don’t just copy it. Well, you can if you want to, just helping a fellow Mesmer out. But, my point in posting my build is for inspiration, maybe you can take my build and adjust it to your play style. Maybe make it more defensive, since you used to run PU. That’s what I’ve done, I use builds that I see from other people and adjust it to be my own. Sometimes I just think builds up myself, considering the situations I will encounter and what traits can synergize with each other, my weapon skills, and my utilities. Also, consider what combos you can do. It is all trial and error. Best of luck!

I tried tuning it, but my mesmer just can’t get good damage or survivability.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You will need to practice Shatter, thats kind of why people don’t like PU because it doesn’t take much effort to get good results. However Shatter played well and played a lot you will be far more useful and be naturally required to know and play around many game mechanics – making you a more useful team member.
Shatter Shatter Shatter – understand WHEN you need to burst and you’ll be a threat.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Void.4239


I’ll get this out of the way before I begin, before this patch I was punning PU with sword/pistol and sceptor/torch. While it certainly didn’t kill the fastest, it was without a doubt my most useful character. Great in 1v1s, took 2-3 people to take him down in tpvp, condi damage was good, he was just really useful and my favorite character to play.

Since this patch though, he seems to have suffered a bit. For some reason, he’s been having a lot more trouble in 1v1s especially, I’ve been trying out shatter and zerker builds but no build so far has even come close to what he used to be and tends to lose a lot now.

Any tips on a really good mesmer build?

It might be wurth trying my build seeing you already accustomed to the weapon sets

Here is the build i’ve been playing for the past 6 months, if not longer


Now understand that the build revolves around rotating skills without much space for error !!

But when done successfully , you’re opponent will have a really hard time pinning you down, while you are just insanely pressuring him with a mix of power and condi damage.

Here’s the rotation.: ( trick is to manage your evade/target drops(stealth) so that your enemy has almost no opening to hit you )

  • Pistol 5( stun ) / iduelist / sword3&swap / sword 2 (evade)
  • Then how ridicules it may sound double random dodge!!

FOLLOWed fast with weapon swap

  • Torch 4(stealth) / image / use rest of stealth to start channel of scepter 3 / wait for them to swing at you and scepter 2
  • Then again empty leftover endurance with random dodges and switch back to pistol /sword
  • USE DECOY after weapon swap ! nullfield / iduelist /pistol 5(stun)/sword3&swap/sword2(evade)
  • repeat ( and rotate skills at a decent rate )
    !! USE shatters only when the time is wright !!!
    and try to use stealth as a means to use the skills with long cast times.

That’s the starters rotations , once you get the feel of things you will be able to experiment a bit out of the rotation.

Hope you enjoy


<< illusionary Triplet >>

(edited by Void.4239)

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: eldenbri.1059


If you want to try something besides shatter, you can try this for roaming


Basically put up the phantasms and dodge, block and stealth. When you are taking some damage and your first phantasms are down, cast a phantasm, use ether signet, cast the phantasm again, swap weapons and cast the phantasm on the other weapon set. That creates a lot of pressure on the opponent.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


If you want to get good at Shatter builds as a Mesmer … I highly suggest watching some of Osicat’s videos … even the old ones.

One thing you’ll quite likely notice is that Osicat doesn’t stay in range of his opponent. He “jousts”. He goes in, tries to land some hits, and then gets back out.

Mesmer is a great class for “jousting” as you can summon Illusions that will continue applying pressure to your opponent even while you are out of range.

As far as that build he showed you … my personal preference on 4/4/0/0/6 build uses two swords instead of sword+pistol as:

  • both swords benefit from the cooldown reduction
  • sword #4 can block as well as daze
  • iSwordsmen hits hard too … and you’ll be able to summon him more

I also like Staff better as the conditions, might, and fury can add up quickly. Those conditions also help get through builds with lots of protection. Phase Retreat is also an exceptionally good ability that can be downright ridiculous when mastered (check youtube for some videos w/ phase retreat tricks). The iWarlock hits hard too.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Windwalker.7421


Although the old PU builds suffered a lot that doesn’t mean all PU builds are dead now.

Try a Staff & Scepter/Torch PU build like this:

While you won’t get back all of the survivability you’re used to, properly played the Staff provides a ton of defense from CA, CS, and the teleports. With IE in a Condie build, it also puts out FAR more damage then you’re used to from your old PUC build. (And also solid vs. 2-3 targets.)

I put the 6 in Illusions for MtD, but that’s very optional. The 2 in Inspiration is for Menders Purity, which I use with the Mantra despite only having 2 charges. That’s 4 condies removed, and recharging is done while stealthed or teleporting.

I only shatter in order to burst, and only when I can quickly put 3 clones back up. (I used MI for this, along with Sigil of Dom, and Decoy) You could change MtD to IP for utility and the occasional F2 shatter, or put them elsewhere, but I kinda like MtD every now and then to get a little more AoE damage in group fights, or put more Torment on a guy that I think is trying to run away.

It’s a very survivable build with better damage output then the old PUC build.

Edit: In fact, with the current Ranger problem, I would maybe even change to IP and Materful Reflection now. Also, I used Travelers runes for speed, Doom & Energy Sigils on weapons, and rabid amulet in sPvP. Even w/o that reflection I was eating especially Rangers, Thieves, and Warriors alive.

(edited by Windwalker.7421)

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

So I kept going with this build and I;m starting to win duels again, once you get the rotation down it really wrecks! While I still need to learn a bit how to deal with AI such as minion and clones with this build, I definitely feel like my mistakes are more user error and that my mesmer is back where he used to be if not better. In fact, he deals much more damage than my old PU build with sort of the same survivability so I really gotta thank you for showing me this build

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

So I kept going with this build and I;m starting to win duels again, once you get the rotation down it really wrecks! While I still need to learn a bit how to deal with AI such as minion and clones with this build, I definitely feel like my mistakes are more user error and that my mesmer is back where he used to be if not better. In fact, he deals much more damage than my old PU build with sort of the same survivability so I really gotta thank you for showing me this build

kitten ya man, stoked you are stoked! I also love this build. I wanted to get into it for a while, but never really did until recently. Unfortunately it scales terribly with number of people in the fight, so I tweaked mine to be a little more lockdown to add some control and utility (and fun cause MoD is the best). But ya it is a very very fun build for hot join, solo Q and roaming.

Really you should thank Pyro (aka Fay) for coming up with it (or at least posting the good guide I linked).

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


My preferences for builds are either fast shatter builds or those that include on-clone-death traits as I find these scale better for larger fights. Otherwise, your illusions get popped by random cleaves from some new guy that’s running around swinging his sword.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Have you tried a phantasm build yet? It’s better 1v1 than PU, but you need to be on the ball to win a 2v1 and 3v1 its gg. But honestly if you won a 2v1 as PU you were playing against semi clueless people, and you will also be able to 2v1 them as phantasm.

I’ve been running a CI phant build that is fun, you give up some dmg for some control, but somewhere Pyro posted a pure phantasm build that in my experience just trashes absolutely anyone 1v1 and is solid 1v2. Give it a try, once you get the hang of it nobody should take you out 1v1. An added bonus is that you wreck thieves almost the most out of any class you fight.

No I haven’t, do you havea build for it?

Here is link to thread

The post is old, the build still works. Tweak as needed of course, but you get the idea. Pyro spells it out too: Summon phantasms, run in circles, your target dies.

I’ve been trying this one today and like the playstyle, though the phantasms aren’t hitting as hard for some reason. Necros in particular are really walling them, especially minionmancers. Any tips?

Hmm not sure about the phants not hitting hard. Really you just use all your skills defensively except phantasm skills. BF is on a pretty short cd, you should be able to mitigate a ton of dmg. Not sure what to say It’s day 1 so keep at it I guess, I’m pretty sure this build does not have a real counter 1v1.

So after a few games I started getting a lot better and I really than kyou for showing me this build as it’s a lot of fun, I guess I have two problems I need advice on:

1: a good skill rotation

2: how to deal with particular builds that use AI (minionmancers, turrets, etc.)

My problem before was that I kept using my skills offensively and either destroying one of the phantasms or leaving myself open xD.

I’m not the authority on this build, but here’s my take on those:

1) I don’t know if there is really a rotation more than just maintaining phantasms and your HP. What I mean is get your phants out, and make sure you have 2 out at all times. There is no need to resummon them if you already have 2, and usually the third will get overwritten from your blocks, which is fine. So you may go through many fights where you phants skills are just sitting there after the first summon, which is totally fine.

For the rest of your skills, you basically cycle through them defensively along with dodges, so you space everything out, blocks, Blade Frenzy and dodges to get as close as you can to constantly mitigating their attacks. I don’t mean cycle through no matter what is happening, I mean cycle through as they cycle through their attacks. Your job is to mitigate their dmg while your phatns rip them apart.

2) This goes into 1). The name of the game is don’t die, so as you make sure your phants are up, you are just kiting/dodging/blocking/BF to avoid their dmg from their turrets/pets/whatever. Phants don’t need LoS, so back off that turret engi a bit, no need to get in his face. Sit back and let your phants wear him down. Not sure on specific advice re minion master. Just try to time your blocks/BF to eat big attacks. It’s tougher I suppose because your block can get eaten by a tiny pet attack and then you get nailed with a big one. But that’s it mostly.

Glad you like it! I can’t take credit for anything of course.

So I kept going with this build and I;m starting to win duels again, once you get the rotation down it really wrecks! While I still need to learn a bit how to deal with AI such as minion and clones with this build, I definitely feel like my mistakes are more user error and that my mesmer is back where he used to be if not better. In fact, he deals much more damage than my old PU build with sort of the same survivability so I really gotta thank you for showing me this build

kitten ya man, stoked you are stoked! I also love this build. I wanted to get into it for a while, but never really did until recently. Unfortunately it scales terribly with number of people in the fight, so I tweaked mine to be a little more lockdown to add some control and utility (and fun cause MoD is the best). But ya it is a very very fun build for hot join, solo Q and roaming.

Really you should thank Pyro (aka Fay) for coming up with it (or at least posting the good guide I linked).

I tried posting on that forum but it wouldn’t let me, what rune would you suggest? I noticed how fay said divinity rune is no longer viable, is that true?

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Honestly not too sure what optimal runes are at this point. I change mine up a lot. One thing to keep in mind is how phantasms inherit stats. They only inherit base stats, so like sigil of force doesn’t help phants, but might on you does. Somewhere all the info on their stats is posted, a little fuzzy on it. You’ll have to hunt around yourself for that on :P

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I’ve been playing around with runes, and I really haven’t found any one set that just stands out above the rest. I’ve worked with strength, melandru, divinity, air, eagle, and a couple others. Really, just play around and pick what you like best.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Honestly, I just went with Travelers in the end for the movespeed. It has some +all-stats as well as a little boon and cond duration as well. Doesn’t specialize, but I move faster and it fits everything at least somewhat.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Honestly, I just went with Travelers in the end for the movespeed. It has some +all-stats as well as a little boon and cond duration as well. Doesn’t specialize, but I move faster and it fits everything at least somewhat.

I often take compounding celerity as my 3rd trait in inspiration, so travelers become somewhat redundant.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Well, you put 6 into Inspiration … you’ve always been special … even when the game was first launched and you had people kill themselves by hitting you :-p

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Honestly, I just went with Travelers in the end for the movespeed. It has some +all-stats as well as a little boon and cond duration as well. Doesn’t specialize, but I move faster and it fits everything at least somewhat.

I often take compounding celerity as my 3rd trait in inspiration, so travelers become somewhat redundant.

So I don’t know if this is recommended or not, but I tried slightly tweaking the build for tpvp and it’s prettykittennto use there too. I changed for rune of the traeveler and switched celerity for the reduction on sceptor dcs and more condi damage to sceptor so the block has more punch on the torment and it’s pretty fun. You kinda sacrifice a little bit of power for more mobility

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


Mobility helps with positioning … positioning is critical

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Mobility helps with positioning … positioning is critical

I didn’t realize how important swiftness could be, but sacrificing only a little bit in each stat (-2 in all stats) I get increased duration for bleeding, permanent +25% movement speed, shorter cd on sceptor block and increased torment damage on sceptor block.

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Thanks Dr for bringing this to the forums cause I was feeling the same way.
Somehow I’m not surprised that it’s Pyros build. Thank you for indirectly helping, again.

What I like about the build,

-Great damage via phantasms
-it has solid defensive options available almost at all times (between stealth, 2 blocks)
-In fight mobility
-It’s versatile as I can switch up just a few utilities depending on what I am doing
-With centaurs+10 sec mantra I can roam around the map quite fast
-I don’t need stacks so there is no prep time needed, I just play.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Feelin down, my mes kinda sucks now

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Thanks Dr for bringing this to the forums cause I was feeling the same way.
Somehow I’m not surprised that it’s Pyros build. Thank you for indirectly helping, again.

What I like about the build,

-Great damage via phantasms
-it has solid defensive options available almost at all times (between stealth, 2 blocks)
-In fight mobility
-It’s versatile as I can switch up just a few utilities depending on what I am doing
-With centaurs+10 sec mantra I can roam around the map quite fast
-I don’t need stacks so there is no prep time needed, I just play.

Thank pyro, this build wrecks like no other I’ve tried, it’s just a blast to use. It’s almost like the inversion of my old build. While PU is tanky, does average damage and relies mostly on stealth, this build is sort of squishy, has impressive damage and relies on a variety of different escapes (blocks, stealth, etc.)