Fix Mesmer Hp....

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Mesmers really need a basic health modifier of 10k like Guards, Eles and Thieves.

There’s no reason for a class that has better kiting ability than a Ranger, more opportunities for Block and and Invulnerability than an Elementalist, and as much Stealth as thieves to have the 15.5k hp modifier. its ludicrous and its a huge reason they are such a pain in the kitten to kill. This extra hp just lets them survive that much longer to spam more of their surviving abilities.

I thought the reason we brought Guard hp down was because they too have insane ways to avoid damage? If anyone needs the 15k health its theives, being an Adventurer profession and also not having access to the extreme mitigation that mesmers, ele’s, and guards have.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Also do something about their 1h sword flurry that does 1/2 the damage of hundred blades while letting them be invulnerable to EVERYTHING for 2 seconds on such a low kitten cooldown.

Also nerf the healing on Mirror. 4k heal on 15 sec CD is ridiculous…warrior healing signet barely covers 3.2k on a 20 sec CD and it doesn’t reflect projectiles. Stop being inconsistent with numbers….

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rystlwulf.1476


Please nerf every class that I don’t play, so that I don’t have to learn how to play my class…

Maguuma Rystlwulf – 80 Ranger
Ryst Stryden – 80 Thief
Rystle – 80 Mesmer

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rystlwulf.1476


I guess it’s okay when Warriors spec and gear right:

Not calling for a nerf of warriors – just pointing out that any class played well and spec’d right is lethal and should be lethal.

Having said that, I bet this guy would call for a nerf if I killed him with my thief:)

Maguuma Rystlwulf – 80 Ranger
Ryst Stryden – 80 Thief
Rystle – 80 Mesmer

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Birdrock.1697


I’m bad and I should feel bad.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I was actually discussing this with one of my thief friends earlier, I myself had noticed it was odd we have so much defensive stuff and hitpoints yet i still pack enough spike damage to blast an ele or thief into downed in a single unblockable alpha strike.

What we concluded though is that nerfing mesmer’s hitpoints would basically render them completely unplayable in PvE, especially given mobs tendancy to ignore their clones

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I was actually discussing this with one of my thief friends earlier, I myself had noticed it was odd we have so much defensive stuff and hitpoints yet i still pack enough spike damage to blast an ele or thief into downed in a single unblockable alpha strike.

What we concluded though is that nerfing mesmer’s hitpoints would basically render them completely unplayable in PvE, especially given mobs tendancy to ignore their clones

Among other things, the alpha that a mesmer can pour onto someone has no relation to their hit points, due to blurred frenzy. Because the combo starts with 3 illusions already out, usually with izerker from 1200 range, then closing from there, finishing with the sword swap 3 into blurred frenzy + mind wrack, lowering hp actually has 0 effect on the abilities of this combo. The problem isn’t the survivability of the mesmer, it’s the damage from the combo itself.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Parthis.2091


Lower the HP and you make them even worse in PvE.

The thought occurs; play better. Complaining about Blurred Frenzy is weak; you can mitigate it. Complaining about immunity from Distortion is weak; it’s incredibly well sign-posted so save your own utility. The reality is this; lowering Mesmer health pool isn’t going to make you a better player.

Every single class in this game can be built to deal extremely high damage while maintaining some of their survival/utility. Rystlwulk has linked a video showing a warrior, one-shotting people at range. No risk, a small cast and dead. He’s in the highest health pool and wearing heavy armor. By your logic he should be nerfed too, right?

“If anyone needs the 15k health its theives, being an Adventurer profession and also not having access to the extreme mitigation that mesmers, ele’s, and guards have.”


Someone plays a thief.
Are you the guy at 5:19? –

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Someone plays a thief.
Are you the guy at 5:19? –

Looking at Op’s posting history he seems to be a warrior main

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hildebert.4196


If anyone needs the 15k health its theives, being an Adventurer profession and also not having access to the extreme mitigation that mesmers, ele’s, and guards have.

This has to be a troll post. EVERYTHING a thief does evades damage. They have more blinks and stealths than a mesmer could ever dream of and they don’t even need them with the insane amount of damage they pull off.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


The QQ is strong with this one.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


90% of this guy’s posts are whining about mesmers, including gems like this…

Can’t compete with kite heavy Mesmers who run around in circles infi-kiting warriors who even have traited immobilize breakers and several cripple breakers and stun breakers and can turn stealth if all other failsafes fall, or just turn you into a moa.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cromx.3941


yeah dudes like the OP are what ruin MMOs really. Already seen a few really terrible PVE nerfs on account of people just like him.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


This is almost too hilarious to be taken seriously…
Roll a Mesmer, get a feeling for the class, THEN come back here and tell us you want to see those ridiculous nerfs.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Parthis.2091


This is almost too hilarious to be taken seriously…
Roll a Mesmer, get a feeling for the class, THEN come back here and tell us you want to see those ridiculous nerfs.


Solid advice to anyone complaining about any class tbh. You can jump into sPvP, build a char using some of the common builds and see how well you fair. Guarantee most will fail.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Also do something about their 1h sword flurry that does 1/2 the damage of hundred blades while letting them be invulnerable to EVERYTHING for 2 seconds on such a low kitten cooldown.

Funny, as 100b is on an 8s (6.5s with trait) cooldown and deals twice the amount of damage compared to a Mesmer’s ‘Blurred Frenzy’ at 10s (8s with trait).

So to me it sounds more like the OP failed to kill a Mesmer because his I-WIN (100b) button was partially nullified by a sword-Mesmer.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Also keep in mind that just because a class killed you doesn’t make it Over Powered.
Now a thief doing 90% of your HP in a single hit (Anet confirmed this issue and is nerfing Backstab on the 15th), THAT is what we call Over Powered.

The key to fighting a Mesmer is to keep a calm mind. We’re not the masters mind friggery in attacks alone, we aim to ACTUALLY mess with your REAL mind. A clear mind means a dead Mesmer.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Welp…seems like this is simply another case of…

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rayya.2591


This is almost too hilarious to be taken seriously…
Roll a Mesmer, get a feeling for the class, THEN come back here and tell us you want to see those ridiculous nerfs.

i would , but all the skill bar is pink , purple makes me feel like an … )
but i agree with you, unless you play an class you won’t find his weak points, you won’t learn how to counter him easy
no.1 WvW kills

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Altosk.8492


Mesmers are a tricky bunch and we like to mind kitten people. So I suggest you read this and get to know us because we aren’t going anywhere.

WTB Color Blind Mode 100g+50e

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shinigami.5932


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

Aizen San

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.

Sword 3 cripples, but the enemy can still roll.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esorono.1039


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.

Sword 3 cripples, but the enemy can still roll.

Sword 3’s second chain, swap, immobilizes.

Playable Tengu please!

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.

Sword 3 cripples, but the enemy can still roll.

Sword 3’s second chain, swap, immobilizes.

If you’ve managed to get both parts of sword 3 chain on you, you deserve a face full of BF. Usually hard to lock down a decently competent enemy for the whole sequence, swap can’t be done instantly so you should be able to dodge.

OP sounds like he attacked a MH sword mesmer with 100b, the mesmer fired BF, and then instead of canceling the OP continued trying to use 100b despite knowing that the mesmer was invulnerable and got a fully deserved stack of damage from BF.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
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Administrator of

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/

I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.

If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.

Sword 3 cripples, but the enemy can still roll.

Sword 3’s second chain, swap, immobilizes.

If you’ve managed to get both parts of sword 3 chain on you, you deserve a face full of BF. Usually hard to lock down a decently competent enemy for the whole sequence, swap can’t be done instantly so you should be able to dodge.

OP sounds like he attacked a MH sword mesmer with 100b, the mesmer fired BF, and then instead of canceling the OP continued trying to use 100b despite knowing that the mesmer was invulnerable and got a fully deserved stack of damage from BF.

Actually, the proper combo is pistol 4 to start off with some nice ranged damage + bleeds, then pistol 5 for the stun. You run close to your target during the stun, and at close range, you can pretty much doubletap the 3 skill to get an instant immobilize, and then of course blurred frenzy with mind wrack. When executed properly, the swap has a very very high success rate.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


Actually, the proper combo is pistol 4 to start off with some nice ranged damage + bleeds, then pistol 5 for the stun. You run close to your target during the stun, and at close range, you can pretty much doubletap the 3 skill to get an instant immobilize, and then of course blurred frenzy with mind wrack. When executed properly, the swap has a very very high success rate.

I prefer to do the swap on sword3 before the pistol5 stun wears out, or sometimes even having the sword3 clone out before I fire the pistol5, just because that skill doesn’t work often when you try to rush it. Sometimes the clone won’t even leap to the target, it will just spawn in front of you and casually walk up to your target… in those cases, holding off on the pistol5 stun can make or break this combo.

But yes, standing right on top of your target, so that the clone doesn’t even have to move in the first place, is another work around… and since it doesn’t really matter how buggy the clone feels like being, it will pretty much always be a successful immobilize.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Mind you this is in PvE, but sometimes I enjoy Sword3 —> Mind Wrack —> Wait a second —> Swap.

It will put you where the clone died so you can move next to the target, or in some cases away.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


If you complain about immobility, get an immobilise breaker.
This isn’t a troll post either.

Every class has at least one skill to break CC, if you don’t have it on your bar and then complain about being CC’d then you really should look into getting a CC breaker.
The game has given you tools for every situation.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xocolatl.6890


Also do something about their 1h sword flurry that does 1/2 the damage of hundred blades while letting them be invulnerable to EVERYTHING for 2 seconds on such a low kitten cooldown.

Funny, as 100b is on an 8s (6.5s with trait) cooldown and deals twice the amount of damage compared to a Mesmer’s ‘Blurred Frenzy’ at 10s (8s with trait).

So to me it sounds more like the OP failed to kill a Mesmer because his I-WIN (100b) button was partially nullified by a sword-Mesmer.

I look forward to reflecting projectiles back at thieves one day.

I think we have pretty crappy armor and ramp up time, so I suppose it makes sense that Mesmers need a bit more HP. I used to play Engie, and dabbled a bit with a Warrior. I find those two classes to be infinitely better than my Mesmer in every regards (with exception of Engy being such an Aggro hog for some reason). But I chose to stick with Mesmer because they seem a lot rarer comparatively.

I have been rolling with Mantra build (currently have what amounts to 9 heals and condition removals). It is pretty fun to walk into the thick of battle and spam my spells. Of course having to spend 15 seconds recharging all of them is no fun..especially when the game bugs out and erase all of my charges for no reason.

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seren.6850


Steal 5k, cloak and Dagger 5k, back stab 10k and im dead before I know I’m being hit. It’s hard to get used to after playing a tank spec warrior

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Fix Mesmer Hp....

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Steal 5k, cloak and Dagger 5k, back stab 10k and im dead before I know I’m being hit. It’s hard to get used to after playing a tank spec warrior

To counter that you have to be really really fast, and really really good. In you have to hear the steal and cloak and dagger hit, and immediately blink/decoy away, then find the thief and gank him before he can finish the job. Irritatingly enough, necros have some sort of skill that sounds exactly like a thief starting that combo, and I’ve flipped out and burnt evasive cooldowns on necros because of it.