Free Change
My words exact…
[RaW] Sassari – Commander
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Leveled a Guardian for PvE tagging.
By Ogden’s hammer, what lootings!
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Necro isn’t that viable in wvw… It has no survivability, no mobility and you’ll need more peels than you do with a mesmer. Just saying :P
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Necro isn’t that viable in wvw… It has no survivability, no mobility and you’ll need more peels than you do with a mesmer. Just saying :P
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Necro isn’t that viable in wvw… It has no survivability, no mobility and you’ll need more peels than you do with a mesmer. Just saying :P
ahaha this again, was sooo hilarious
With mesmer, I feel more and more pigeon-holed into PU builds. I don’t find them fun. I enjoy shatter a lot more, mainly because I like the hard and fast hitting, kill or be killed style. And with my precious sword having every skill now officially “nerfed/fixed”, I am extremely disheartened. What is left?
I am, for the first time, truly considering a potential new main (I have all classes at 80, feel free to throw suggestions around!). I enjoy the different style of play as a guard. Ole’ reliable guard, always useful, no bugs, can bring a lot to the table with dps, bunker, control, anything! My trouble with mesmer was I never felt useful in wvw zergs and tpvp I felt like I was slamming up against an impenetrable wall (s/t & gs shatter). I want to be useful, guys!
I really regret making a second mesmer in anticipation of the balance patch and a shiny new meta that never was. I doubly so regret making my bolt.
I pulled out my warrior today and made an ascended hammer for him. I took that character to WvW and my very first encounter with another warrior was painful for that guy, probably because I’m used to dodging hammer warriors and that guy obviously had no clue.
This might be a good option for now. I still miss my focus 4 wall pull though…. ><
(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Necro isn’t that viable in wvw… It has no survivability, no mobility and you’ll need more peels than you do with a mesmer. Just saying :P
Haha what.
GWEN. x, x, x, Necromancer. You have massive amounts of aoe damage, massive amounts of aoe boon strip/corrupt, a very large health pool supplemented by death shroud that’s constantly being regenerated in a big fight. You’ll have permaswiftness in a group, and that’s all the mobility you need. Necro is part of the meta. Mesmer isn’t except for veil.
yeah already leveled a necro to 80. at least i can be viable in wvw and not be a veilbot with tons of ai bugs.
Necro isn’t that viable in wvw… It has no survivability, no mobility and you’ll need more peels than you do with a mesmer. Just saying :P
Haha what.
GWEN. x, x, x, Necromancer. You have massive amounts of aoe damage, massive amounts of aoe boon strip/corrupt, a very large health pool supplemented by death shroud that’s constantly being regenerated in a big fight. You’ll have permaswiftness in a group, and that’s all the mobility you need. Necro is part of the meta. Mesmer isn’t except for veil.
Yes but you need peels, and even more than a mesmer as you have no stun breaks which is why necros are the priority target in a group fight or zerg fight. Necro doesn’t exist in the meta in pvp (1 necro out of all NA teams) , and it barely exists in gvg formats and ONLY because power wells are op as kitten against melee trains, the problem is , you have no survivability so yes, that’s why necro only ever works in a format where you have a huge amount of classes supporting it but your argument is silly because it’s literally the exact same thing for mesmers except mesmer can peel for themselves for the most part because the only thing mesmer needs is condi pulls to keep him alive or peels from a thief in the gank group (it’s called distracting to burst , distract with a mesmer, bait and then burst the opposing team’s gank) hence why necros would need alot more peels than a mesmer does. Besides, this has always been known and is why necros and mesmers are in the same group in that they both do 2 very specific and unique things for a guild group / gvg. Is there a problem with that? Want to know what doesn’t exist in this ‘meta’ you’re referring to? Rangers or engineers.
Right now the gvg meta consists of this: Warrior , Guardian melee trains guardians blob while warriors semi-blob and peel for necros/staff eles and ganks if necessary, Staff ele area damage and denial , Necro melee train busting and heavy well bombing, Mesmer and thief in the gank groups. If you should be mad about any representation, it’s why is the gvg group consisting of 80% warriors and guardians? As far as it looks in a standard gvg meta, mesmers/staff eles/necros/thieves are all in the same boat.
Right now wvw roaming meta consists of: Thieves, Mesmers both taking the cake on this one as they make the best roamers, Engineers, Elementalist and then maybe Warriors/Ranger in that order. Necros dont exist roaming because the things mentioned above.
In short, you have absolutely no idea what you’re even talking about.
Heh, ok.
In GvG, you’ll usually see mesmers in the gank squads. This is due to a very simple reason. Mesmers are completely useless in any role except the gank squads, and they have to have mesmers because they want veil. Therefor, they take a mesmer or two for veil, and toss them into the gank squad where they might have a use.
Unfortunately, mesmer isn’t particularly good at ganking in a GvG. The issue is that even working with pick targets, there’s a lot of aoe thrown around. This means that the standard mesmer burst of shatter doesn’t work so well, the clones die too fast. Additionally, the mesmer burst setup of ileap/swap no longer works at all, due to the clone dying.
Contrast this to necromancers and elementalists. You don’t need many of them, but their utility is vital and they perform it incredibly well. High aoe damage, water fields, cleansing, those classes provide massive utility and damage. Mesmer provides veil.
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
I don’t think you understand.
You bring necros and elementalists because they output high damage, boon corruption, great cc, water fields, cleansing, regeneration.
You bring mesmers because they can press a single button to activate veil, and then hope they aren’t completely useless in a pick team.
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
I don’t think you understand.
You bring necros and elementalists because they output high damage, boon corruption, great cc, water fields, cleansing, regeneration.
You bring mesmers because they can press a single button to activate veil, and then hope they aren’t completely useless in a pick team.
Ok, that reply you just made verifies you have never played in a GvG. There’s no point continuing this conversation. Good day!
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
Wow really? This is the kind of attitude that make people hate the forums. Well in your other posts you seem to praise the top guilds in GvG like [Agg] and [NS] (your words). Maybe it would be interesting to have a look at this thread:
In short (20v20): 6 guardians, 4 warriors, 1 d/d elementalist, 4 necromancers, 3 staff elementalists, 1 thief and 1 mesmer.
What you dont seem to understand is that necromancers together with staff eles provide a very vital part of the GvG, AoE damage. But since you most likely know a lot more about GvG than I do (because lol I have never gvg’d before) I will ask you this question:
If thiefs also had veil, what would you pick for the focus team (gank squad as it seems to be called in NA)? I know what I would pick.
Oh and by the way: “There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down”. /blitzkrieg.2451
I tend to disagree…
“Lol I have never GvG’d before”
Far Shiverpeaks
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
I don’t think you understand.
You bring necros and elementalists because they output high damage, boon corruption, great cc, water fields, cleansing, regeneration.
You bring mesmers because they can press a single button to activate veil, and then hope they aren’t completely useless in a pick team.
Ok, that reply you just made verifies you have never played in a GvG. There’s no point continuing this conversation. Good day!
I GvG regularly, and while I understand what you’re saying, I disagree with your point of view being the be all and end all of the discussion.
The thing about a necro, or even an ele compared to a mes is that if they’re being focused by the pick team, they can withdraw back into their melee and hide/disengage. The Mesmer and Thief can’t follow (or can’t for more than a second). Mesmers on the other hand can’t withdraw into their melee, because the incoming enemy melee will wreck them. If your “top guilds” are having problems running necros within the very viable way that they can be, they need to review who’s been playing them.
As for Engie. Great thing about an engie is he can run great on the pick team and can also jump/drop into the melee for additional clutch support when needed. But again, hey, if your “top gvg” teams don’t know all the tricks possible within a composition that’s understandable. I mean, I at least can acknowledge everybody doesn’t know it all. Though you talk like you seem to…. guess you must be right.
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
Wow really? This is the kind of attitude that make people hate the forums. Well in your other posts you seem to praise the top guilds in GvG like [Agg] and [NS] (your words). Maybe it would be interesting to have a look at this thread:
In short (20v20): 6 guardians, 4 warriors, 1 d/d elementalist, 4 necromancers, 3 staff elementalists, 1 thief and 1 mesmer.
What you dont seem to understand is that necromancers together with staff eles provide a very vital part of the GvG, AoE damage. But since you most likely know a lot more about GvG than I do (because lol I have never gvg’d before) I will ask you this question:
If thiefs also had veil, what would you pick for the focus team (gank squad as it seems to be called in NA)? I know what I would pick.
Oh and by the way: “There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down”. /blitzkrieg.2451
I tend to disagree…
They ran 2 mes against TA (eu team aggression), 2 mes against NS just the other day in the same day. You can see it on Chemsorly’s stream but yes their typical setup may be that. Still doesn’t change the fact that mesmers provide a unique role and they did provide a unique role far more than just being veilbots in the gvg’s against TA and NS. They did quite a bit actually.
I’m sorry but are we really derailing this thread by using GvG..
“GvG” is not currently a regulated or support form of PvP. It’s player run preformed in the only “PvP” environment that allows for Boosters/Food/etc to also come into play in this game.
GvG is not a measuring stick for any profession, attempting to use it as such is laughable at the least.
To get back on topic, Anet i believe has stated they will not allows Profession changes along with Race changes. It conflicts too greatly with the beginning of your personal Story (text that some how cannot be changed).
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
I agree, GvG should not be part of the discussion. Not that it wouldn’t be interesting to be balance it, but we have 5 supported formats of gameplay, and I’d really like the devs to work on more than 2 (sPvP, tPvP) of them for a change. Before they look at other player-created formats.
Classes in WvW are like cutlery on a table.
GWEN are spoons, forks and knifes. You eat food with those.
Mesmer is a can opener. You occasionally need one to open that tin of beans your chef forgot to open for you, but actually eating beans with it is slow and painful.
With mesmer, I feel more and more pigeon-holed into PU builds. I don’t find them fun. I enjoy shatter a lot more, mainly because I like the hard and fast hitting, kill or be killed style. And with my precious sword having every skill now officially “nerfed/fixed”, I am extremely disheartened. What is left?
I am, for the first time, truly considering a potential new main (I have all classes at 80, feel free to throw suggestions around!). I enjoy the different style of play as a guard. Ole’ reliable guard, always useful, no bugs, can bring a lot to the table with dps, bunker, control, anything! My trouble with mesmer was I never felt useful in wvw zergs and tpvp I felt like I was slamming up against an impenetrable wall (s/t & gs shatter). I want to be useful, guys!
I really regret making a second mesmer in anticipation of the balance patch and a shiny new meta that never was. I doubly so regret making my bolt.
You still can play shatter! Look at my signature. It’s what I’ve been using for a while in PvP, dropped it for sword + x in WvW but I guess that I’ll be returning to it.
There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down. You need the frontline more than necros. But yea, mesmer and necro thief and staff ele serve a unique purpose while warriors/guardian have a general purpose that’s unique to what they can do, if mesmers didn’t do anything other than being in gank then you would have just thieves, which doesn’t exist because it doesn’t work. They’re not being tagged along for nothing and they’re not included in the gvg format because people feel sorry for them, they provide a role and a unique purpose to the gvg.
Your argument is that mesmer doesn’t belong in the frontline/train, of course it doesn’t , it would die, it’s the exact same with thief and staff ele and it’s not because it doesn’t provide anything, its that it literally can’t survive in those train pushes. Staff ele doesn’t even run in the train and necro BARELY runs in the train.
Lol, have you ever gvg’d before?
Wow really? This is the kind of attitude that make people hate the forums. Well in your other posts you seem to praise the top guilds in GvG like [Agg] and [NS] (your words). Maybe it would be interesting to have a look at this thread:
In short (20v20): 6 guardians, 4 warriors, 1 d/d elementalist, 4 necromancers, 3 staff elementalists, 1 thief and 1 mesmer.
What you dont seem to understand is that necromancers together with staff eles provide a very vital part of the GvG, AoE damage. But since you most likely know a lot more about GvG than I do (because lol I have never gvg’d before) I will ask you this question:
If thiefs also had veil, what would you pick for the focus team (gank squad as it seems to be called in NA)? I know what I would pick.
Oh and by the way: “There’s the same amount of necros in a gvg as mesmers by the way, just 2 necros in a train and 2 mesmers in gank in standard top guilds. Any more necros and you’re muddying it down”. /blitzkrieg.2451
I tend to disagree…
They ran 2 mes against TA (eu team aggression), 2 mes against NS just the other day in the same day. You can see it on Chemsorly’s stream but yes their typical setup may be that. Still doesn’t change the fact that mesmers provide a unique role and they did provide a unique role far more than just being veilbots in the gvg’s against TA and NS. They did quite a bit actually.
You seem to have ignored the question about thiefs in the “gank squad”, but since people don’t want this thread to be about GvG setups, let’s just leave it at that.
I main mesmer, in GvG’s, and it will get a lot harder to focus the burst of the focus team now that the immobilize from sword is dependant on the clone surviving. It was not like you could dodge it or anything, oh wait…
“Lol I have never GvG’d before”
Far Shiverpeaks
(edited by Chrhal.4983)