So since November when I started playing Mesmer I am seeing more and more bugs that get introduced to the class that never seem to get addressed…. These are bugs that hurt the Mesmer in some way and never seem to be high on the priority list. Some of the bugs give us absolutely no use for a weapon anymore… Some are just making things not working as intended and are annoyances.
1. Phantasmal Berserker-I cannot begin to describe how infuriating this is for most mesmers that relied on greatsword to catch thieves/eles/rangers…. hell even necros can reliably out run a Mesmer…. ANETS inability to fix this issue has been game breaking since Feb 26th and we have only received a total of 3 dev responses in that time… Great customer support right? Well the thief hidden killer trait was hotfixed w/in 2 days of a patch as well as engi and necro in this most recent patch… Is our coding that much more complicated? Something needs to happen to make our power weapon do damage… Currently the iWarlock does more damage on a target that has no conditions… I have even seen iMage hit for more damage than phantasmal berserker lately.
Update: I used this skill on a Mob in COF… It spawned and DID NOTHING… Stood there… stared at the mob then died
2. Bouncing Attack Bounce Logic- This most recent patch introduced a bug with bouncing attacks where the character closest to our intended target received the bounce that used to go right to us.. This means that the GS can give clones 12 stacks of might which pretty much puts the nail in the coffin for that weapon… It won’t even go to a friendly player if they are closer or an enemy… This is detremintal because the GS does more damage the further we are… So in order for us to receive the might we have to be closer than our #2 Clone which spawns in melee range and then cut our AA damage to 1/3 or we have to facepalm while our clone gets an absolutely useless 12 stacks of might… Bounce priority needs to be Enemy>Casting Player (ME)>Friendly Player>Enemy… Clones should only get it if absolutely nothing else is in range. I used to be able to stand behind 3 staff clones at 600 range and receive all their winds of chaos bounces… Now they get all mine with or without iElasticity. when we said we illusionary elasticity to work with illusions that isn’t what we meant
3. Useless traits-Any traits that have anything to do with interrupts are absolute garbage. Builds revolving around interrupts don’t bring anything to a team. Apparently interrupt builds were worth something for mesmers in the BWE’s but they were nerfed… The several traits revolving around interrupts (I can think of 5-6) are now just kinda useless. Are we ever going to get something in place of these traits to make compete with the ones we HAVE to take because of lack of better options?
4. iMage Bounce Logic-Currently its enemy>ally>ally… Why? It should be enemy>ally>enemy… This would make the torch more useful and maybe make the iMage worth its obscenely long cooldown when compared to a traited iWarlock (12s for an average of 4-5K depending on conditions)or any other phantasm for that matter.
5. Obstructed- Because people griped and moaned about us spawning phantasms on walls when we still had LOS ANET nerfed summoning phantasms. Now even if the enemy is standing on a ledge like an engi lobbing grenades and Mesmer casts iWarden over half the time they will get the obstructed message… even if they clearly have LOS… Even a pebble or slight change in terrain gives us that a lot.
6. Scepter-This whole weapon needs looked at… If you want it to be condition damage ANET then put confusion back in the auto attack chain…if you want it to be a power weapon then scrap skill 3 all together and put something else there while increasing AA speed.
(edited by jportell.2197)