Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


To begin with Glass Cannon Shatter build. I don’t remember who exactly said this, but apparently you can hit for 4k with Spacial Surge(Greatsword #1) on a crit on squishy targets.

How? Full berserker at the exception of the weapon and gloves, I barely reach 2k a crit. This makes me feel awkward when I do dungeons with my guild, as I hit a lot slower than them and do less damage than everyone.

As for Condition Damage builds. I’ve been starting to use one recently, question of trying other styles. I’m still new to this build, so I’m not really sure most of the time of what I’m doing.

First of all, my build(Full Carrion). I had scepter trait, but decided to take iPersona instead because it is a lot more valuable and I wouldn’t switch to scepter often anyway.
(runes will be changed later, new a few mokittenuns)
That filtered word sounds like “more kitten nuns”… more. TA. runs.

For PvE, I use both Phase Retreat and iWarlock, then Phase Retreat again. When both are ready, I shatter them and repeat(I’m not always near the mobs). Is this better than having 3 clones up constantly?

For PvP, I don’t have any question atm. I’m still new to WvW, so I’m more confused about where I should be and etc, so I think I’m overall fine here for now.

Little question about The Prestige though. It doesn’t seem to grant me stealth half of the time. I see my character doing the gesture it usually does when in The Prestige, except I’m not stealthed(No buff icon) and my character isn’t invisible.

I’ve had a little idea about this, but I’m not sure. If I use a shatter, then go into Prestige and that my clones shatters while I’m in The Prestige, would this cause a cancelation of the stealth?

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

(edited by Qelris.6901)

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grave.4523


The only build I’ve ever seen do 4k spatials (without some serious might stacks and vuln on target) are mantra builds, as a true shatter build will have you too deep in illusions to get enough of dueling or domination, which both lead to bigger crits. Also keep in mind that spatial surges 3 hits roll seperately for crits, so a crit crit hit is not a full crit which is where the 4ks people talk about are coming from. Basically for bigger crits stack zerker to high hell and don’t skimp on the weapon (it’s 9 % crit damage!).

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: kuroi.5467


i can answer the “should i shatter?” question.

the answer is “it depends.” in general, you are either traited for shatter or you are traited for clone stability. i can’t see your build (says bad link) but if you are traited for condition damage you probably want to also trait for clone stability (and precision, btws) because the most reliable damaging condition i could coax out of the mesmer (except maybe winds of chaos) is the bleeding illusions critical trait. between those and your staff you’d probably have a fair number of conds on the enemy and would be doing more damage via iWarlock and their bleeds than shattering them, and that shatter could also be a crucial interrupt for your team, or invulnerability for yourself.

that said, it’s usually better to shatter away on trash mobs, esp if you have really reliable clone generation (clone on dodge + crit vigor, etc, but again i can’t see your build so sorry if this kitten you’re already doing). but in general, the answer to your question is it depends, on your build and situation.

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Right, but still, 16% from mantra and like 11% more crit dmg seems too low for such a jump in damages..(2k to 4k)

Updated the link with a tinyurl.

I’ve been ignoring crit, because I’d need to sacrifice both power and vitality to get precision on gears, in addition to 15 trait points.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

(edited by Qelris.6901)

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


Right, but still, 16% from mantra and like 11% more crit dmg seems too low for such a jump in damages..(2k to 4k)

Updated the link with a tinyurl.

I’ve been ignoring crit, because I’d need to sacrifice both power and vitality to get precision on gears, in addition to 15 trait points.

4k on spatial surge happens in wvw against upscaled or under geared opponents. and thats pretty much the only time it’ll happen. but it does happen often, even if you’re not running a mantra build.

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: alanis.6094


anyone that you hit for 4k would die rather easily no matter what build/weapon you’d use. it is not something to really worry about.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phira.3970


Were worried about 4k dmg? What about 17k dmg shatter builds (22k if synced with 1hsword)? 10k+ thief backstab or warrior axe f1?

Glass Cannon, Cond Dmg build and Prestige question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Were worried about 4k dmg? What about 17k dmg shatter builds (22k if synced with 1hsword)? 10k+ thief backstab or warrior axe f1?

I’m not worried? I was just curious?

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.