Good build for Mesmer PvE Dungeon?
People do this on purpose, don’t they. Read one of the many dungeon threads that already exist.
This is getting out of hand…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
el oh el
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Maybe if people could give a straight answer, people wouldn’t keep asking.
The short answer is that Sw/Sw and Sw/P or Sw/F is optimal, but GS + Sw/F is a common pug build since it’s arguably easier to play, albeit considerably weaker in terms of what you can contribute.
I’m considering making a Phantasm build with GS + Sword/Focus, is this build the most efficient in Dungeon?
Greatsword is bad, don’t get in the habit of using it.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
People do this on purpose, don’t they. Read one of the many dungeon threads that already exist.
This is getting out of hand…
What are you talking about? I like it when people ask questions, and everyone takes some time to answer.
It creates this friendly atmosphere, you know, the one that colesy ruined. Hes turning a once beautiful place into a horrible community full of rage that accuses others for being useless because theyre too narrow minded to respect others with a different oppinion. Hes a TROLL
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
scepter/pistol and sword/sword.. keep gs as spare weapon…
trait 0/20/0/25/25
use full zerker set..
eat food for toughness….
Archeage = Farmville with PK
People do this on purpose, don’t they. Read one of the many dungeon threads that already exist.
This is getting out of hand…
What are you talking about? I like it when people ask questions, and everyone takes some time to answer.
It creates this friendly atmosphere, you know, the one that colesy ruined. Hes turning a once beautiful place into a horrible community full of rage that accuses others for being useless because theyre too narrow minded to respect others with a different oppinion. Hes a TROLL
He is just angry because I always call him cosley. Angry cosley is angry.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
People do this on purpose, don’t they. Read one of the many dungeon threads that already exist.
This is getting out of hand…
What are you talking about? I like it when people ask questions, and everyone takes some time to answer.
It creates this friendly atmosphere, you know, the one that colesy ruined. Hes turning a once beautiful place into a horrible community full of rage that accuses others for being useless because theyre too narrow minded to respect others with a different oppinion. Hes a TROLL
I think there’s a difference between not going along with the “hey bro check out my cleric mesmer scepter shatter heal build” “yeah bro that build is totally awesome you’ll pwn dungeon with it” “high five” stuff that was happening here before, and actively trolling.
Settling into the “GS is great and I never die so I must be useful” routine is nice for a while but it’s about time to move on. All the guardians in their AH soldier setups thought they were being amazing supports and “anchors” for the longest time until people started pointing out they weren’t. There was a big kittenstorm over it for a while but now no one runs AH anymore and life is a lot better for everyone.
Settling into the “GS is great and I never die so I must be useful” routine is nice for a while but it’s about time to move on. All the guardians in their AH soldier setups thought they were being amazing supports and “anchors” for the longest time until people started pointing out they weren’t. There was a big kittenstorm over it for a while but now no one runs AH anymore and life is a lot better for everyone.
So hang on anchors actually aren’t helpful anymore? O_o our guard has been running a cleric build for quite some time now, and it seems helpful, but if what your saying is true what should he be running? I always thought 4 zerkers and an anchor was the way to go?
scepter/pistol and sword/sword.. keep gs as spare weapon…
trait 0/20/0/25/25
use full zerker set..
eat food for toughness….
sword/sword + sword/focus (keep pistol & greatsword on-hand if you really need to go ranged.)
trait: 0/20/0/25/25 for dungeons and 10/30/0/30/0 or 0/30/0/30/10 for Arah.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
I think there is a difference between the best build for a (1) beginner mesmer or a mesmer who does not know the dungeon very well and (2) an experienced mesmer who knows the dungeon well. For the first type of mesmer I would recommend a tankier build, with some more vitality and healing power. I think greatsword and sword focus with 20/20/0/30/0 is a great build to gain experience with the class and with a dungeon. It allows you to melee with sword and go range with greatsword when things get too heated. When you get more experienced with the dungeon, full berserker and sword/sword and sword/pistol is probably be the best build that can do the most damage. So that is something to work towards.
I would also generally recommend to experiment with different builds and weapons in dungeons you know well, to really get to know the class. So also try out a shatter build and a mantra build, try a staff, a scepter, even try a torch.
Settling into the “GS is great and I never die so I must be useful” routine is nice for a while but it’s about time to move on. All the guardians in their AH soldier setups thought they were being amazing supports and “anchors” for the longest time until people started pointing out they weren’t. There was a big kittenstorm over it for a while but now no one runs AH anymore and life is a lot better for everyone.
So hang on anchors actually aren’t helpful anymore? O_o our guard has been running a cleric build for quite some time now, and it seems helpful, but if what your saying is true what should he be running? I always thought 4 zerkers and an anchor was the way to go?
It’s just 5 zerkers lol. The whole anchor thing as a whole was pretty much determined to be bogus and completely ineffective. For guardians you run DPS spec and make use of your natural support abilities, i.e. blinds, aegis, reflects, and so on.
People do this on purpose, don’t they. Read one of the many dungeon threads that already exist.
This is getting out of hand…
What are you talking about? I like it when people ask questions, and everyone takes some time to answer.
It creates this friendly atmosphere, you know, the one that colesy ruined. Hes turning a once beautiful place into a horrible community full of rage that accuses others for being useless because theyre too narrow minded to respect others with a different oppinion. Hes a TROLL
I think there’s a difference between not going along with the “hey bro check out my cleric mesmer scepter shatter heal build” “yeah bro that build is totally awesome you’ll pwn dungeon with it” “high five” stuff that was happening here before, and actively trolling.
Settling into the “GS is great and I never die so I must be useful” routine is nice for a while but it’s about time to move on. All the guardians in their AH soldier setups thought they were being amazing supports and “anchors” for the longest time until people started pointing out they weren’t. There was a big kittenstorm over it for a while but now no one runs AH anymore and life is a lot better for everyone.
That was most definitely NOT going on here before you speedrunners came here.
We have enough other experienced Mesmers to help newer ones, in a respectfull manner. Those Mesmers know very well that cleric scepter shatter heal builds dont work out.
It was fine before you came here to shove speedrun oppinions down peoples’ throat, get your facts straight.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Since this has been poping a lot, i’ll just post the reply I gave in another thread:
i’ve read a lot of this type of discussions and i’ve always stopped me from answering one of these threads, people tend to flame too much and seems like they just can only extremes of the argument.
on-topic: if we just look to numbers there is no arguing in saying that s/s+s/f it’s a lot better than GS in terms of DPS, even comparing GS with scepter it’s not very straightforward saying which one is best, but i do agree that scepter now does an interesting damage.
that said we have to keep in mind that playing guild wars 2 it’s just not about numbers, in real in-game situations you’ll find lot’s of situations where GS is going to be extremely usefull. Let it be that running s/s+s/f will 90% of times be the most dps option but that doesn’t mean that will be better option for your group. 90% of the times you won’t have perfect teams and even when you do have them it’s not 100% guaranteed that a fail won’t occur, having a ranged weapon to switch too and be able to survive or even save your team is better than giving a few more dps.
I’ve playing as a mesmer since the BWE, i’m won’t say i’m one of the best out there, but i definitely know how to play my class and i have no trouble running a always melee build, i’m good at it, i know the fights and i survive without much trouble. However i’ve also saved my team a bunch of times for being able to change to range and kiting enough to kill a mob and make them rally, use the skill 5 and rezzing them, etc etcthat said my advice is simple, use s/s or s/f 90% of the times, get used to it, learn to fight at melee range and essentially learn to survive. Personally i prefer s/f over s/s just because i have an extra reflect and i’m able to pull mobs as I wish (aka grouping them so you can just melee the kitten out of it). However keep your GS for a quick switch if needed, yes you’ll loose one phantasm and you’re going to be take longer to pop 3 phantasms (you can always start the fight with the phantasm of the GS, but as already stated a few times on this thread it’s just not as good as the off-hand sword or focus) but despite loosing a small amount of dps you’ll have a good option in case things go bad and if you’re good it’s not that difference that will make your group run slower
TLDR: s/s+s/f is the better option in terms of damage number, in real situations s/+gs will have more benefict
Seafarer’s Rest
main: Arc B – asuran mesmer
The dejavù is strong is this thread.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
Personally run either 20/20/0/20/10 ( ) or 10/10/0/25/25 ( ) with Sw/P + Sw/F.
I occasionally swap out the Sw/P for a Staff ( if I really need the ranged damage ) but yeah.
The GS isn’t a BAD weapon, but it also isn’t particularly good. It’s damage is great if you’re at max range, and it’s phantasm does pack a punch, but to do its max damage it generally requires you to be out of range of your groups Might/Fury etc. A good alternative is a Scepter ( resulting in Sw/F + Sc/P ), but be careful with its auto attacks, if you aren’t planning on shattering, the clones it produces through its auto-attack chain can kill your phantasms. Safest bet for ranged is deffo staff. The auto attack buffs allies/debuffs enemies, the iWarlock hits pretty kitten hard if you time it right and the Chaos Storm is a fantastic defensive/offensive utility, just gotta know when to use it and what for.
Both are Phantasm/Glamour focused, first one gives you a bit more damage for yourself, second one gives your phantasms a boost. Utilities are generally 2 glamours and a breakstun. I use Blink as my breakstun out of personal preference ( it doesn’t create a clone that might inadvertently murder a phantasm ), and Null Field sometimes gets swapped out for Portal if the group needs/wants to skip something.
Edited due to an apostrophe overload.
(edited by xSarin.2498)