Gravity well 3rd Beta review
For me 3xpull is the best version, but many players prefer the visual effect of float.
The functionality is not that big of a difference anyway. So I am fine with the current version.
It was never the problem what cc occured. Rather that the gravity well easily can be dodged due the obvious casting animation and that a 240 radius field is way too small for a zoning skill like timewarp. For a same cd skill MI still looks better competitive wise. So much about PvP and WvW.
About PvE, it’s simple: Timewarp > all. Especially with the new defiance bar that sadly some random mobs have aswell, gravity well becomes widely useless and it’s damage isn’t really awesome aswell. The damage never catches up with 10 sec quickness, especially not with a party.
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I find it to be little to no difference when it comes to functionality. It’s 3 x CC in either case, which ends on a Pull. In what possible way was it more useful with 3 x Pull? I does pretty much the same exact thing, only through different animations.
Well, ok, if we’re going to be overly analytical about it, the Engineer Trait, Stabilized Armor, sort of “benefits” from it having a Knockdown in there, which shouldn’t be triggered on a Pull (if I recall correctly), but then again, it should also “help” Warriors in your midst, should they run with Merciless Hammer. It’s basically negligible things to take into account though, if you ask me.
I much prefer the Float being a part of it, making it look all that more like a gravity oriented Well. I admit that I do wish it could be Pull > Float > Knockdown though, but R.Gee explained it was done in the order it was done, due to it looking better when considering animations. I guess it’s good that it ends on a Pull too, even though it has little to no effect if the player wishes to dodge out of it, and you haven’t taken measures to prevent that (e.g, Immobilize/Stun). If you want to (increase the odds that you can) secure the final damage burst, add another CC with Utility-/Weapon Skills and use it at the end of the cycle. Also, the damage is not terrible for burst, but I agree that it won’t compare to Quickness in terms of damage output. It will have some play with the All’s Well that Ends Well Trait though, so it may be useful to bring it for that purpose in PvE, and rather rely on faster recharges over time than Quickness, which we can also do with Well of Action for that matter. Additionally, as a lockdown oriented player, I appreciate that it brings more CC to my tool set, as this is yet another option for interrupts and “frustration”, which can be a powerful condition on its own, even if it’s not something specified in-game, heh.
PS: I loathe the design around the Breakbar and Defiance. I really wish ArenaNet would take a step back and consider how it renders a part of the way we play, practically useless. Yes, we are encouraged to bring crowd control now, great, but we can’t trigger our traits (or Runes, of which only Perplexity exists right now — more please, Anet).. which is a huge oversight. I do understand we can’t be allowed to just interrupt everything, that would render encounters trivial. But there could be certain (unique) attacks that is always possible to interrupt, incorporated into every foe of the game, on a reasonable recurring frequency, or a short window of time where you can get a few interrupts in, after say removing the Breakbar or through other means. It’s not impossible to resolve this annoyance and make it at least a bit more entertaining to consider bringing a interrupt-oriented player along, who actually gains and distributes effects on interrupting the foe/boss.
Seafarer’s Rest
Functionally 3 pulls does give you a small advantage against opponents who’s currently available stun break has no movement in it, since it is harder for them to move out of gravity well right after when they’re pulled to the centre.
Functionally 3 pulls does give you a small advantage against opponents who’s currently available stun break has no movement in it, since it is harder for them to move out of gravity well right after when they’re pulled to the centre.
A dodge pretty much takes you straight out of it, even at its center. I don’t see how it is functionally easier per say. Where you position the Well is somewhat down to player skill, you can put them (nearly) dead center on your own, not relying on a Pull. E.g., you can Immobilize prior to using it, Stun, etc.—I already do that with Chaos Storm, why not with a Well?
Seafarer’s Rest
But dodge isn’t always available
I’m merely pointing a possible scenario where 3 pulls are better, not really going into player skills lol.
Is there any particular reason for the CC order? I personally would have had it as a pull>float>knockdown.
3x Pull give you a lot of advantages; Your other skill can be focused on 1 spot, your group mate can also better target all foes at once.
In the 2nd Beta version people who were pulled in the center, had more problem to leave the gravity well.
It is noticeable that in the 3rd version they could really easily walk out or dodge out of the well.
This is why, some of us (if other players consider CC as CC whatever it is) really would want the 3xpull.
Are you not looking for efficiency? and as said before it fits more the description of gravity well.