Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorrow.6243



Does anyone have any good GS/S+P builds? for both PVP and PVE? I’ve not found many good detailed posts about this sort of setup, but I am not too into the staff, it’s okay, but I like the range damage that GS has, and I like the swipe action and cc for multiple targets that SP has. I would enjoy a shatter build but doesn’t have to be one.

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LegatusLeaf.5934



I went with the The Lazy Kai Build build but I often go with Mirror Image rather than Blink.

Edit: But like swapping around my weapons, I love to change up my utilities. Swapping in Null Field for fighting the Dredge and other things with lots of buffs or Arcane Thievery and Signet of Inspiration when they will buff themselves so well that I want to take those and share it with the group), portal is helpful for some dungeons. . .but decoy is something I always like to have in my utility bar.

(edited by LegatusLeaf.5934)

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LegatusLeaf.5934


Either a standard Shatter Build or a condition build are workable with a GS/S+P. The Condition builds for Mesmer often relay on the Sharper Images minor trait from the Dueling line, and due to the number of shots the Pistol Phantasm takes, it is a great for single targets.

There is a sticky at the top of this sub-forum and it has at least two GS/S+P which you could start from.

However, you should be aware that restricting yourself to only ever using one weapon pairing/setup is going to hurt you as a Mesmer. You will want to keep some of the other weapons to swap out between fights where you know their individual powers will be more useful. The Mesmer has a lot of great powers, but many of them are situational.

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorrow.6243


Either a standard Shatter Build or a condition build are workable with a GS/S+P. The Condition builds for Mesmer often relay on the Sharper Images minor trait from the Dueling line, and due to the number of shots the Pistol Phantasm takes, it is a great for single targets.

There is a sticky at the top of this sub-forum and it has at least two GS/S+P which you could start from.

However, you should be aware that restricting yourself to only ever using one weapon pairing/setup is going to hurt you as a Mesmer. You will want to keep some of the other weapons to swap out between fights where you know their individual powers will be more useful. The Mesmer has a lot of great powers, but many of them are situational.

I normally do carry a gs/staff/sword/focus/pistol with me, but I never really use anything beyond the staff and greatsword, and i tried a spvp sword/pistol build that i fell in love with, i try not to limit myself to just one set of weapons, but I thought your weapons of choice are heavily reliant on your trait selections as well, right? like if i spec for the Domination tree, wouldn’t that go hand in hand with a greatsword? and as a result, wouldn’t that be unintentionally limiting myself to be optimial with the greatsword?

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LegatusLeaf.5934


I almost always run with greatsword because I run a shatter build and like the fast recharge time I get from “Greatsword Training.” However my alternate weapon is where I do most of my change up. Sword/Focus for moving around and AoE damage situations. Sword/Pistol for when it will be mostly single target. Staff when I will need to play more defensively. Sword/Sword when I will need to go melee and also need to take a few hits (also Swapping Phantasmal Fury for Blade Training, you’ll likely have that trait slot anyway from getting Deceptive Evasion)

However, unless you really like the projectile refection on the Focus, the off-hand weapon training skills just don’t really seem worth the trade-offs to me. The pistol one really seem kind of meh to me, as if you are running pistol with sword, you don’t need the extra range as you will be up close so you can hit them with your melee and your leap is fairly short range as is.

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorrow.6243


I almost always run with greatsword because I run a shatter build and like the fast recharge time I get from “Greatsword Training.” However my alternate weapon is where I do most of my change up. Sword/Focus for moving around and AoE damage situations. Sword/Pistol for when it will be mostly single target. Staff when I will need to play more defensively. Sword/Sword when I will need to go melee and also need to take a few hits (also Swapping Phantasmal Fury for Blade Training, you’ll likely have that trait slot anyway from getting Deceptive Evasion)

However, unless you really like the projectile refection on the Focus, the off-hand weapon training skills just don’t really seem worth the trade-offs to me. The pistol one really seem kind of meh to me, as if you are running pistol with sword, you don’t need the extra range as you will be up close so you can hit them with your melee and your leap is fairly short range as is.

May I see your build please?

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorrow.6243


I went with the The Lazy Kai Build build but I often go with Mirror Image rather than Blink.

thanks so much, that is exactly what i was looking for, is that build viable for spvp/wvwvw as well?

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LegatusLeaf.5934


I’ve done alright in WvWvW with it, but for sPvP I’ve come to like Hecate & Panacea by Fay

However, I’ve been a little Fractile obsessed these last few weeks working on my back slot item, so I’m sure that part of my game is suffering.

edit: hmmm, I think a post of mine vanished. Oh, nope, you moved it up

Greatsword/Sword+Pistol Builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sorrow.6243


I’ve done alright in WvWvW with it, but for sPvP I’ve come to like Hecate & Panacea by Fay

However, I’ve been a little Fractile obsessed these last few weeks working on my back slot item, so I’m sure that part of my game is suffering.

edit: hmmm, I think a post of mine vanished. Oh, nope, you moved it up

What I tried recently in SPvP was 20/20/0/0/30, and I always came out second/first in the game, I rarely ever died too, like this was the first time I PvP’d ever, and I probably died twice out of 10 games, which is why I was looking for a viable sword/pistol setup that was usable in pve and pvp, but a focus would fit well too I guess, I just really liked the pistol phantasm and the 3 bounce stun/disable skill for the pistol, never really gave focus a try because the stock skin for it looked absolutely horrible.. like a stick with a bell at the end of it, but obviously there are some nicer looking ones out there.