Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


I getting the hang of Gsword, its fun! You must pay more attention now, cause you dont have the defense from staff. Still prefer staff, but gsword is also kitten fun!!

Look at:


Mine guildie, PW thief, also use it now, quickness it fun!
Not sure if you can watch it now, uploaded it on a diff chanel. Changed the music, with youutbe music not sure if its still on process.

(edited by Winterfell.8915)

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: illgot.1056


does it chance to proc only when you do damage or any time your and your illusions do damage?

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Starbreeze.2381


Nice video, rly liked it, +1 =)

Also, do you think that GS + power build is much better than a staff condition build after oct. 7 patch?

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esorono.1039


It’s blocked in my country.

Playable Tengu please!

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thebacklash.8396


such a pain in the kitten to get around watching this… OP does need to upload this elsewhere, or change the music so it can be viewed everywhere.

Stealthy add-on for FireFox finally worked. (it’s my backup browser only)

“People who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it.”

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Not sure if you can watch it now, uploaded it on a diff chanel. Changed the music, with youutbe music not sure if its still on process.

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Netglen.7826


What kind of armor are you wearing?

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Meeooww.3742


wow, what build are you using?

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winterfell.8915


Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thrones.6739


why do some of the links that link builds always give me a “bad link” error?

Gsword + Sigil of Rage! kitten FUN! Shatter BURST!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tyrestian.8602


I can’t think that Sigil of Rage is anything but a gimmick. At its BEST (and that is nigh impossible to do like clockwork every 45 seconds, a chance upon a chance to work? What?) it is 3 seconds of Quickness every FORTY FIVE SECONDS.

It basically boils down to: Can you do more in 3 seconds with Quickness than you can in the remaining forty two seconds with another sigil?

The math is against you on this one. It’s really neat and flashy when it works and probably makes for a killer burst kill. But how often does that really happen in a fast paced PVP setting? Likely only enough to highlight specific kills in a montage PVP video….