Seeing as I’m constantly just regurgitating the same thing over and over again, I thought it would be better to centralise my build and similar ones in to one thread. It’s going to be a little bare-bones until I get frequent enough access to my normal computer that I can make videos and run tests.
I. Introduction
The phantasm mesmer is a mesmer who is built to surpass any other class in 1v1 combat. This applies to PvP, WvW and PvE. The advantage in using this build in a dungeon however, is that our damage is able to be amplified by our party stacking might all the way up to the maximum which gives us +875 power and condition damage and. Since our phantasms take our precision, critical damage, condition damage and power stats, this enables us to apply even more damage. A mesmer with three fully buffed phantasmal duelists is said to be close to some of the strongest DPS in the entire game.
II. Weapons
The mesmer class has akittens disposal sword (main hand and off hand), pistol (off hand), focus (off hand), scepter (main hand), torch (off hand), greatsword (two-handed) and staff (two-handed). While this offers a lot of diversity in PvP, the general rule for PvE is that you should maximise your DPS.
- “But I want to play a support mesmer!”
- “It would be great if I could play a tank mesmer!”
- “I want to give big heals to my group!”
Maximising your DPS still allows you to support (in fact it lets you support more – more on that later), so diluting your gear by focusing on something like boon duration is unnecessary. “Tanking” as you may know it in other games is not actually possible in GW2 – major factors in determining aggro in this game are proximity, toughness and damage dealt, but in practice, aggro in this game will boil down to just pure randomness. Don’t ever expect to be able to hold aggro for your team reliably, and this is ignoring the fact that “tanking” isn’t necessary in dungeons. Finally, each class is equipped with their own burst heal – again, do not dilute your gear just to try and heal other players. Your healing will also make such little difference that it is not worth building around. Now to weapons.
Popular in PvP as a strong defensive weapon, applying boons to yourself, evading enemy burst and applying conditions to your opponent through chaos armour and chaos storm. The problem with PvE is that you do not ever need to use a defensive weapon. Chaos armour does not matter since you should not be getting hit, chaos storm doesn’t apply relevant boons or conditions and they’re not applied long enough. The phantasm will hit very hard against a boss stacked with conditions, but your auto attack damage will be pitiful.
tl;dr – strong phantasm, poor abilities. Rating: 2/5
Used in all three game modes. Strong offensive weapon in PvP and WvW with knockback and mirror blade which offers shatter builds fodder to … shatter. In PvE, it is a lot like staff with poor abilities anda strong phantasm. Your knockback is poor because you will be grouping up enemies, not throwing them around, the boon removal is too minor, and you came here for a phantasm build so you don’t need shatter fodder. Even if using a shatter build I wouldn’t recommend it. Your autoattack also gets stronger the further you are away from an enemy, but that takes you out of range of your team’s might and fury stacking. The auto attack is also quite weak. Carry one in your inventory for situations where you have to range, but do not use it anywhere else.
tl;dr – strong phantasm poor abilities. Rating: 2/5
Main Hand Sword
Our strongest weapon by far. Removes a boon on its final attack, applies vulnerability, hits harder on its final attack on enemies without a boon. Blurred Frenzy allows you to keep attacking an enemy while being invulnerable. Having frenzy as our third dodge makes us very survivable in dungeons. While its damage isn’t on the same level as thieves, or the 20,000+ damage an elementalist can pull off with the lightning hammer’s autoattack chain, it’s the best we have. In addition to being our best main hand weapon, it’s the fact that it can be paired with incredible off hands which makes it even better.
tl;dr – Best DPS, useful skill on blurred frenzy, our best main hand by far. Rating: 5/5
Used more in condition builds in PvP, the autoattack is weak (and the final attack will overide a phantasm if you have three out), the third skill is weak since confusion is just weak in PvE (unless used as icing, like the duelist shooting through an ethereal field), though a block is alright. Though if you wanted a block you could use off-hand sword.
tl;dr – Weak autoattack which actually reduces our DPS if we have three phantasms out, a fairly useless third ability and a block that’s on another weapon. Rating: 1/5
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
(edited by colesy.8490)