Help a noob mesmer out

Help a noob mesmer out

in Mesmer

Posted by: Galrukh.6532


So Im a little confused about exactly how phantasms work.

Do they:
Inherit my +Power ?
Inherit my +Precision
Inherit my +Crit Damage

Does my weapon damage affect their damage ?
- If yes, does the mainhand weapon determine all the damage or only the phantasms summoned by that weapon ?
- If yes, what affects the damage of a utility phantasm ?

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Help a noob mesmer out

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Illusions derive the following attributes directly from the mesmer: precision, power, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing. Illusions do not gain any benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration or boon duration. Additionally they are neither affected by the damage of the mesmer’s equipped weapon nor by any of the various non-stat effects of weapon sigils or armor runes.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Help a noob mesmer out

in Mesmer

Posted by: SevenSigma.7462


You can go to the Heart of the Mists and try stuff out for yourself. This is what I know:

  • Phantasm damage scales with your Power
  • Phantasm damage is not affected by which weapon you’re using

Now, this is what I think:

  • Phantasms seem to inherit your stats when created, including not only Power but Precision and Toughness as well.
  • Condition Damage sometimes seem to affect phantasm condition damage and sometimes it doesn’t, I’m not sure about this one.

Help a noob mesmer out

in Mesmer

Posted by: Koega.8653


From some basic testing, I know condition damage increases damage from sharper images bleeds.

Help a noob mesmer out

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jack Angelfoot.2697

Jack Angelfoot.2697

Welcome to Mesmer, the Way of the Illusion.

To truly become a great Jedi Mesmer, you must learn the ways of the Force. There are many learned Jedi Mesmers here with many unique styles. As a Mesmer you will dominate the dark side by wracking their minds, diverting or distorting their attacks, and making them succumb to your illusions. Learn from all, but play your own way, on your own terms.

A few words of advice, my young padawan:

  • Don’t trust the phantasms’ skill tip or the official wiki entry. They tell you almost nothing about what the phantasm really will do.
  • Experiment (like Sigma suggested) in heart of the mists
  • Browse/search this forum for an actual estimate of the phantasm’s projected dps
  • Research (forum again) on how to best use the phantasms you like (shatter, maintain, place, etc.)
- Jack Angelfoot -