Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Hi people!

I’m finally getting to making an alt. And it was decided during head start it was going to be a mesmer. I think mesmers are epic, as do you.

My main is Ranger and I like it a lot. I have almost no experiences playing other professions then ranger. But I’m finally ready to expend my horizon a little and see what’s more to offer. I hope you guys can help me out a bit. If you don’t feel like reading through my preferences below, just drop some general advice if you want to.

Atm I’m a lvl 25 mesmer. I will be playing dungeons and wvw primarily, not ready for PvP yet. Though it’s a good place to learn.
I really like the staff, but I haven’t figured out my 2nd weapon(s)-set yet. Since staff is a bit defensive/aoe based I’d thought the other weapon set should be more 1 target-based. I don’t know much about the other weapons mesmer has to offer.
Since it’s a mesmer I really feel like the other weapon set should be casting weapons too. But maybe it doesn’t fit with staff.. I don’t know.
I was thinking scepter/focus, scepter/torch or maybe sword/focus sword/torch. I’d prefer scepter though, if that’s possible.

So that’s dungeons and WvW, staff – scepter/torch or scepter/focus has my preference if that’s a good option.
I’m not looking for a bunker, healer or glass/canon build. I’d like it more balanced, so some good defensive capabilities as well dealing a reasonable amount of damage.
I don’t care if I should focus on phantasms/shattering or not, I’d leave that to you guys (and women). I like phantasms but if there are builds withouth phantasms that fit my preferences better, I’d do that.
I also like the glamour utility skills. So, laying down chaos storm, null field etc etc.

Now I really do not have a clue what kind of traits I should get and I would appreciate some advice!
If you think my preferences are hard to combine into a good build, then leave some things out, any advice is very welcome!

Thanks in advance, looking forward to your thoughts.

(edited by Bast Bow.2958)

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darzinth.7960


Here’s my attempt at a suggestion.;T8AA1ytEaJ1StlSLqiMFJKyWkrIZRLIGisFB

The idea is to summon a phantasm and let it fire then blow it up with another two clones. Rinse and repeat. There should be enough battlefield manipulation here to help you in 1v1 and team based scenarios. It isn’t optimized, but it should work.

I suggest using the Sword over the Scepter, but that’s up to your preference. The Sword gives you more control and damage than the Scepter.

Edit: I realized I suggested Soldier’s affix gear ( which is an Exotic non-craftable set. That may or may not be a problem.

Knight’s, Berserker’s, and Rampager’s are all valid alternatives. I even suggest mixing them up to get a balanced variety of stats.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Celestial Apocalypse
Mesmer – Krissadi | Warrior – Bloodpriest Rosette

(edited by Darzinth.7960)

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Cool! Really like this build Darzinth! Looks solid! Also like the lyssa runes, reminds me of GW1 and Lyssa is human mesmer-goddess so I like it lore-wise too ^^.

I think soldier’s really fits well with the rest of the build. Guess I’ll just do some dungeon a few times more, no problem.

Q1: You said sword may fit this build better. I can understand why. If I’d choose sword, would you alter the traits, armor or jewelry or is it ok the way it is?
Q2: Why blink? I can see it’s usefullness in wvw. Is that why? What is your experience with Veil and Feedback? (Because I really like to lay down fields or add buffs (or stealth) to allies)

Thanks for the help Darzinth, really like what I see

(edited by Bast Bow.2958)

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darzinth.7960


You could switch out Dueling II to Dueling IV if you prefer when using Sword over Scepter, especially if you use Sword+Sword.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Celestial Apocalypse
Mesmer – Krissadi | Warrior – Bloodpriest Rosette

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Hmm yes. Good option!

Help with build/traits (PvE + WvW)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Hey Darzinth (or other mesmer-fans/experts),

This was what you suggested:;T8AA1ytEaJ1StlSLqiMFJKyWkrIZRLIGisFB

What would you think to replace mirror images with veil? Then I would have another glamour skill, this helps with trait: inspiration 2.
I don’t have a lot of experience wit Veil yet, what do you think of Veil in dungeons and WvW?
Since it gives stealth to allies, I was thinking to add traits Chaos 12 (which also gives chaos grandmaster minor 5% toughtness as bonus condi dmg) But then I have to lose 10 other points which is a hard decision and maybe not for the best. I might lose to much dps when I do this?