How are mesmer survivabily?
It really all depends on how you are built Stats and ’quip wise. I personally have a really easy time in close range. Not only can you utilize your clones to divert attention from yourself. But you also have the swords #2 which graints distortion during its use, making you invulnerable. And just like being at a distance, using dodge/roll is some what needed.
I use a Valkyrie armor set (Power/Vitality/Crit. Dmg) with Berserk Weapon (Power/Prec/Crit. Dmg), Knights Amulet (Power/Prec/Tough), and Clerics Rings and Earring (Power/Tough/Healing Power), and stats set at 20/20/10/20/0.
I tend to actually stick in close range with this set up. Throwing down I’zerker and Mirror Blade (Throw up an Ether Field such as feedback [to apply confusion]) before running in then swapping to Sword/Focus and throwing down I’Warden and use Blurred Frenzy (#2). If things are still standing CoF what ever Clones are still up, Mirror Image and I’Leap (Instant 3 clones) and Mind Wreck them. Get’s the job done 90% of the time. The other 10% are Stubborn mobs/Vets/Champs. I also rarely go down with this build. If I do I am usually always right back up on my feet. (Note that this is usually for larger grouping. Single – triple mobs can usually be taken down with an I’zerker and Mirror Blade + MW and a quick #2 from sword when they get close)
So. To the point. Mesmers are just as good in close range as they are at long range. Squishy enough to make a fight enjoyable, but strong enough to force your enemy into submission.
In general they are pretty good because of clone spamming and stealth. The primary reason i changed from an axe/shield warrior to mesmer was i could run full berserker gear, attack with my GS at 1200 range with comparable dmg and still be hard to kill.
I do miss getting in peoples face though and mesmer sword blurr is hardly a comparable feeling.
I use to think mesmers were too frail to get in anyone’s face. Since then I’ve been farming CoE for cores. If you’ve ever fought Project Alpha, you quickly learn that mesmers excel at getting in, doing tons of damage and getting out of harm’s way before an enemy can retaliate. The reason is because we have so many “get out of jail free” cards. We can blink, phase retreat, blurred frenzy, decoy, mass invis… It also helps that we can produce a clone on dodge!
I truly understand what Mohamed Ali meant by, “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”.
I play a Mesmer in full berserker / ruby orb gear (25/30/10/0/5)
Despite the squishy stats, I feel very tough in melee.
- You have a block and invulnerability with a short (<10) cooldown
- Multiple, useful, stun breaks (Decoy + Blink)
- 9% reduced damage and with your sword clones, you are rarely the “only” target an enemy can focus on
- Near permanent uptime of Vigor
- 3 Leap Finishers (Illusionary Leap, Swap, Phantasmal Swordsman – make sure you are standing in the combo field when you cast them). Chaos Armor helps keep you and your illusions alive by proccing protection and regeneration
- In a pinch, you have Distortion as another invulnerability. You can also decoy or blink away and swap to GS (Doing either should drop aggro)
Swordsmen have a very high attack speed. With 3 swordsmen up I can do ~16.5k damage every 5 seconds from the phantasms alone.
Overall, a melee mesmer is a very fun and rewarding playstyle in dungeons. Just don’t run with a group that thinks the only way to kill a boss is to stand on a platform and DPS.