How do you deal with rangers?

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


I’m running your average GS/Sw+P shatter build and I thought, why not throw in reflection on distortion. It worked fine for a while, but I still couldn’t burst them down fast enough, especially since GS basically oneshot my phantasms and the pet was always on me. Plus, distortion has such a long cd, I use it once and if I don’t kill them in the next 8 seconds I’m pretty screwed unless the royally suck at picking out the real me( You’d think people would learn but no, RFing a clone still happens now and then). I use Blink, Decoy and Null Field but I still have a lot or trouble with both rangers and condition heavy builds that can survive or tank my burst. Any advice on either of those fronts?

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Feedback & crap load of bursty dps on em. Just last night, Power ranger launched his meta attack on me & Feedback took half his life away in that burst. I did the rest & he was down for the count.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Feedback & crap load of bursty dps on em. Just last night, Power ranger launched his meta attack on me & Feedback took half his life away in that burst. I did the rest & he was down for the count.

Which utility would you suggest dropping for Feedback? Without Null Field I’ll have no condi clear and I’m addicted to Blink+Decoy T_T

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coxy.5269


Personally, I use two techniques against rangers:

1) Abuse the hell out of LoS. Can’t pew pew if they can’t see you.

2) Close the gap. I often use blink if it’s off cooldown, and get a quick burst in at the start of the fight. They’ll most often swap to GS etc, and at this point they’ve lost a lot of their damage potential, and I often win. Use 1) to make them come around the obsturction, allowing you to close the gap easier if blink is on cd.

I use none of the reflects as they’re generally too situational. Can only be used against a very small number of attacks, and aren’t important enough to be selected just for rangers.


How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


If the ranger is glassy enough to really burst you down, you can burst him down just as fast. The only difference is that their burst starts at 1500 range, while yours starts at melee. This essentially transforms the issue into a matter of range.

You need to close the distance without being shut down and bursted. You can do this in a lot of ways depending on the situation. The best way is to just abuse terrain and LoS. If they can’t see you they can’t hit you, but you can still close distance. Stealth works for closing distance too, as does blink. Once you’re close you need to stay close, try to keep them from getting range again. Just do whatever burst rotation you want once you’re in range for it.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I don’t use reflects – a shame about mimic but such is life…

Anyway, as said – stealth evade, close distance (blink) and punch them hard in the face – put them on the back foot asap, maintain aggressive pressure. Alternatively block los with terrain.

If I get caught out at range by the gattling gun then it’s hard to get back into the fight – must get that opening advantage.

Trouble happens if they’re cqc condition tank spec, but then they likely won’t have 1500 longbow so it’s fine to move in and out of melee range.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


I play some self made signet + invuln + reflection build with staff and condi dmg. It works greatly against hambows, some thieves and engis and especially ranger. Rapid fire is suicide <3

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Exactly what Fay said, most 6/6/0/2/0 rangers I see are just as glassy as you. Essentially you want to pressure them enough so they have to go on defensive. Check out Vashury’s shatter tactics he posted recently, blink shatter is a very good way to start a fight against ranger. Usually when I pull it right that’s 70%-90% glass ranger hp gone, then diversion or knock back down before they can heal.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681



- luv my norn ranger. but luv my asuran mesmer more :-)

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


block, daze dodge forward towards them. Dodging towards them helps a lot:)

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650


I used the same weapons set but I dropped pistol and picked up focus (I haven’t seen iWarden fail once since patch).

As many have said closing gap is essential. I start casting the iwarden and blink in to it and carry on with usual combos ileap/blurred frenzy/shatter.
Than swap to gs+hydromancy+mirror blade+shatter and iWave to purposely create a gap. This make them want to use Rapid Fire. Since I like reflect a lot (I find it amusing) and since mimic isn’t what it used to be (and don’t feel dropping decoy/blink or an utility for conditions), I opted for masterful reflection. Ok, it is situational, but it works vs thieves, warriors and engi too. So I traded a bit of damage for watching others killing themselves!

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Hm, I wonder if a signet build traited with distort/reflect on distort would be useful…

Probably only for duels, hm?

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


mirror does the trick vs most rangers like 99% of the ranger I face. Lost to a very good ranger who just had too much dps for me after 10+ duels. So I have ditched some defense and became more dps now in my power build. For most mirror heal does the trick.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


I would dump null field for mantra of distraction,this null field would never help you against comptent condi players or p/d thieves of all sorts.Players who are not comptent would just be obvious with thier attacks which I kill them before applying any conds on me.

I use decoy/blink and mantra of distraction(great for stopping healings) on the typical shatter build while I see ranger if he starts with RF he is a noob ranger and I kill those easly,if he stolling me and wait for the knockbacks or using the aoe cripple fak,I just mirror blade blink it + mindwrack get him on 20% hp if im lucky and this is when they are usully panicks and go dies.Most of the rangers would use rampage as one and then the quickness followed by RF,when you see them doing Rampage as one,they will get stability,so any daze or knockback would be useless so for that your best option is to stealth before they initiate the RF chain(while they using rampage as one),place your iduelist,ileap but no swap,what ranger would do in most of my cases or 2.knock the ileap clone or 3.use the aoe on himself while you on stealth.Either way,you need to see him dodge or use the skill then close on him use gs mirror blade + mindwrack.
-one more tip is to blink behind them(but a bit far behind,not to hug them).They cant see you there.

I still havent figured how to survive a battle in which is ranger come from out of your LoS.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


I play some self made signet + invuln + reflection build with staff and condi dmg. It works greatly against hambows, some thieves and engis and especially ranger. Rapid fire is suicide <3

post build pls, curios, may make me want to start playing mesmer again

just my ytb channel


How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jenzie.4083


Any interrupt works on the rangers, very easy to pull off.

How do you deal with rangers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I play some self made signet + invuln + reflection build with staff and condi dmg. It works greatly against hambows, some thieves and engis and especially ranger. Rapid fire is suicide <3

post build pls, curios, may make me want to start playing mesmer again

Please do too…..

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus