How do you play a shatter mesmer?

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


I get the jist of it, but I’ve been trying it lately and it doesn’t feel like I’m doing it right. Looking for any tips I can get, as I’ve tried a phantasm and condition damage spec already. This is the last spec I am going to try.

I’m running full berserkers (of what I can afford anyhoo) 20/20/0/0/30, taking IP/DE, both Mind Wrack traits and some phantasm traits since nothing else compliments my build. I use Greatsword/Staff, so I have GS talented.

I usually open up with a few Gs1’s, then when the enemy is within range, I use Gs2, immediately followed by iZerker after I have a few stacks of might. There’s 2 clones. From what I’ve been reading, people then dodge into the enemy (usually to avoid an attack or sometimes not) to create that third clone ontop of them, then hit F1. Sometimes this kills the target for me, but other times it doesn’t. Is timing a huge factor here? I find that when they don’t die from my initial combo, I have to do either GS2 or a lot of GS1’s to kill it. This makes me feel quite slow especially if I’m trying to get through somewhere mob intensive, such as Cursed Shore. It also means that I have more chances of taking damage.

Something else occurred to me that my movement patterns may make it harder for my iZerker to deal enough damage in its first attack so that a 4 shatter burst would kill a level 80 orrian. I might not be at that sweet spot for damage yet though either. Right now I’m at 44% crit, and 73% crit damage. My weapon is exotic, but my other items are masterwork while I make enough money to gear up.

Any advice would be appreciated. I really like the shatter build, but I feel that I may be doing something wrong or not optimal.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


You should take a look at osicat’s shattercat build. It is stickied in these forums. There are a ton of helpful tips and strategies that can be found in that thread, too many to repeat here.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


I can’t find the PvE part of Cat’s guides. Every video that I’ve watched has been WvWvW based. :/

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I can’t find the PvE part of Cat’s guides. Every video that I’ve watched has been WvWvW based. :/

The videos are wvw based, but the playstyle and build can be used in both. Npcs are just really dumb humans. If you read the build and guide sections, those should help you out.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


You have probaly seen my PvE guide. Gear makes a fair difference, but you still have some other options:

- F2 shatter does damage, with IP you can do some instant damage, if the mob is very low, or better use mirror images and do some nice damage.
- weapon swap: If you use staff, you can create the clones simply with staff skills for F2 shatter. I prefer sword, as it has some real good damage on attack 2. You can still create two illusions to shatter. The focus illusion does awesome damage on stationary targets, if you are in melee distance anyway, this will finish off most mobs.
- as you do more damage with attack 1 as further the mob is away, use GS skill 5 to gain some distance.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


I’d get rid of the greatsword and replace it with Sword/Pistol, personally. Sword/Pistol has given me great control over mobs, and sword # 2 is fantastic for dealing damage in close range while waiting for endurance to go up, or blink/staff # 2/decoy/whatever to get off the cooldown. Not to mention that the auto-attack is AoE.

When I main the staff, I usually pop the warlock first, and auto-attack. When the mob charges towards me I’ll dodge to it, and then phase retreat (staff # 2) away to get the third clone up. I’ll then auto-attack till it comes for me or – if it attacks a clone instead- simply run in and Shatter with Mind Wrack.

If it’s still not dead I’ll switch to sword/pistol and dodge away, then using sword # 3 to charge back onto the mob and use Cry of Frustration (Shatter # 2) and that’ll usually be enough.

For tougher enemies, I almost only use the staff – switching to sword to use the # 2 and # 5 abilities to protect myself while waiting for Chaos Armor or Chaos Storm to go off cooldown. Aside from blink, all my utility skills are ethereal fields (Feedback, Null Field, Time Warp) so using Staff # 2 or Sword # 3 inside of them will result in a Chaos Armour combo.

I’m probably not the most optimal shatterer, but this style works for me.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kaiyanwan.8521


I’d get rid of the greatsword and replace it with Sword/Pistol, personally. Sword/Pistol has given me great control over mobs, and sword # 2 is fantastic for dealing damage in close range while waiting for endurance to go up, or blink/staff # 2/decoy/whatever to get off the cooldown. Not to mention that the auto-attack is AoE.

When I main the staff, I usually pop the warlock first, and auto-attack. When the mob charges towards me I’ll dodge to it, and then phase retreat (staff # 2) away to get the third clone up. I’ll then auto-attack till it comes for me or – if it attacks a clone instead- simply run in and Shatter with Mind Wrack.

If it’s still not dead I’ll switch to sword/pistol and dodge away, then using sword # 3 to charge back onto the mob and use Cry of Frustration (Shatter # 2) and that’ll usually be enough.

For tougher enemies, I almost only use the staff – switching to sword to use the # 2 and # 5 abilities to protect myself while waiting for Chaos Armor or Chaos Storm to go off cooldown. Aside from blink, all my utility skills are ethereal fields (Feedback, Null Field, Time Warp) so using Staff # 2 or Sword # 3 inside of them will result in a Chaos Armour combo.

I’m probably not the most optimal shatterer, but this style works for me.

On the other hand, a GS/Staff combo is powerful too, I think it all boils down to preferences. I really prefer the GS over the Staff, as things die a lot faster, iZerker has more AoE damage, and Mirror Blade too, at least on trash. If you have good timing on your movement, you don’t need all the defensive stuff.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


I find the GS to be annoying when the mobs decide to come for you, rather than your clones, as your auto-attack depends on max range in order to be as efficient as possible. But I guess it comes down to playstyle.

With Zerker gear, GS clones should be fantastic at applying bleeding via Sharper Images – on the other hand, they’re ranged and need to run to the mob, whereas sword clones are melee and will deal their shatter damage quicker – not to mention that their auto-attack applies Vulnerability.

Like I said – playstyle choices. I used GS / Staff to level the first 20-30 levels, and it was great.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Quex Fehftir.7619

Quex Fehftir.7619

What I normally do after running Wrack is Pop Decoy/Mirror Images and used Cry Of Frustration right on top of it. Just rebound utility 7/8 and F2 to 456 on numpad for instant burst to follow up wrack. I run GS/STaff, so if something is still alive, or it’s a big mob I’ll swap and pop Chaos Armor/Storm.

How do you play a shatter mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


A “shatter” build typically features 30 points In Illusions specifically to get the Illusionary Persona trait (XI). This build type also features main hand sword. These two aspects mean that you plan to spend some time up close and personal so that both you and your clones will be in shatter range when you want to shatter.

If you are fighting from range only, with ranged weapons, then half of your illusions pop too far from the target and have to run in towards the target to shatter. Especially in big fights and WvW, some of those illusions might not survive long enough to get into shatter range.

Many shatter builds feature staff on the weapon swap to serve as a getaway stick to gain range when things are getting too hot in melee range. Jink in, use all your shattering tricks up close and personal, then swap to staff and get distance and pew pew and force enemies to work to retarget you, then when you’re ready for another round of up close shattering, go back in to melee range again.

That’s the basic pattern and rhythm of shatter play.

To make this work well, you want LOTS of on-demand illusion generation so that you can shatter and immediately get out more illusions. This means the trait that generates a clone when you dodge is mandatory. And it means that you typically want Miror Images in one of your utility slots because that’s an instant 2x clones you can generate that way too.

Shatter builds also benefit from some amount of stealth too. In some cases, just the Decoy skill is enough. In other cases, you might use Mass Invisibilty for your elite skill and also Torch offhand for a third stealth from The Prestige (torch4). This stealth helps you stay juking aroun in melee range longer before the heat gets too hot and you have to gain distance and recover.

Speaking of gaining distance when you need it, Blink is another nearly must-have skill for shatter play, because with Staff 2 plus Blink you can get waaaaayyyyy away from the opponents.

Now, for the shatters themselves, you have three utility shatters (F2-F4) and one damage shatter (F1). IMO the two most valuable shatters are F1 and F2. If you take the II trait in Illusions (Cry of Frustration grants Retaliation), that makes a 3-illusion F2 shatter give you 14 solid seconds of Retaliation, which is huge. If you take this trait, then F2 is usually your first shatter unless you are rocking an offhand focus. After that, you typically leave your illusions in play and save your F1 shatter for a burst finisher when the target is at 1/3 health. Of course, in longer fights or against human players who heal up, you’ll have to play it by ear and go through more shatter cycles in each fight, but the general goal is to save a big F1 shatter for a surprise killing burst. And if you’re relying on Retaliation from the F2 shatter, to reapply retaliation as desired if the fight is going to drag out.

Speaking of Retaliation, if you use an offhand focus, you can get ANOTHER 14 seconds of retaliation by standing on your temporal curtain (Focus4), then using Sword3 to toss the sword clone at the target, then using Sword3 again to swap places with the clone. You can have effectively 100% uptime on Retaliation this way I’d you trait for the F2 shatter retaliation too. This is huge both in PvE and in WvW, but it takes a little practice and steady nerves to do the focus-based combo while juking around in melee shatter range.

Hope this helps!


One other aspect of shatter builds. They are often somewhat tanky by using Knights armor (Pow/Tough/Prec). The goal is to get near 40% crit chance or better so your F1 shatter will hit hard, but still have enough toughness to stay in melee range and survive some hits. Shoot for 40% crit chance, at least 20% crit damage, around 27K Toughness, and around 17K health or more if you can squeeze it in. Some people tend to run 4x pieces of Knights armor and 2x pieces of Soldiers armor to hit these numbers. (For WvW, that means 2x pieces from the karma vendors in the Orr cathedrals, or the one at the gates of Arah has a head and boots that fit the bill.)

Another thing to understand: This playstyle isn’t targeted at Zerg vs Zerg frontline fighting (although it can save your bacon if an enemy is determined to bust through the front line specifically to try to burst you down). This playstyle is more for small group patrols and for sPVP. I tend to run with a Retaliation shatter build full time now even in zerg battles, but I switch out my staff for a greatsword instead and take my chances when crafty else’s or thieves try to get me. Usually the sword tricks are enough to discourage or kill them, and If I need a getaway I use GS5 to push them back, then blink away to gain the distance I need. And that works fine. And GS is much better for zerging than staff.

(edited by shaktiboi.5194)