How do you use iWarden in WvW?
In zerg situation is gets killed rather faster. However, it has many uses.
With feedback trait you can just stand in it while facing ranged attacks.
Outside of dueling or small fights it is rather nice when taking towers and keeps.
If you can get line of sight on someone on a wall (which you can a lot) you can put an iWarden on the wall. This is good for hitting ranged attackers from a wall BUT even better is if you can put them on a cannon or oil. They just stand there and attack the cannons and oil and are rather good at damaging it for a Mesmer.
iWarden is a whirl finisher and is a useful tool in propagating confusion, especially on condition damage/glamor builds.
so.. time warp/glamor fields+iWarden = confusion on hit.
Nice example here of how to use iWarden with curtain
Its very situational and goes from being highly useful to shatter fodder.
The guys above have it covered with alot of its uses, if you know your target will move quickly and is melee you can use it on your run up to them kittenter fodder, as it finishest its cast use sword 3 and a dodge and then you have your 3 illusions ready to shatter.
I’m using it often to kill downed enemies while still fighting others
For now I only find warden fastest in disassembling structures…
If you really want to see iWarden shine, go with Chaos Maestro build. Giving phantoms fury really helps. Question… I’ve seen some class fire electricity at my iWarden and he spreads it all around him in an awesome effect, shooting electricity around and out everywhere. I guess that’s the “whirl finisher”, but I can’t get confirmation on what other class spells synergies with this and how to make it happen. Anyone know?