How effective can YOU use your portal?
Porting golems, the golem on COE pre-patch, boulders on cof p1. Can’t think of any others on the top of my head.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I’ve used it in combat before after watching one of Osicat’s videos. It’s fun, but I’d rather bring something else.
As part of multiple 50 man open field flanks vs a full map BG force on SoR BL (3 portals).
Wiped em every time
This is WvW solo/group-roaming only.
- escape button
- stomping
- porting people out of a tower shortly before we cap it
- recapping after i hid somewhere (4 towers and 3 hills this week)
- fooling around
- denying rezzes and lootbags for my guildmates
I really wish it had a shorter cd…90s is just way too high :/ Can be PvE only for all i care.
I rarely use portal.
Portalbombing (if you know how to do it)
TP golems (prefer thief with sb #5 instead)
Ez recapping stuff if you manage to hide inside a keep/tower/sm (done it a few times)
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
Not counting the usualy stuff…yesterday CoF p.3 where you’ve got to get past the exploding ball thingies….first try on top of that I had issues with my engineer last time I did p.3 and probably did it 3-4 times(but way less then any of the warriors in our group back then).
I was the hero of our group.
I only use it in WvW:
1) Portal Golems
2) hide in Lost tower/keep to portal people in
Thats it, never used it as a “Portal Bomb” The cool down is far to high for it to be really worth having all the time, Now if we got a Player only version with say 30 second cool down now that would be interesting
lol that warrior was playing whack-a-mole about halfway through that vid XD
if using my hybrid glamour shatter, i tend to have some real fun with that skill. with off hand focus, i set two portals down close to each other, and pull the enemy across both portals. causing a nice build up of confusion. I get a lot of “wth” moments from the enemy for that.
That or if i run my stealth heavy build, and theres a siege, i tend to screw with the people attacking, but putting down portals (and even finishing the portal) to make em bunch up near a point to “spike” those coming through the portal. Gives for some nice distractions, gives my people some time.
If I am alone in tower that is being attacked, portal inside- run out and damage siege, portal back in. Invis back out, same, tele back in. Rinse repeat. That is my favourite way to use it. It must frustrate the hell out of enemies.
- Porting people into guild puzzles when they get stuck or die (gotta love Proxemics lab).
- Porting groups to the end of CM via the waypoint.
- Porting people to the Champ Ooze in Frostgorge.
- Porting people to vistas during exploration events.
- Swamp fractal, harpy fractal (for skipping and disabling the ramp).
- Helping guild mates who get stuck in holes.
It’s a very fun skill.
FAKING a portal bomb.
You do not know how much panic 1 portal in the enemy zerg can cause. lol they are all like…
My zerg:
“lol they wasted all their CD’s on a fake portal, time for lootbags!”
but I hardly get lootbags because my build only has iBerserker for AoE
I’m usually typing on my phone
^ this except since portal bombing isn’t a problem anymore can we get its original C/D back?
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
^ this except since portal bombing isn’t a problem anymore can we get its original C/D back?
Erm, it still happens and happens daily in matches that involves FoW :/
You were on WSR, right? If so, could be that i already portalstomped you a few times :> I don’t think it’s much of a problem, even 60s would be a huge cd to sacrifice just for stomping someone.
Phase Retreat + Blink is superior most of the time.
Killing people by planting it near edges.
CoE/CoF skips, sPvP point controlling and recapturing, portalstomping (although i like disortion more for that, if it’s off cooldown) Golem porting, JP porting, Portal bombing, Arah solo/duo runs at the glowy balls part, using portals as glamour bombs back when confusion was good in WvW, Faking enemies out with portals.
I think that’s about all of the fun i’ve had with mine.
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
FAKING a portal bomb.
You do not know how much panic 1 portal in the enemy zerg can cause. lol they are all like…
This is how I usually use it.
I load up on MI and Decoy with PU, equip Mimic and Portal in addition to that, run in stealthed, drop the exit portal, enemy zerg goes OMGWTFBBQQ! and disperses and encircles the portal, gets run down by the incoming zerg.
Much more effective than an actual portal bomb could be, people learned to deal with those. :P
I do he opposite of Carighan. When being chased by a zerg, I drop an exit portal and keep running. You’d be surprised how many people will stop at it and wait for you to show up. If I’m chased by one person and they don’t fall for it, I can drop the entrance, take the portal and run the other way. I usually use blink or a stealth afterwards to further screw with their heads.
This is my absolute favorite method but it stopped working most of the time before I quit the game because people know not to fall for it now. You have to conceal the exit portal very well now to pull this off.
When getting chased by a zerg drop exit portal at the top of a cliff and drop down off the cliff. Wait for zerg to follow you and then drop entrance and port to the top. They have no hope of catching you then. Usually 1 or 2 people are smart enough to not fall for it. You can kill them or use focus to pull them off the cliff also.
Sanctum of Rall
If possible i always place my safety portals in shallow water. Really hard to see.