How is this condition build?
You should include your utilities ( some mantras and sigils I assume ) and whether this is for PvE or WvW.
My feeling is that you aren’t commiting enough traits to conditions to be worth it.
You should either go for phantasms or condition. They don’t mix all that well…
Sadly both Malicious Sorcery and Duelists Discipline seem to be bugged at the moment.
I would switch to Ineptitude, Rending Shatter, Furious Interruption, Maim the Disillusioned, and Blinding Dissipation if I were you. At least the vuln would help increase your condi damage, and the blinds would proc more confusion. Like Cerpin said, you should either go full condi or full phantasm. My advice for condi is stick to pvp. It sucks in pve right now.