How lag friendly is this class?
Generally id say mesmer is very lag friendly, exceptions are shatter and lockdown.
Phantasms Do Not care bout lags
I sometimes have bad lag and let me tell you its not fun with *some*mesmer skills.
For the most part illusions will hit their mark even if you are lagging. But skills like leap and swap are somewhat a different story. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve leaped only for the enemy to rubber band somewere else thus having my leap clone in the wrong place unable to swap and immobilize. Of course that’s just main hand sword. Everything else with mesmer works fine so far I can tell
i dont think mes is that lg friendly at all. if u have skill lag on your mes u cant spawn phantasms u can only aa. u cant even blink or stealth, we got very very little power in aa….
id recomend using mh sword for laggy battles
Isle of Kickaspenwood
(edited by selan.8354)
Light armor and lag does not mix well… if you are constantly playing with that ping I suggest warrior instead. If you’re going to play mes with that much lag maybe do it with a staff condi build so you have good defensive options and can build up dps slowly instead of relying on spikes.
i dont think mes is that lg friendly at all. if u have skill lag on your mes u cant spawn phantasms u can only aa. u cant even blink or stealth, we got very very little power in aa….
id recomend using mh sword for laggy battles
There’s multiple kinds of lag. If it’s due to lack of bandwidth, then what’s going on in your screen will fall far, far, behind what’s actually happening and yes you won’t be able to use most skills.
However, with just latency alone, then your problems will be timing related. For example, interrupting, shattering, and keeping melee range. Ranged attacks will be ok.
As classes go, mesmer is certainly one of the lag friendlier ones, since a large portion of your actions are proxied through phantasms and illusions and they of course do not suffer lag, since they are server-side pets.
However, GW2 is still a very twitchy game and none of the classes are really “lag friendly” in the higher-action areas, such as dungeons, champions or high-level activity where you need to actively evade attacks or danger zones. Similarly, to play any class to it’s fullest, requires good latency due to that twitchy nature (Compare and contrast GW2’s twitchy style system, with priority or rotation systems in WoW-like MMOs)
Garnished Toast
(edited by Ryuujin.8236)
Except sometimes no phantasm pop out when I used the skill, and that’s on WB in close range, not a dying mob. So you probably should expect this to happen.
I play interrupt mesmer pretty well with consistent 350-450+ ping.
Phantasm PU most likely is quite lag friendly, since a lot of your game happens passively and all you have to do is stealthing and summoning phantasms.
Shatter, on the other hand, relies a lot on active defense and quick reflexes, so even short lags can kill you fast.
Landing a leap immobilize is frustrating with lag. Miss that that and your pony’s one trick just got screwed up. I guess using phantasm builds could kinda work, but still not a great idea since for example every mesmer has to occasionally time distortion well or else dead.