How portals is ment to be used
The Shatter Cat Mesmer guide:
What’s the point of using Mystery Tonics?
I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
Haha you got to have a sens of humor to understand that Ppl see a rabbit walking up to them, they hit it as its named and obious a player, rabbit transform and make portal out pouring a gank team. Guess that if you have to explain the joke on somone they dont realy get the fun in it anyway :P
The Shatter Cat Mesmer guide:
(edited by Osicat.4139)
Hah, this one time my friend and I were on our mesmers, and he was with a zerg that managed to break a wall down to get into Stonemist, but by the time I got there and another zerg assembled outside the gate, they had repaired the wall. So I told my friend to drop portal and give us all a lift into SM. He got us all up, and we managed to successfully storm SM.