How to be a monster mesmer in WvWvW - The guild and the zerg
Took less than 2 seconds of combat for you to use the portal rending bug to win. I’ll let someone else bother watching the rest to see if its worth my time to go back.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –
Tell me what this bug you talk about is. A stealthed mesmer running in a enemy zerg, pop a portal exit and a time warp and a guild of 7 jumps in and destroy everything in timewarp bubble.
You call it a bug I call it tactics.
Yeah, sorry but that wasn’t so great. Where was this ‘zerg’ you speak of? Most of the time it looked fairly even. Even when they had a few more it was mostly pugs vs an organised guild with voice comms.
Seen better.
@Osicat the ‘bug’ is that you porting people through, but the enemies take a long time to render you guys. Basically the enemies don’t see your team on screen until they are dead.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –
Well as almost always use thief and mesmer steath in connection to the jump I kinda dont se the problem. The big bug is that the engine cant handle “enourmus” gangs of ppl, dont even need a portal to be invis for that just run in a group of enought numbers. We prot 7-10 ppl normaly + use time warp and stealths, tactic is kinda viable.
Culling is only an issue when there’s tons of people, rendering is more client-dependent but if your machine can’t handle the small number of people in these videos you need to readjust your settings. I didn’t see huge numbers (ie 20+ on each side) in any of these videos, which is where culling/rendering issues tend to happen and where portal use can be labelled as an exploit.
Keep the videos coming Osicat! Haters gonna hate.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
if your machine can’t handle the small number of people in these videos you need to readjust your settings.
It’s pretty common knowledge that the GW2 engine is a pile of kitten when it comes to culling. For example, I get fun culling delays with >60 FPS, <50C temp, and <30 players involved. I’m still at a clean 60 fps with 100 players.
The culling in this game is simply broken atm, and completely unrelated to system specs. It’s an engine issue.
The portal is currently notorious for abusing this engine deficiency. Shrug.
20 is not “huge” numbers. KKthx. <insert DAOC PBAOE keep defense 812 v. 100 video here>
Or, KoS video watching a stream of 240 Order run past a hill. E.g. games with older terribad engines could draw players without delay.
(edited by EasymodeX.4062)
Mmmmm, DAOC PBAOE bombing on my Spiritmaster…. good times.
Yar, I’m not defending the GW2 engine so don’t make it out as such; it clearly has some issues given that I’m used to 40+ players total being huge numbers. But it’s already been pointed out that the invisibility issue is both a result of culling and rendering issues, and some people are able to fix the latter clientside even if the former is out of their control.
Anyways, what I’m calling out is this guy immediately jumping on portal use as exploit abuse. Whether or not you’re a fan, the difference in these videos is organization, not exploitation.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Culling isn’t client side, it’s server-side. For instance:
2 people fighting in a 1v1 = server sends data about 2 person to 2 people (4 transfers per update).
4 people fighting in a 2v2 = server sends data about 4 people to 4 people (16 transfers per update)
40 people fighting in a 20v20 = server sends data about 40 people to 40 people (1600 transfers per update)
As you can see, the amount of data the server has to send per update increases dramatically. Cutting down on the amount of data the server has to send (culling) keeps load on the server manageable. Ever been in a huge zerg at the central point in EB? At times, it will take 2-3 seconds for a skill to activate. That’s because the server is so overloaded from all of the people doing stuff at once, stuff gets backed up as it flushes out those inbound and outbound queues. It would be even worse if it rendered all of them.
80 Purple Norn Mesmer (Portal-on-a-Stick)
Peon of Caedas [CDS] — Sanctum of Rall
I never said culling was client-side.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
I never said culling was client-side.
I was responding to others who were saying that their computers were still at 60 FPS, etc., and that culling was bad for them. Just pointing out that their computers had very little to do with it. Apologies if it seemed I was taking issue with what you said.
80 Purple Norn Mesmer (Portal-on-a-Stick)
Peon of Caedas [CDS] — Sanctum of Rall
Cool, I didn’t read that mistake in his post either hence my confusion.
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of
Mmmmm, DAOC PBAOE bombing on my Spiritmaster…. good times.
Indeed. I remember PBAE ganking an Alb Zerg with low RRs, the Healer AOE Stun + SM PBAE is just too much fun. Mmmmm
how to be a mesmer in WvW: portals. the end.
nerva.7940how to be a mesmer in WvW: portals. the end.
There is more to it than that. Yeah, portals may be Mesmer’s #1 tactical asset, particularly if you’re running with a big organized zerg. In smaller strike teams, the ability to throw out immobilizes, reflections, cripples, team invisibility, and pulls are just as important, if not more so. Portals also become more useful as escape devices to get your team away from the angry zerg than as offensive devices.
And, iZerker/iWarden are beautiful for destroying tower/keep siege.
80 Purple Norn Mesmer (Portal-on-a-Stick)
Peon of Caedas [CDS] — Sanctum of Rall
judge do wvwvw wery organiced, one team with 2-3 strike teams of 5 and one mesmer /team and i can say for sure its not only for portals. Al have a role to fill in the team and mass invis, timewarp, and feedback ( both skill and focus feedback) is al wery important. last friday we after portal hit a camp and taken a tower we succseded with portal 3 golems speedbuffed ower a water and by help of a cuple of other guild flocked to judge commander nuke far shiverpeaks keep even with heavy defense in eternal. neather would been possible without teamplay.
Also a mesmer is never as strong as with a group cordinated players. a timewarped team with elemental stun, warrior aoe, thief stealth and gurdian bubble and enginer support is devastating. add that this team of 10 move like the wind, stealth and knocks ppl of cliffs, if attacked by biger force jump down with a fall dmg traited mesmer, portal team down and se dead ppl rain, then portal up after 30 sec with other portal and throw rest of team down.
Osicat, where the confusion lies is in your title, your video and your explanations would have been better suited to a title similar to “How to be a Monster support Mesmer in a small group”
But your topic gives the impression that you are about to show us how the Mesmer itself is monster. (which the video does display your great team cohesion, but does not display very much Mesmer Specific Monstering)
Hope that clears up the confusion
How to WvW as a Mesmer. Get GS and Staff. Build for glamour and confussion. Use Chaos Storm, Feedback and Null fielde on the enemy. Use Time warp on you team. Spamm GS stuff. At walls get a focus and anyone enemys
My Mesmer build is a bit unfocused, but it’s enough of a generalist to be a strong team support.
GS/Sword+Focus with Ether Feast/Decoy/Blink/Portal/Time Warp or Mass Invis (situationally) as my skills
20 dom (gs training), 10 duelling (sword training), 20 inspiration (warden’s feedback for reduced focus CD and warden reflects), 20 illusions
Stats: Mostly toughness/vit/healing power, with a bit of power/precision just so I’m not completely toothless. Most of my utility comes from staying alive and dropping movement speed buffs/debuffs and scouting, so I don’t really need combat stats.
Generally, I aim to do the following:
- Drop portal just before getting near a zerg so that there will be an escape route
- Pull enemies off walls with temporal curtain, then pin with Illusionary Leap -> Swap combo so my team can finish them
- Pin fleeing enemies with some combination of iZerker -> Blink -> Temporal Curtain -> Illusionary Leap so that my team can finish them
- Burn down siege with iZerker/iWarden
and, of course
- Stealth/blink behind zergs at chokepoints, into control points, on top of siege, and portalbomb.
I can’t count how many times I’ve portalbombed 5-10 behind a group of 15-25, to see the group of 15-25 immediately break and start running. It’s a psychological thing, I guess. If you suddenly see red behind you and you’re taking damage, your first instinct is to run, rather than to assess the situation.
80 Purple Norn Mesmer (Portal-on-a-Stick)
Peon of Caedas [CDS] — Sanctum of Rall
(edited by Shishi.6729)
Still having trouble figuring out where the skill is in this video
I didn’t really see any zergs from either side in this vid. That said the music selection was nice. Track names/Artists please.
Aîsta & Çriselli 80 engies, Zeira Blackstar 80 Grd Meloryn 80 Ran, Vexri Crisellista 80 War
Server: Kaineng
;) point taken kyria still you never as strong as your team. Vexor, well guess its up to judgment also not al caught on film of the evening and cant realy refere to things happened when cam was off, still got around 200 badges that evening. what this vid is al about is how effective an voicecomm organiced team (aka the guild) work vs teams of unorganiced players nomatter pesonal skill (aka the zerg). Yannit Skill is to as a team take only camp that supports the two enemy towers in north, hold it for a longer time, or hit enemy camps time after time and irritate the enemy main team to lift preassure of your main team. Personal skill is harder to show in a groupfight movie, we kinda kick recrouts who dont work as a team and go Rambo so its important. I have several solo pvp movies in my youtube channel if you prefere some mesmer soloaction thu
that said il keep the vids comming, both solo but also team ones. wish i could showed you how we ported golems into a frensh keep last friday and a attack team, or the treb portal bombing with a 7 man team in middle of fr attack team.
(edited by Osicat.4139)
ahh songs are listed in description of vid. Enjoy