(edited by Mydnyght.5026)
How to deal with celest ele as a shatter mes?
The first and most important thing, is to watch how the eles are attuning. A 4/4/0/0/6 Shatter mesmer can hard counter a might and boon stacking ele. The real trick is to Stay aggressive, and dont let up on your damage pressure.
At all costs, you must avoid the Fire burst, burning speed and firegrab. While the ele is buffing himself and getting through his first F1-4 rotation for his might stacks, you should be focusing on generating clones. Watch for when the elementalist attunes to water, to set up your burst. Immediately after the elementalist comes out of water attunement, you should burst him. If you are fast, and are able to hit him while he’s stacking might, you’ll interrupt his earthquake, and rip all of his boons off. At this point, I would blink as far away as I can get from the elementalist, and start hammering them with the GS.
D/D eles have little range, and you’ll force him to either use a utility skill, or RTL, one of his only reliable escape skills to gap close on you. Try to force a dodge by casting and canceling mirror blade or Izerk, and then complete the cast and shatter + Mind Stab(Gs3) once the phantasm lands its first whirl. (mind wrack, mind stab, and a phantasm all landing hits at once hurt a lot, and strips an additional 2 boons)
If you’ve succesfully done all this, your elementalist enemy is going to be kinda scared, and will want to run away. Pistol 5 (Magic Bullet) to buy time for you to set up a bigger burst, dodge-roll and I-leap and swap, Blurred frenzy F2, F3 (if diversion is available) and you have one (probably) dead elementalist.
Important things to remember:
Watch their attunement.
Some eles will open with Ride the Lightning. Most will open with Burning speed. D O D G E burning speed. If you’re just makin clones, and he does burning speed into them, they’re all dead, so try and shatter them before the ele kills them.
Land bursts when they’re coming OUT of water attunement. They can’t burst heal for another 10 ish seconds, so this is the time for you to be aggressive.
Create a Phantasm, and then move away from it so that the elementalist cant hit both you and your damage with his local AOE skills like burning speed and churning earth.
If you get CCed by Updraft or Earthquake and the elementalist attunes to FIRE, you need to pop F4 or blink away.
Churning earth hits hard, but it’s also super preditcable. 3 1/4 second cast. Count to 3 in your head and dodge. Even if he lightning flashes onto you to land the churning earth, it will miss because you dodged it on time.
If it’s not troublesome, a Doom sigil will help. That sigil is super useful against just about every heal-bot class, from warriors to condi-bunker rangers to celestial engineers.
Hope this is helpful =D
Take Doom sigils (you should be using these anyway for heal denial elsewhere, ride this gravy train til they inevitably get nerfed).
Elementalists of any variety aren’t that difficult, your offensive cooldowns outpace their defensive ones. Use F1 in Fire/Air and F2 once he comes out of water. D/D has very little kill damage outside of burning. Most Elementalists will use skills without really thinking about it so hold on your distortion even if you get CCed, they’ll often have no real follow up.
If you want to keep greatsword just abuse your range and ledge potential since dagger mainhand Eles basically can’t do anything about it.
Tyvm for both answers, after reading what you wrote it seems like my main issue is that I fail to adapt to the rythm of that fight.
I’m so used to fight squishy targets that I’m a bit lost when fighting an elem on a sustained fight , main reason is that I don’t know much about that class and that I have hard time finding the perfect timing to burst them without having them negating my bursts by that perma regen & mobilty.
Now I’ll try to apply your explanations in game and see how it works when the burst is set at the right time
Btw those elem that gives me trouble are the x/x/x/6/6 ones
Thanks again for tips.
PS : Isn’t sigil of doom easy to cleanse for those type of elem ?
Tyvm for both answers, after reading what you wrote it seems like my main issue is that I fail to adapt to the rythm of that fight.
I’m so used to fight squishy targets that I’m a bit lost when fighting an elem on a sustained fight , main reason is that I don’t know much about that class and that I have hard time finding the perfect timing to burst them without having them negating my bursts by that perma regen & mobilty.
Now I’ll try to apply your explanations in game and see how it works when the burst is set at the right time
Btw those elem that gives me trouble are the x/x/x/6/6 ones
Thanks again for tips.
PS : Isn’t sigil of doom easy to cleanse for those type of elem ?
I agree with everyone said above, But I feel you this is easier said than done, I admit, when they regen they always regen most of their hp, and there is only a slight pause in boon generation.
Arcane Thievery can be a big help against boonspam eles. Just my 2cents.
Shatter Mesmer does not hard counter D/D Ele, at least not as far as sPvP is concerned. This is some forum misconception that started IDK where.
Either way, your best chance, as has been pointed out, is setting up your burst for after the Ele leaves their water attunement. Doom sigils can help, too.
The only reason they don’t is because the objective of sPvP is to hold a node. A mesmer isn’t holding a point in stealth and 1,200 range. And the fact that Berserker Amulet is the only viable amulet, coupled with traits that spec nothing into toughness.
It isn’t a misconception because in WvW it holds fairly true. The only place it doesn’t hold true is in sPvP. In a straight up 1v1, no point capturing and ample space, a glass mesmer will beat a D/D ele 7/8 times out of 10. The have all the tools to counter a D/D ele. Boon stripping, DPS at range, stealth for repositioning, lots of active defenses, etc.
A D/D ele needs to burn at the very least 2 utilities just to close the gap on the mesmer. Most likely Armor of Earth and Lightning Flash. And when that happens, the Mesmer either teleports or goes in stealth. And when you use RTL, the mesmer will use either the teleport or stealth again. This is all provided you aren’t getting CC’ed, interrupted and aren’t taking heavy damage. And if the mesmer uses GS/Staff, good luck lol.
Shatter Mesmer does not hard counter D/D Ele, at least not as far as sPvP is concerned. This is some forum misconception that started IDK where.
Either way, your best chance, as has been pointed out, is setting up your burst for after the Ele leaves their water attunement. Doom sigils can help, too.
The only reason they don’t is because the objective of sPvP is to hold a node. A mesmer isn’t holding a point in stealth and 1,200 range. And the fact that Berserker Amulet is the only viable amulet, coupled with traits that spec nothing into toughness.
It isn’t a misconception because in WvW it holds fairly true. The only place it doesn’t hold true is in sPvP. In a straight up 1v1, no point capturing and ample space, a glass mesmer will beat a D/D ele 7/8 times out of 10. The have all the tools to counter a D/D ele. Boon stripping, DPS at range, stealth for repositioning, lots of active defenses, etc.
A D/D ele needs to burn at the very least 2 utilities just to close the gap on the mesmer. Most likely Armor of Earth and Lightning Flash. And when that happens, the Mesmer either teleports or goes in stealth. And when you use RTL, the mesmer will use either the teleport or stealth again. This is all provided you aren’t getting CC’ed, interrupted and aren’t taking heavy damage. And if the mesmer uses GS/Staff, good luck lol.
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