How to use staff #2 to blink forward?
After much practice, it feels like back teleporting with staff is actually ineffective and the time you spend turning around actually takes away from your velocity, especially if you have swiftness.
Remember you should always use your target as your point of reference so you can bounce using people chasing you, quite effective when coupled with blink swiftness on heal and/or temporal curtain.
No target about face rotations are a waste of time.
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Have an enemy targetted while in combat/range and have them be behind you. It’s a lot more reliable than turning camera around manually (using shortcuts isn’t a guarantee forward blink).
I very much appreciate both of ur responses and I agree with u. however my main concern is how to use staff #2 to run faster or as a gap closer. Is that viable?
Tbh best use is to in a chasing mark a target you will pass, when passed it and have it behind you and target you chase infront of you hit staff 2, then insta blink and engage enemy in combat, cripple with sword.
For incombat movment its a matter of controll, if you want to climb a rock, mark any taget close to the rock, hit staff 2 and retarget what you killing.
If you fight a pet class who try to dissengae from combat hes pet often behind him. blink in between the pet and enemy, hit staff 2 and you often get in front of him in the direction he try to run.
For long distance speed increase remember you dont want to get into combat al the time as this slow you down. Mark things that our clones wont fight, butterflies, frogs rabbits etc, hit staff 2 that get you far range form it, blink after. This leav your clone 1 hit target + range make you out of combat.
Only time you use 180 camera turn to staff 2 is when you getting chased and want to mark a enemy to sprint from, a staff 2 + decoy and then blink make me survive most times I need to leg it. Just remeber to hide behind a los when stealth wear off if possible.
Same as on ranger’s sword skill 2. 180* your character. Its not exactly worth it like it is on the ranger tho.
You should really only do this when you don’t have swiftness on you, so when you turn around, you don’t run to far back. This is how you do it:
- Bind the ‘Autorun’ and ‘About Face’ keys.
- Press the Autorun, so you don’t have to hold down your finger on W. This makes it easier.
- Now comes the tricky part:
- You need to press your About Face key, and then Phase Retreat (or any teleport/roll back skill), right after each other.
- Then, right after you press Phase Retreat, and as you’re teleporting, you use your mouse to manually turn back 180 again. So you basically turn while Phase Retreat’s animation is happening. The reason why you want to turn back manually, is because you can’t use the About Face key twice, too rapidly, because the animations can’t stack. But, it is possible to turn your character camera around, while you’re holding down the right mouse button, without interrupting the teleport/roll animation.
- You need to do these three things (About Face, Phase Retreat, Turn 180) in one movement.
Some things to keep in mind: If you press About Turn and Phase Retreat too fast, or at the same time, you will just teleport/roll backwards, as you normally would. Because the two animations can’t stack. You also need to practice your manual mouse turn, so you end up running straight again, and don’t end up turning 270 degrees, instead. It’s not as hard as it sounds =)
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
(edited by Kasama.8941)
Thank you Osicat for all the useful tips!!
And thank you Kasama for solving my confusion!
There is a keybind for the command “About Face”. This let’s you turn 180 degrees. Bind that to something. Mine is left shift.
Run forward, about face, staff 2, about face.
You have now blunk forward. Takes some getting used to but once you get it down you won’t be able to live without it.