I can't choose

I can't choose

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wrongone.5763


so I’ve recently started playing again after not playing for 2 years. I quit because I had to sell my computer. I leveled a guardian to 80 got him into exotic Knights gear but I remember it feeling clunky to play.

so with my return I want to only focus on one character. I like all game modes and would like to get into each more deeply. but with just one character that’s my biggest thing.

I enjoy dishing out the damage and supporting but not nessisarily being a straight up healer. I thought ele would be a good fit so I used my hot 80 boost on one and came to find I only like staff on that class.

so from looking at all the classes I’m between guardian and mesmer. I love never really playing a mesmer but hey look fun and interesting to me. and kind of fits what I’m looking for I think.

what might your opinions be?

I can't choose

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Well, Mesmer is used in all game modes, but it’s more or less the farthest you can possibly get from “dishing out the damage”. Mesmer is, for most intents and purposes, a pure support class that buffs their allies. In very few situations does it have anything approaching meaningful or significant damage.

I can't choose

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wrongone.5763


sorry I suppose the dishing out the damage was more so ment for pvp.

I can't choose

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lexander.4579


sorry I suppose the dishing out the damage was more so ment for pvp.

then you are going to love the meta perma 12 stacks of torment+confusion condi mesmer

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

I can't choose

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wrongone.5763


lol I just might. mesmer looks interesting for all game modes guardian still feels a bit clunky to me