I feel so lost now......

I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zera.8907


I started a Mesmer back in the head start and been playing it ever since. Started way back then kittenter and moved onto Confusion. When the Confusion nerf took place I moved on to the Phantasm build. Now with the nerf to IC I have no clue what the hell to do. Things are not as cohesive as they used to be. I also feel a hell of a lot squishier than I used, I got back stabbed the other day for 8k while having almost 3k armor…..

I tried to come up with various specs for WvW, it’s all I do, I’ve been checking the boards but nothing, NOTHING is working for me. I feel lost. I don’t know what to do. I’ve my condi set, I’ve got my power/prec/toughness set, I’ve got my power, tough, vit set. All with the usual accessorie line ups: cavalier, knights, zerkers, etc.

I’d ideally like to go back to a Phantasm spec but the fact that we have to go 25 points into the freakin Illusions line is absurd, I could understand if it was made 10-15 points into that line but 25??? WHY? Prior to the nerf I ran a standard 0/20/20/25/5 scepter/pistol & staff. Now that spec is rendered invalid and broken because I have to take 20 points out of either Chaos or Inspiration. If I drop Chaos I lose my staff cool downs and lose 200 toughness, if I drop Inspiration I lose 2.5k health and my scepter cool downs. I know we have tons of escape mechanisms but we WILL get hit so regardless of what line I decide to drop my survival takes a hit.

I honestly don’t feel like doing shatter because I’ve always felt it was too squish. I love the burst but IMO it gives up wayyyy to much protection. I’m at a loss here. Any thoughts guys?

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

(edited by Zera.8907)

I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Mate, I feel with you. Its never fun when your favorite build is totaly put upside down. Bute I must ask, why do you feel shatter is squishy? There is several builds, some extremy burst focused with low passive survival, but there is also some extremly durable shatter setups who leav high health, high passive survival and toughnes at the same time as the dmg output is amazing.

I understand you dont like shatter but just to show some durable shatter build have a look, this build will spon come with a refreshed setup after patch but the cpre is the same.

Gl on find a new build.


I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: hardloop von edgehoven.8512

hardloop von edgehoven.8512

the ironic thing is that the ILLUSION line has the traits for phantasm-builds which wanna maintain their phantasms and only shatter tehm here and there, but infact its the pure shatter line…

they should split up the whole trait thing into a clone line for shattering (now illusions) and a phantasm line for either damage or support beyond 20 points.
afte that put the weapon specific traits to the other lines so that one have the choice between preferred weapon sets

I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


Mesmer is still amazing for wvw roaming and pve, however for organized zerg fights involving stacking, charges etc unless you want to be reduced to a portal/veil bot I’d suggest another class with decent mass support or aoes.

There are a lot of weird builds out there atm but I think 20/20/0/0/30 and 0/20/20/0/30 are the best roaming shatter builds and 20/20/0/30/0 is probably the best if you have to take reflects for pve.

I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: hammer.9721


I really miss the 10/20/10/25/5 build i usually ran with before the patch.It was nothing special and most would of probably considered it kitten but it worked really well for me. IC was crucial to me since i had no other traits to reduce cooldowns. It might only be 4 seconds but it made that build so much less effective.

Im going to try a condition build but i dont think it will be nearly as good as my old build and thieves are going to finally give me trouble i think.

I feel so lost now......

in Mesmer

Posted by: ShiftSide.3645


For WvW Zerg fights, the interrupt for might build, and then tossing out damage based on confusion and iZerker is really good, imo.
