I know I'm playing it wrong ...

I know I'm playing it wrong ...

in Mesmer

Posted by: wildcode.5403


I am a little confused by (atleast) early mesmer. I have a lvl21 mesmer with a great sword and apart from the #4 skill, any other clones do no damage and do not pull agro away from me, which gets frustrating when something chasing you and 3 clones are out doing no damage and not taking agro away from you, and the clones don’t get close enough to the foe to utilise shatter skills.

What am I doing wrong? How do I make clones more effective at low levels?

I know I'm playing it wrong ...

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Clones only draw agro if you open with the clones… They are meant to do no damage but serve as distractions/enhancements for other skills and be shattered (ether feast). Phantasms do the most damage. Keep at it when you get the chance unlock 20 on the dueling line in your traits. It will be well worth it.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

I know I'm playing it wrong ...

in Mesmer

Posted by: FlyingK.9720


Clone use in PvE tends to work in one of two ways:

1. Direct damage builds use them kittenter fodder, summon 2-3 and use a shatter. The AI is problematic here; pretty much a matter of practice to pull off good shatters.

2. Condition damage builds use staff clones to apply conditions. Pretty cut and dry here, just use skills to keep out 3 clones at all times.

(edited by FlyingK.9720)