I like to be different.
I always motivated people to do their own thing. So i like what you have been doing here. Not saying meta is bad or something, but often i hear people saying “go meta, and everything outside of that is wrong”. Going back to your build i would make a few tweaks tho. How about you use sword/sword in one set and scepter/shield in other. Swap Persistence of Memory for Compounding power in illusions and Improved Alacrity for Illusionary Reversion in Chronoline. This way you have high illusions uptime so might want to swap healing too. And finely swap Divinity rune by Scrapper?
I still love lockdown gs + s/s mesmer most ! even playing it from time to time, however it is not as effective as it used to be pre-spec patch, since some traits have been merged or divided and you no longer can accept them all since you have to run chrono …
Loving my full boon duration power S/S mesmer. Tanky, boon duration, decent condi clears but also packs a few hits.
Nothing special, but here is a short vid https://youtu.be/LGJz4yQrxQw
I would like to add more and better ones but unfortunately, my slow connection requires 5 to 7 hours just to upload 1GB video, that is why I am not that active on the side
I appreciate your post. Reason why I do not sw/sw is because I like casting swordsman and stay ranged, a little. Eventually, I go contesting point/melee when using sw/shd which I believe to be a better tanky set than sw/sw.
Switching persistance for compounding is something I may do. Switching Improved alacrity is something I wont do. I am not condi and my dps do not benefit from having so many illusions to shatter, while improved alacrity helps so much more with general CD. Signet Healing is very important for doubling phantasms, which I often do at beginning of the fights.
I may try Scrapper runes, but I fear it will boost my power but loose that (little) survivability Divinity provides.
All in all, thank you for your feedback
So do I, but I am not the greatest mesmer and thieves give me trouble when I am on my GS. The build I am running let me deal with them toe to toe and I still have to loose to those pesky backstabbers
I’d love to check it out. Can you share it?
Nice video and a good example of why videos help a lot in getting the point of a build across. I have to admit I was highly skeptical of the build the first time I saw this thread, but came back to it and you make it look pretty good in the video. ;-)
Also a great example of adapting your own play-style to a build.
It’s way too squishy for my tastes and I don’t think I could make it work as well as you do, but still I really like it and it has given me more ideas to play with. ;-)
@Trooper yeah Thieves are indeed pain in the kitten while on GS so you jsut have to outdodge their burst
Hi Guys, just wanted to post a new video
Still focusing on off-hand sword but I moved away from Illusions line. Often, phantasm swordman does not live long enough to hit twice and this jeopardize my original idea.
In these videos, I am still using Persisting Images and SoI, yet swordman gets wrecked by thieves Bound, for example, or DH traps too easily so I might as well focus on different skills.
I was thorn between dueling and domination and kept swapping (not in the video, though. Build in the description).
Evenatually, I went with both and dropped inspiration and used a similar build Windwalker is using, but sc/sw instead of GS. I will post more videos later. The result is: very fun to play when you win. A nightmare if you get countered (which can happen very often since any condition looks scary). It might be that I am still getting used to not having the sustain from inspiration so, I will keep using it and see how it goes.
And for the videos, any feedback/criticism is welcome.
Funnily enough it is your build I started with, and went with Dueling and GS, plus personal adjustments here and there. ;-)
Will watch the video later!