I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


hello everyone,
IMPORTANT: this thread speaks about my gaming experience and features questions about the mesmer class
i’m a lv33 mesmer (1st char) and i’m new to this game but not to mmorpg, i used to be a skilled enhance shaman on WoW, saying this just to let you know i’m new but not incompetent.
I dueled and spoke with all shamans i’ve met trying to learn something from each of them, in this way i mastered my knowledge of the class, allowing me to fight well anticlasses and groups of enemies.
I want to do the same with the mesmer because i feel it’s a very complete class with plenty skills and abilities allowing me to build lots of combinations,

but i want to earn my goals…

Recently i watched MrPrometheus’ guide on mesmers and following him i’m running a staff+sword/focus build 20/0/30/0/20, i think i use my skills quite well, i learned the combos with fields, leap+frenzy, blink while stun… summarizing i’m familiar with the class and the kite/hit&run build i’m running

…so i tried entering sPvP…

for the 1st duel i faced a warrior with golden armor… something like this http://www.games.it/gallery/foto/screenshot/a-f/cavalieri-dello-zodiaco/saint-seiya-screenshot-1.jpeg
we did 2 duels, he won the 1st but i surprisely won the 2nd with a huge advantage, after that i’ve beaten another warrior, a guardian and an engineer

i though i was good untill i read that our class is hugely advantaged because of the “jack of all trades” title, we have something for everything and i noticed that too.

So now overcomes the repeatedly adjective about mesmers… “overpowered”, i hate this term so i like to define the mesmers’ class more “complete” than orther ones. i like this class very much for it’s variety and different gameplay styles and i wouldn’t remove anything from it, insead to balance things i’d work a bit more on orther classes.

now i have some orther questions as a new player:
1- when i got in WvW i saw that my level boosts to 80, but does my crappy gear(facing lvl 80 exotics) affect my playing or they get also buffed? (i’m asking because i see the stats buffed but when i put the cursor on my gear i still see the “48 armor, 12 power,+1% crit” and maybe a message that says “if you go nude you may trigger mercy…not”

2- does arena.net know about all these players complaining about this class?(i’m talking about serious people and not “L2P IDIOT, NerfNerfNerfNerfNerf”), and if it knows did it answer or make a post about it? i didn’t find anything around.

i’m asking all this because i don’t think i faced completely incompetent players and i’m pretty sure i’ve beaten them also because my class offers me some advantages

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


1: In WvW, your gear scales to appropriate gear. This means if you’re level 10 and wearing a level 10 Blue, you’re essentially level 80 wearing a level 80 Blue (not quite right, but close enough). If your gear is lower level than you, you will get less stats than a level 80 piece of equipment. Additionally, it is possible to outstat a level 80 in WvW, which is why the level 80 wearing a level 80 Blue isn’t exactly right. If you are to outstat a level 80, once you levelup your stats will slowly diminish until they are correct.
I don’t know exactly how to outstat a level 80.

2: Arenanet has their own research team to figure out what needs balancing. We are not their most favored class, but we are still running strong even with the “we get nerfed every patch” mentality that a lot of Mesmers have. Mesmers are not necessarily easymode. You can play them easymode, but you can also 100b Warrior, or D/P Thief (actually it’s S/D right now for the mainstream build). Mesmer just has a much higher skill cap/ceiling (if there even is one) and a much higher skill floor. Note that even with the high skill floor, there are still some builds that allow unskilled players to utilize the Mesmer.

What most people don’t understand is that the lack of a skill cap on a Mesmer is not the same as a lack of a skill floor for a Mesmer. They will complain about a Mesmer killing their entire roam group when in reality they just fought a ridiculously skilled Mesmer (or they were trying to play with one hand while writing an essay with the other).

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darwin Iznang.1342

Darwin Iznang.1342

To answer the first question, you will be fine in WvW. The only thing you are missing is traits.

On the second, the best way to know the strengths and weaknesses of a class is to play one yourself. There are posts in the mesmer forum all the time looking for help on how to fight them. So no, we are not OP, and Anet is not just days away from giving us the nerf hammer treatment. Some players just don’t understand our mechanics, so they have less chance to counter them.

If you are winning your 1v1 battles, congrats to you. You are probably a player who would be good at any class.

Win 10 64bit | i5-4670K | ASUS ROG Maximus VI Hero
Corsair Vengeance 8Gb @ 1866Mhz | ASUS GTX 970 | Kingston 240 GB SSD

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Uhaen.9876


So you have something like 9 thoughts in one thread; a misnomer for a title (you don’t seem confused at all); a sample-size of five and try to contrast “overpowered,” especially at the bottom level of the sPvP ladder; what goal were you trying to attain when you posted this thread? I’m feeling some serious confusion stacking just trying to make sense of this maze.

I’ll answer your two organized questions, though.

1.) WvW will up-level you if you aren’t max level. Your gear will still be kitten. Some of the better benefits of doing WvW at 80 are about gear; you can focus on three stats instead of one (at the low-level range) or two (at the mid-level range). Gear does get scaled up, but only so far as to make those one or two stats more powerful. Other benefits include traits, skill points, etc etc…
2.) Every single class has threads in their section complaining about how OP they are. I’m sure they’re taking each and every complaint with the utmost sincerity, instead of completely disregarding anything but very specific skills like a sane person would. Winning 4 out of 5 of your duels in sPvP at Rabbit level certainly isn’t going to send up any red flags to ArenaNet.


I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


If you are winning your 1v1 battles, congrats to you. You are probably a player who would be good at any class.

yeah this actually depends on how much the class attracts me.

So you have something like 9 thoughts in one thread; a misnomer for a title (you don’t seem confused at all);

I’m sorry if i didn’t explain myself very well, I may know english well but I’m not very effective when it comes to take out what I really feel.

I intended this as… “i feel good with this class but when i use it i’m afraid of being criticized by orthers”

Winning 4 out of 5 of your duels in sPvP at Rabbit level certainly isn’t going to send up any red flags to ArenaNet.

Here what i wanted to expose was the fact that a mesmer fighting an equally skilled thief(for ex.) wins like 80% or more of the duels (i’ve tried this with a friend) and actually i won 100% of the fights without even using distorsion, daze or elite skills

PS: i am writing this because i just want to let you know my experience while you can tell me yours, i’m not trying to obtain anything particulary but the way that you see those things i’ve exposed

(edited by JQKAndrei.8705)

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Uhaen.9876


You’ll always be criticized by others if you win against them. It’s the Internet. You’ll also be criticized for losing, or for speaking, or for being too quiet, or for using any number of “cheese” strategies, nking, tppking, telehammering (oh man, the memories)… PvP has never been the attractor of the world’s most polite individuals.

But again, you’re fighting at the Rabbit level. Give the thf time to figure his class out. Hell, start of the game I was always duoing with a thf — and I loathed Heartseeker to the point of calling it OP myself, til I realized how to counter it.


I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


by now i’d like just to figure out if my friend thief will ever have a chance to beat me with his class without maybe making an anti-mesmer build just to beat me,

as we train we would like to be able to train both and not just me trying my 20 different ways to kill him

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


by now i’d like just to figure out if my friend thief will ever have a chance to beat me with his class without maybe making an anti-mesmer build just to beat me,

as we train we would like to be able to train both and not just me trying my 20 different ways to kill him

Yes, a backstab an invis Thief can down a Mesmer relatively fast if the Mesmer does not notice him coming or prepare adequately.

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: NerfedWar.8749


Due to time constraints and the realisation/acceptance that I’ll never reach the lofty heights of skill some PVP players achieve, I spent time leveling each profession looking for the easiest one to obtain results with in WvW.

I chose the mesmer in the end. Why? Because I like to win and the mesmer is by far the easiest class for the average player to obtain result with. In a battle of mediocrity (between similarly ‘low/average’ skilled players) the mesmer has a good chance of coming out on top, and against new/bad players its a bloodbath, pop a few clones and inexperienced players really don’t stand a chance.

As the skills level goes up, things change quite a lot and you’ll find good players of other professions giving you a run for your money. Fortunately most players are just bad/average and this works to the advantage of every mesmer especially in WvW when facing 1vX odds, there is a good chance that most of X are average at best, helping to further the confusion clones make through herd mentality of your opponents.

Put me up against a ‘good’ player of most professions and I’ll probably lose, the balancing is there, just not for the new/average player.

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


you will be owned in WvW if you solo. Gear and traits make a huge difference. However if you stick with a zerg which most players do you’ll be just fine. .

As for balance, this game is very balanced at the high end but as Nerfedwar pointed out at avg skill level Mesmers have a huge advantage. Watch out for thieves though in WvW they will kill you pretty fast 1 v 1.

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: JQKAndrei.8705


i’ve just tried WvW and i fighted a thief 1v1 while i have 17 traits spent, we fighted nice but my kite and cc build doesn’t do much damage and gives the thief too much time to regenerate, at last he won and i’m glad of this because i did my best and i suppose he did too

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Under-leveled characters will always have a disadvantage. Just stay with the zerg and gain levels and you will quickly get to 80. It is also a good idea to buy green items of your level every 10 levels off the TP.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

I'm in confusion with my class(100stacks)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Didnt read all the other responses, but I’ll add this. You came and learned/watched how to play a mesmer from one of the many guides on the mesmer forums. To be frank, you’re now light years ahead of the average population of GW2 players. On top of that, look at all the other class forums. You wont find anything nearly as good in terms of community that posts builds and guides.

Mesmers are, on average, smarter players with more insight into what’s going on with their game. You’ve experienced the benefits of this.