[Ideas]: How would you improve Mesmer?
Err…When did I ever say I didn’t like the Mesmer class in GW2? I also believe this is a thread on how I as a player would improve the Mesmer class. You sir need to get off your high horse and realize that people posted their opinions on how they feel the class could be stronger and/or play better.
I also understand that this is a new game. There’s also the fact that Mesmer’s took the biggest hit with the reimagination from GW1. Every other class plays similarly to their previous counter-part in one way or the other. Mesmers on the other hand are almost 100% new with the Illusion mechanic. The potential was/is still there. I as a former and current Mesmer player am disappointed in the direction Anet chose, but that won’t stop me from loving the class.
I feel like anymore said on this would just cause you to pop some blood vessels and spray saliva all over your screen in a nerd rage. This is a suggestion thread. Maybe YOU should leave and let people discuss the topic of this thread.
EDIT: @EasymodeX
No I do not want to play the same class I used to. I would however like to see some of the utilities that made Mesmer’s so much fun to play in the previous game return, in addition to the Illusion mechanics. Like I said. There was soooo much potential with which direction Anet could have gone with GW2 Mesmers. They just left out too much of what was once good and added way more than was required on the Illusion side. My guildy says it best every day, “You just pop Illusions and it plays the game for you”. I don’t agree completely, but Illusions play too much of a factor.
(edited by Vladia.2731)
I agree
I miss the Domination (I thought this made the mesmer a really orginal class)
I liked to suppress and shutdown my opponent:
Attack you loose health (Empathy <3) – Don’t attack you loose health too (Wastrel’s_Worry)
Clones and phantasm are cool and there is lot of inovative gameplay, but it feels like someone forgot to put the ganache on a mudcake:
It’s ok, but surely not the same.