(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Makkadull.4250


Hello! i have a little suggestion concerning the mesmer’s greatsword skills, i think it would look way cooler and feel more satisfying to have a melee attack as your auto-attack/key 1 like a 3-hit combo or something like that. The reason is mostly because i think it would look way better like i said, and i don’t think it would break the gameplay at all. But if necessary, of course you could increase/decrease the total damage of these melee attacks to balance it out.

I feel that the Spatial Surge beam just feels really boring to shoot over and over again and also i don’t really like the way my little Asura looks while holding the greatsword and then shooting a beam from it. Obviously this is no high-priority issue i just wanted to share my thoughts.

I would also like to add another thing here concerning the clothing system/town clothes real quick. I just bought a pair of shades from the gem store and i also bought a fancy hat. Now it was only after buying them that i realized i couldn’t equip them at the same time because they were both equipped in the Head slot. Now in real life it makes perfect sense to be able to wear a hat and a pair of glasses at the same time, so i would just like to say that i really think you should keep hats to the head slot but just add a accessory or even glasses slot or somehow make it possible to wear glasses and a hat at the same time, very minor thing but to me kind of important. You wanna look good in your town clothes after all.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sleaze.3748


I personally think Spatial Surge is one of the coolest looking auto attacks in the game, and of course it’s boring to shoot over and over again…. it’s an auto attack…. you should be doing more….

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Makkadull.4250


Well obviously i am doing a lot more my bad for writing over and over again that’s not really what i meant. And like i said it’s a personal opinion, i think it would be way more amazing to actually swing that sword you are carrying. The ideal solution would be to have some sort of cosmetic item that changes the way the attack looks, but that just wouldn’t work at all unless it’s within the same range.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062



Spatial Surge is epic.

And like i said it’s a personal opinion, i think it would be way more amazing to actually swing that sword you are carrying.

I mean, you realize that there are a dozen (well, 3 off the top of my head) other classes that actually swing their greatsword, right? And like every class in every other MMO that uses a 2h sword actually swings their sword. I think it’s cool to be the one class that doesn’t swing the greatsword. We get LAZER BEAM instead.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: brogarn.8723


I don’t like the aesthetics of the GS at all. Awesome weapon, but I feel like my guy doesn’t know what to do with this brute weapon so he points at bad guys and shouts “LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!” While effective, I feel embarrassed for him and give him back his staff and scepter with a pat on his head and an apology.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Makkadull.4250


Well i am aware that other classes swing the greatsword……. it’s just that either id prefer a melee combo with some sort of magic glow thing around the sword or something, or they should totally pimp out the beam more, maybe make it like a 3 attack cycle where every beam has some different thing going on, i personally think that at the moment IT IS INSUFFICIENT.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Makkadull.4250


I don’t like the aesthetics of the GS at all. Awesome weapon, but I feel like my guy doesn’t know what to do with this brute weapon so he points at bad guys and shouts “LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!” While effective, I feel embarrassed for him and give him back his staff and scepter with a pat on his head and an apology.

hehe well that is sort of the same feeling i get, however i just gotta say i really love the staff skills for the mesmer so that is a plus

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Somna.5168


Hmmm, I know I wouldn’t mind swinging and creating shockwaves with the Greatsword as the autoattack. But I like the pointy sword-beam too.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: dreamless.6539


The laser beam is what sold me on the mesmer in the first place. You’re not even holding on to the sword! Easymode’s right on this one.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Waltz.3618


The greatsword is really built around ranged; a melee auto attack wouldn’t make a ton of sense. I am, however, completely in favor of making it a combo attack like most weapons. Light beams are great and all, but why can’t that be a finisher to a 3 step combo? Swing and release some sort of arced energy, swing again from the other side, finish with the 3-hit beam. Beautiful and everyone gets what they want.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Acheron.4576



(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Marxo.3829


We suspend greatswords between our hands and fire laser beams down the blade to strike our foes.

Mesmers win the game before leaving the starter zone.

OP is trolling perhaps?

(edited by Marxo.3829)

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Servanin.5021


Sometimes I wonder though. If greatsword is designed around being at max range, why does mirrored blade only give 6 stacks of might if you are in melee range of enemies?

I guess you could use it, then switch weapons. Or use it, then blink/portal away, but the idea that I can create 12 stacks of might (13 second duration with my might duration+, 4.7 second cooldown) but can’t capitalize on it is a little odd.

(Ideas)The Mesmer and the greatsword.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mouhappai.5406


Sometimes I wonder though. If greatsword is designed around being at max range, why does mirrored blade only give 6 stacks of might if you are in melee range of enemies?

I guess you could use it, then switch weapons. Or use it, then blink/portal away, but the idea that I can create 12 stacks of might (13 second duration with my might duration+, 4.7 second cooldown) but can’t capitalize on it is a little odd.

It’s meant to give support to your allies while you snipe enemies from a distance. The might buff wasn’t exactly meant for yourself. It’s just a little extra bonus that you can get the buff as well if you are in range before switching to a melee weapon or something.