Illusionary Avenger Buff Priority

Illusionary Avenger Buff Priority

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dethl.2875


I keep forgetting to bring this up to [OMFG], so I’ll just post while I remember.

Has anyone else noticed that Avenger just loves buffing other clones/illusions while players are in range? I mostly notice this when I set multiple Avenger’s on gates (which is stupid as it is but eh that’s another issue), where they will continually set themselves on fire while a ram user two feet away has a 50/50 chance of getting alacrity (unless it’s myself, in which case works as intended).

If I’m not crazy and other people have noticed, I want to say this is a minion problem in general, related to the frost spirit prioritizing minion bug.

some server who knows
Foolsworn (M) | Dehtl (M) | Iofo (G) | Foolburt (W) | Fooloop (T)
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Illusionary Avenger Buff Priority

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alpha.1308


apparently it’s been a bug in game for quite a few months now, or so i was told
pets/summons that apply buffs are prioritizing other pets/summons
like, across the board

Illusionary Avenger Buff Priority

in Mesmer

Posted by: GLaDOS.5897


Can anyone please check wether this issue has been fixed for iAvenger as well ?
I would if I could, but I’m stuck at the office.

Taaun We – Vizunah Square (EUW/FR)