Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


Has anyone done this before? I assume most have. If not, when fighting a thief, you hold onto your Illusionary Wave until the thief drops refuge. When they do, just hit the refuge with Illusionary Wave (GS 5). When you do it knocks them out of the refuge and destealths them regardless of refuge stealth ticks.

The oddity of this is that they often will just sit there for a full second or two still attempting to get refuge ticks. I think this is because the refuge animation disppears early. Unfortunately for them, everyone opens up on the stationary thief typically dropping them in a couple seconds. Match this with Halting Strike and it’s a nice double whammy.

Into the Void works as well, but is a bit harder to use after the patch.

mesmer of Blackgate

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


I am pretty sure the reason it appears they are “just sitting” there is that they have been knocked down, but because of way the game animates stealth/revealed the knockdown does not animate properly on our screens.

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zumi.6384


Yep, this is one of my favorite things to do haha makes thieves so mad.

Also, if they drop those other fields they use to stealth in and out of (I forget the name of the skill), just go stand in them. Chances are the thief will hit you and be de-stealthed

WARNING: The tears of thieves are known to directly result in Mesmer nerfs and therefore it is not recommended that you ever kill one. You have been warned.

Willowbreeze: Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast [Crit]

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Adian.8756


Does anyone NOT do this? lol

Lyann Vail | 80 Mesmer
Aurora Glade [EU] | Leader of ‘The New Reality [NR]’
WvW Beast!

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Yep, this is one of my favorite things to do haha makes thieves so mad.

Also, if they drop those other fields they use to stealth in and out of (I forget the name of the skill), just go stand in them. Chances are the thief will hit you and be de-stealthed

Or you might take a nice 8k burst…

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zumi.6384


Yep, this is one of my favorite things to do haha makes thieves so mad.

Also, if they drop those other fields they use to stealth in and out of (I forget the name of the skill), just go stand in them. Chances are the thief will hit you and be de-stealthed

Or you might take a nice 8k burst…

From my understanding they use HS to combo the stealth. Which means all you have to do is dodge and you avoid it a lot of the time. And if he destealths he’s usually very low on initiative at that point.

All I know is I’ve done it and it’s worked for me, don’t know a ton about thieves

Willowbreeze: Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast [Crit]

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: cyyrix.6105


Yep, this is one of my favorite things to do haha makes thieves so mad.

Also, if they drop those other fields they use to stealth in and out of (I forget the name of the skill), just go stand in them. Chances are the thief will hit you and be de-stealthed

Or you might take a nice 8k burst…

Usually when they’re spamming stealth like that, the fight is at a point where they don’t want to hit you. Rarely do thieves end up bursting me when I’m standing in their fields. The tactic works pretty well.

That said, it is terrible design that the best way to counter perma-stealthing d/p thieves is to voluntarily blind yourself by standing in their black powder field. Couple that with the blind buff from the 6/25 patch, and you’re coming to closer to understanding why this game’s stealth mechanic is so poorly implemented.

Cyyrix | Marypoppins Deathsquad [mds] | Team Riot [RIOT] | Blackgate

Illusionary Wave verse Shadow Refuge

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Yeah, I’ve been doing this since launch.

I find Temporal Curtain more reliable though, the hitbox on Illusionary Wave can be sketchy sometimes.
