Illusions status/health window

Illusions status/health window

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Can we get a small, unobtrusive status window for our illusions? Just something that shows the health bars and the order they were summoned? It gets a bit hectic on screen when there is a ton of stuff going on with people and effects all over the place. With our illusions in the mix, it gets very difficult to see how healthy our illusions are and when we should summon a new one to replace one that is near death. This would enable us to be proactive, summoning in advance of the destruction of an illusion versus reactive, just sitting, waiting and watching those three little dots for one or more to be turned off to summon again when we’re not actively shattering.

something as simple as this, each illusion pip showing a half inch bar representing that particular illusions health. With or without the numbers but the health bars would help a ton.
/ / /
/ / /
1)O 2)O 3)O post wont let me put each set of lines above the corresponding O >.<


in a row above the F1 through F4 keys
1)O——- 2)O——- 3)O——-

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.