Inspartion to weak?

Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


I mean you don’t really benfit from spcing into that tree. In itself it seems to contradict. It wants to be the tree for keeping up Illusions as long as possible while give the option to shatter them. Now that Illusions die way to fast ( even traited) and shattering them does not deal a lot of dmg if you build around keeping them up I really see no point in that tree.

Yes the glamour and Focus trait are really nice but the tree in itself it just bad in its current stat. It was desinged around the fact that clones do a decent amount of dmg but that is history since BW2.

What do you think? Does it need a change or am I just to blind to see.


Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


Personally, I think the Domination tree is the worse. According to the wiki, its suppose to:

Domination is a trait line for the mesmer that focuses on interrupting enemies and rendering them vulnerable.

But interrupting in GW2 is very unreliable, since your waiting for you illusions to get into shatter range. And forget about it against any Champion mobs.. they all have that buff that makes them immune to every 5 or so control skills. So the chances of actually interrupting a Champion is next to none.

Mantra of Distraction is very reliable, but at only two interrupts its a nice thing to play with once and while.

IMHO, Harmonious Mantra’s is not worthy of a Grandmaster status, and should be downgraded to Master. If that was the case, I’d give up Deceptive Evasion in Dueling and move those points into Domination!

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Inspiration is one of the trees I invest most frequently into.

I don’t usually take it all the way to 30 simply because the grandmaster traits are underwhelming when i have better stuff to sink those into, but 20 is common.

The minor traits arn’t to be sniffed at, even on a shatter build if you let your phantasm get off their opening attack then +15% damage is not a small amount across a full rotation, and the extra vitality and healing helps with survivability but the real meat of it is the majors.

Glamours – Inspiration has the glamour cooldown boost and glamour duration boost – glamours are fantastic skills whether solo or in a team; that in turn has a good synergy with shatter builds if you opt to take dazzling glamours so your glamours also blind enemies.

Condition removal is something people overlook as it’s not a big deal in solo overworld play, but in dungeons and PvP it matters a lot. Menders purity has a great synergy with mesmer’s short healing cooldowns and means you can drop taking dedicated condition remover utility in most situations.

Warden’s Feedback – The focus is an AMAZING offhand for almost every facet of PvE; it has AoE damage, pull, interupt, snare, deflection and swiftness all packed into a single tool, taking the trait further adds 2 reflects and slashes 20% off the cooldowns – this is probably my favourite trait on the entire class; or, maybe second favourite after illusory persona.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


warden’s feedback is the reason why I went dom/dueling/inspiration for my mesmer rather than illusions.

I’ve been in DE’s where I put up focus curtain and watched entire packs of ranged kill themselves dead on it.

It makes confusion look utterly pathetic.

Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Okuza.5210


I would love learn to live without Mender’s Purity; that would free up 10 points for something else and my healing key is also my swiftness key via centaur’s (that’s 3 functions on 1 key now). But, MP frees up a utility slot, which gives a lot of flexibility in game.

Warden is by turns absolutely awesome or completely useless. There’s unfortunately no middle ground. If your target never moves, warden is amazing. If it does, it’s useless. So, until such a time as the warden pursues it’s target, I consider it a special-purpose tool and only wield it when I know for sure that it will work. I really hate burning a trait that I can only use 10~20% of the time.

If you’re doing things where Warden is nice most of the time, then hell yes — trait it.

Inspartion to weak?

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


I agree with most of you that the tree can be very strong. But it is rather rare. TC is about the hight of my keens and I play Asura. More offen then not I saw arrows or anything just fly over it and hit me. Warden on the other hand can be awesome dps and utlity wise but if the enmy moves you wasted a CD and and off-hand slot.

Yeah Domination also got a bit of bounds. It seems like the tree was based around a diffrent build in the game where you could interuppt like in Gw1. In the current stat of the game it is just ok. You get decent dmg traits in it but all disruptive traits are usless.

On last thing. Our Grandamaster traits are pretty bad in general. The only one I find usfull is Illusinarey Persona as it ads dmg to shatter builds and allows you to caste a quick destortion to get away from on last hit.
