Interesting iLeap behavior

Interesting iLeap behavior

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


Found a bug and how to reproduce it and decided to have some fun with it. Result is I can have one or more clones out and command their movement at will, including forcing them to swap their target to whatever whoever I choose. Not sure how practical but definitely interesting, for me at least.

Fun starts at the 2nd half of the video,

Interesting iLeap behavior

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


This bug has been around since they introduced Illusionary leap… At the first beta :P

I occasionally just have fun with 3 clones on that one golem in the mists that spins and knocks you back.

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Interesting iLeap behavior

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


What I was observing before is clone leap to a different target and then switch right back to his original target. What I got it to do is for clone to completely become targetless and lock on to whatever mob I choose without switching back, think of it like playing chess and clones being the pawns. Can be quite fun