Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ionus.5467


Hi Mesmers!

Made a tpvp video from some of our team’s close, high-rated games. I put a lot of effort into some fun editing too. When I heard about Mesmers, I immediately though of Jean Grey, hence the X-Men theme.

Sorry the quality is bad btw, but it’s the best this really old computer I have can do. I play on minimum settings.

Phantasm is the build (waiting for the no-skill comments, lol). Regardless of whether it’s hard to play or not, I just really wanted to play a high damage 1200 range caster. This was the closest I could get. Only diff between the vid and now is I’m using centaur runes for speed. The build is holding up well in solo queue so far too (rank 35oish). Hope you enjoy.

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kavia.8249


Quite entertaining! Fun editing

Kavia Kael
Champion Illusionist
Stormbluff Isle

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ionus.5467


yay some1 watched it lol. Any constructive feedback on play style is welcome, I know you’re super high rated, Kavia. I’m sorta casual but I like to try and get better. Can pm me.

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jhivago.7318


Awesome video. Love the editing, rarely does a pvp video keep me that entertained. Nice job.

Introducing Marvel Girl! tpvp vid

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


can u post a link to ur build would like to try it