Is anyone else experiencing this with mesmer?
This sounds more like confirmation bias territory, paired with – if you’re staying on the same server – accumulating a full roster people who are legitimately there for PvP instead of dailies. Not accusing you of not being skilled, but your buggy skills become more of a liability (and therefore more noticible) the more you actually need them.
I usually end up in a different order for four games… Start out on a map with seemingly pure meta warriors/thieves/etc that destroy me, and the roster from there will gradually decline each game until I feel like everyone is bad and I feel bad.
Understandable, though I do not think a player should be getting killed because their stuff doesn’t work properly I see where you are coming from. The issue I have is that the way I want to play the Mesmer (gs+sword/torch shatter) is the way that unfortunately has to use a lot of bugged skills to play. Again, I am not the best mesmer player out there but I’m good enough to be able to at least put up a fight in most cases but these bugs are making me completely useless to the point of I can only get my heal and auto to actually function right (this is not an exaggeration, literally none of my skills worked other than my heal and auto attack)
Maybe something else is amiss; I figured you were referring to our known bugs and poor functionality, but now you’re saying your skills outright weren’t working. Does this mean for example you pressed 2, and then nothing happened?
Probably more like Arcane Thievery doing nothing even though the target isn’t evading, is in LoS, and is within range, yet going on cooldown. Wooo~
Please don’t ask for a fix, you know what that means: new nerf.
Member of [DEEP]
Please don’t ask for a fix, you know what that means: new nerf.
Except, you know, the time they fixed Sword auto attack chain, but were afraid of it being too strong, so they also nerfed it.
So… I guess that means the dev approach is:
Too afraid to fix Mesmer stuff unless they directly harm the Mesmer. If something DOES get fixed, it must also get nerfed so as not to ruin the GW2 balance. Which DOES exist… I think… somewhere… in Elona?
I wish that my mehmer can:
– run like warrior;
– burst like thief;
– consume conditions like necro;
– heal like ele/guard;
– spam conditions like engi;
– and after all these buffs …. cry like ranger.
I think mehmer becomes worst with every hour that you spend to learn this class.
After thousands hours you’ll find that everybody can make more easy what you do.
Don’t say about veilbot and portal because we can play without.
Member of [DEEP]
(edited by Babacloanta.7640)
After thousands hours you’ll find that everybody can make more easy what you do.
Get on a Mesmer because you’re like me and you love the class to death and decide to go pvp for a bit
1st game: Join in and kill people who aren’t expecting you and get a good win and score
2nd game: Still killing a few people who are getting used to you and winning fights despite a few little skill bugs
3rd game: Get killed by most people you beat and experience more bugs, stress level starts rising.
4th game: Get facerolled by everyone in game because none of your skills work properly do to insane bugs and quit to go play on a class that doesn’t do this.Am I the only one constantly having this issue? It’s not really about getting killed by good players (That can help you learn) it’s about getting killed by players you are better than purely because none of your skills either activate or function the way they are supposed to. Please, let me know if I am not the only victim of this.
Excuse me? Get Facerolled by everyone? Are you kidding me?
I know there are a lot of bugs with this class but to be facerolled by everyone is L2P issue. I am proud of my class and if you are too, pls stop making this statements it makes the mesmer class look bad. The only class that facerolls me most of the time is thief. I mean cmon.
Agreed with StickerHappy. Despite our bugs I still feel that mesmers can add a lot to a group effort and can 1v1 quite well against a lot of professions. In PvP at least. I am not convinced there is any reason at all to have a mesmer in a dungeon, sadly.
As for being facerolled, I have a much harder time with the average d/d ele than I do an average thief. Some thieves kill me in 2 seconds, sure, but d/d ele? I may have a 10% win ratio in 1v1.
I recommend playing solo queue. The rewards are much better and its not a hot sweaty zergfest. Sometimes. And occasionally you’ll get a team that cares about tactics.
Oh and the team with more warriors/guardians/thieves seems to win from my observations.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Sticker, normally yes it would be a L2p issue but I’m convinced it’s rather difficult to win any sort of fight when say I press 2 and nothing happens, it just goes on cd and I cant use my burst because of it. I’m better than the average player but even though I’m not the best I at least can face most issues by learning a new tactic but again, if my skills wont actually activate but instead go on full CD I tend to have quite a bit of trouble in a fight.
I hotjoin exclusively with GS+Sw/T shatter.
Say what you like about hotjoin, but you will still get good matches on the odd occasion and good fights – and will also see a wide variety of builds. Also the weaker team coordination makes it a lot more fun to play for me – because you don’t have to have a pole up your kitten about perfect tight cap rotations and can take a lot of liberties with teasing the opposition around the map (more like small scale wvw).
Only time I really get wrecked is if:
- I’ve just started playing and not warmed up – in which case I change lobby a couple of times until I get my rhythm going.
- The other team is a guild group or very skilled players and yours is pug or low skill players (or players testing out weird builds) – when you get 2v1 with excellent players, you can’t win, simple as that.
Yes sword bugs and blink bugs kitten me off fairly regularly – but most of the time I’m still able to work around them and be very successful. Since changing my build from 2/6 to 4/4 with the boon strip (and dropping 1200 blink for blade training) I’ve found life a lot easier.
Edit: I’m not quite sure what problem the OP is having though – the only skills that throw me off when they don’t work are Blink and iLeap. The rest are all fairly reliable, even blurred frenzy – though I do acknowledge that sometimes (very rarely) I have to press the button a second time for it to activate.
(edited by Curunen.8729)
I assume you mean Blurred Frenzy? I’ve never actually experienced that bug with it.
Of course essentially needing to land iLeap as a prerequisite for Blurred Frenzy is an entirely different discussion all together.
I assume you mean Blurred Frenzy? I’ve never actually experienced that bug with it.
Of course essentially needing to land iLeap as a prerequisite for Blurred Frenzy is an entirely different discussion all together.
Not really – can just positional or dodge shatter using ileap clone and other illusions and save BF for the counter burst – especially useful vs thieves. Sometimes better to save BF for defensive burst rather than waste that 2s evade while MWing.
Of course, swap being almost useless unless used immediately severely neuters any kind of trickery/mind games you can do with sword anymore.
Good point on using BF more defensively. I often struggle with the strategy of “Do I just go full burst and burn it down, or save it as a 3rd evade?”
Trickery? Mind games? Confusion? On a mesmer?? You’re silly.
Good point on using BF more defensively. I often struggle with the strategy of “Do I just go full burst and burn it down, or save it as a 3rd evade?”
Trickery? Mind games? Confusion? On a mesmer?? You’re silly.
Yeah, sometimes it’s better to include in in the burst if you’re sure to down them soon after.
Oh I forgot – mind games are OP.
Thinking is a high skillcap build that has very little counterplay. I think you understand why mind games are indeed OP and had to be nerfed.
On topic(ish): I generally play a lockdown build and will include BF in my shatter burst if I am fairly confident I have interrupted their heal skill. In other news, I would probably give a Grandmaster trait slot for a trait that allowed me to see which skill a target was using. I get that has exactly 0 chance of happening, but seriously. Lockdown mes dream come true.
Blurred Frenzy counters Blurred Frenzy. God, I love Mesmer duels in WvW.
Blurred Frenzy counters Blurred Frenzy. God, I love Mesmer duels in WvW.
Nothing like seeing all those Evades at the same time. xD
Curunen, most of the time I do not really have these issues and I have fun pvping with my shatter and work around the normal bugs. It may be skill lag but lately I have been pressing a skill only to see no effect on my character and see the skill is now on a full cd. I’m trying to figure out if others have ever had this happen. I probably should’ve emphasized the point of my skills not activating as for some reason my post has now convinced people that I am complaining about the Mesmer class because I get beat sometimes. That was not my intention. the reason I included the getting beat was to show the effect that this is having on me. All I am asking is the question of is it skill lag or have other people had this happen to them making it a new kind of bug?
Curunen, most of the time I do not really have these issues and I have fun pvping with my shatter and work around the normal bugs. It may be skill lag but lately I have been pressing a skill only to see no effect on my character and see the skill is now on a full cd. I’m trying to figure out if others have ever had this happen. I probably should’ve emphasized the point of my skills not activating as for some reason my post has now convinced people that I am complaining about the Mesmer class because I get beat sometimes. That was not my intention. the reason I included the getting beat was to show the effect that this is having on me. All I am asking is the question of is it skill lag or have other people had this happen to them making it a new kind of bug?
I often push buttons and the skill doesn’t trigger. But it never goes on full CD.
Just a suggestion, maybe you press a movement key before or during blurred frenzy? As I recall there’s a slight delay in blurred frenzy before you actually go into evade mode and movement during that time can cancel it.
A funny thing – blink did lead to me dying yesterday on temple – had a fairly long fight with an ele with both of us constantly escaping with tiny amounts of hp, and I was using blink to rotate up to the raised platform several times, to engage from range while cooldowns refreshed, before diving back into melee.
I think it was the fourth time – blink simply failed to port me up to the platform – instead straight into the wall (no, not in in the wall like the terrain glitch, just right up to the wall, where there’s nothing to LoS in easy reach…) :/ Of course this caused death directly. Pretty kitten annoying as th fight could have gone either way.
Anyway, regarding skill lag – I don’t know what part of the world you’re, in, but hot weather badly affected internet here for a week – I was experiencing skill delay of 2 to 4 seconds (unplayable, so I didn’t bother). Maybe this could be a reason?
A funny thing – blink did lead to me dying yesterday on temple – had a fairly long fight with an ele with both of us constantly escaping with tiny amounts of hp, and I was using blink to rotate up to the raised platform several times, to engage from range while cooldowns refreshed, before diving back into melee.
I think it was the fourth time – blink simply failed to port me up to the platform – instead straight into the wall (no, not in in the wall like the terrain glitch, just right up to the wall, where there’s nothing to LoS in easy reach…) :/ Of course this caused death directly. Pretty kitten annoying as th fight could have gone either way.
Anyway, regarding skill lag – I don’t know what part of the world you’re, in, but hot weather badly affected internet here for a week – I was experiencing skill delay of 2 to 4 seconds (unplayable, so I didn’t bother). Maybe this could be a reason?
I’m surprised it worked 4 times.
I have terrible luck with Blink teleporting me to higher elevations.
Surprised me as well – it was in the temple cap point, to the wooden platform.
The number of times blink either moves you nowhere or faceplants you straight into a wall, even if you’re in the right position to reach the higher terrain…
Part of your issue could be, the bugs, time of play, network, other class build, team composite.
My frustration is not in the bug anymore, I know it gong to happen, so I take that into consideration. What bugs me sometime is how some class build just eat me alive but what really gets me is the game composite fails. Having to play a game with 4 v 5 a lot of the time, and how it keeps putting me with team that losses game after game.
The only real bug that ‘bugs’ me is sometimes, and its been happening more frequently lately, is when using phase retreat while in combat, my character gets perma stuck and can’t move. Switching weapons doesn’t work, /sit works occasionally and even blinking to another location won’t unfreeze me.
Yak’s Bend and Proud
The only real bug that ‘bugs’ me is sometimes, and its been happening more frequently lately, is when using phase retreat while in combat, my character gets perma stuck and can’t move. Switching weapons doesn’t work, /sit works occasionally and even blinking to another location won’t unfreeze me.
Can you reproduce this? I’ve been trying to pin down a way to get myself stuck every time but so far no luck.
Duel a hambow friend and you’ll have high chance of seeing it. It may not be guarantee but phase retreat while stun can cause that.
Just a suggestion, maybe you press a movement key before or during blurred frenzy? As I recall there’s a slight delay in blurred frenzy before you actually go into evade mode and movement during that time can cancel it.
The delay is very, very, very minimal. At least, recently, the evasion has kicked in before I even start the animation… well, other times it doesn’t, but not recently. I’ve been using Blurred Frenzy to dodge Lupicus kicks, grubs, and barrages, so I’d know if the first shots hit me (especially when I get a late Blurred Frenzy vs kick/slap).
Duel a hambow friend and you’ll have high chance of seeing it. It may not be guarantee but phase retreat while stun can cause that.
Yeah, basically this, when you Phase Retreat while hit by a hard cc, it resets the cc duration, in my experience (DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS).
The delay is very, very, very minimal. At least, recently, the evasion has kicked in before I even start the animation… well, other times it doesn’t, but not recently. I’ve been using Blurred Frenzy to dodge Lupicus kicks, grubs, and barrages, so I’d know if the first shots hit me (especially when I get a late Blurred Frenzy vs kick/slap).
The delay can range from 0ms to 500ms. See #36 here: