Is mass invisibility worth getting?
It is not mandatory for leveling. Get time warp as elite, and you will be fine.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Do you use it for anything? Or does veil do the same job?
The only real utilities you use in pvp/pve/wvw in almost any spec are Blink, Decoy, Mirror Images , Feedback, Portal, Null Field, Ether Feast/Mantra of Recovery (Rarely).
In terms of Elites; Mass Invis and Time Warp are about the only good ones. Sometimes you use Moa for tPvP against bunkers, but that’s about it.
Mass Invis for levelling if you aren’t too confident to take on multiple mobs, Time Warp otherwise.
Ok thanks so much
For leveling/PvE there is no need for it what so ever. Get yourself some of these instead…
10s of stealth as long as you don’t move. They come from the charr starting zone and only cost 28 karma each. Great for not getting killed, node farming, and skill point communes (not useable in WvW).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I recommend Mass Invisibility1) because it gives you and your groupies some time to reposition and heal during tough battles and 2) because it has the shortest cooldown of all the three Mesmer elites (90 seconds I think) so it integrates nicely into your roster of skills.
I recommend Mass Invisibility1) because it gives you and your groupies some time to reposition and heal during tough battles and 2) because it has the shortest cooldown of all the three Mesmer elites (90 seconds I think) so it integrates nicely into your roster of skills.
Not needed at all if your team all have the spy kits (and everyone should). The mobs will simply begin to wander away giving you time to reposition. Time warp is FAR superior.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
The CD on it means you can almost use it every fight and I’ve used it a number of times to save my kitten, revive downed players, finish downed enemies, buy team mates time to open fights with better positioning or mess up enemy targets (drop target/clear marks) which translates into damage mitigation for team mates.
I recommend Mass Invisibility1) because it gives you and your groupies some time to reposition and heal during tough battles and 2) because it has the shortest cooldown of all the three Mesmer elites (90 seconds I think) so it integrates nicely into your roster of skills.
Not needed at all if your team all have the spy kits (and everyone should). The mobs will simply begin to wander away giving you time to reposition. Time warp is FAR superior.
I was talking more about WvW situations where standing still isn’t really viable. In PvE even though I carry spy kits myself, I wouldn’t really expect everyone to be carrying them so it’s useful there too.
Time warp is great, but the cooldown is very long, and it’s a fixed postion ability which isn’t very useful if you and your team are constantly having to reposition yourselves due to AoEs. I love it for increasing dps on WvW gates though.
You can’t use the kits in WvW, so mass invis is useful there for several tatics.
Time warp is one of the best elites in the game. The damage your party can put out with 10s of haste is insane. The field is pretty large and the skill itself has good range as to where you can place it… haven’t had much of an issue with people being able to stay inside of it.
PvE it’s an expected item to have for me and my team/guild. I guess if it’s a random pug they might not have it due to their lack of knowledge of its existence though…
Only time I’ve used time warp vs gates in WvW is with golems though (other gate breaking sieges have a cooldown on their attacks and it won’t help them very much). It’s extremely rare when a server needs to just mele a door.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I use Mass Invis most of the time in WvW love it, but I also use time warp… oooh damn you MI and TW and the love triangle you have created!
its pretty good and worth getting hell yeah. love it for wvw.
mass invis is op on spvp when ppls can target you, they lsost target and get confused badly which of you are real
The way I look at Mass Invisibility isn’t “I could use Veil instead” – it’s “I can get invisibility out of my elite slot and use the utility slot for something else.” A lot of people, myself included, would take a fourth utility skill over an elite if the option was there – taking Mass Invis over Veil is essentially doing this, and the convenience of it just happening rather than needing to go through a wall is an added benefit.
That’s not to say Time Warp isn’t good – it is – but when you’re going solo, the ability to go invisible for five seconds can save your bacon.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I use MI while exploring zones (get out of jail free card for me and my group :P ), and in PvP I use it a lot because the long CD on both Time Warp and Moa annoys me. For keep warfare I swap to Time Warp, ofc.
Using Mass Invis in PvE might cause issues when you’re fighting mobs as it seems they tend to reset back to full health if you are invisible.
So generally I swap back and forth between MI and TW in WvW. MI for roaming and getting the drop on enemy players by hiding our numbers; and TW for speeding up attacks on a door or against a Keep Lord.
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(edited by Aveneo.2068)
MI is very handy in getting past the oozes in the BL jumping puzzles!
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Don’t forget that while stealthed you can cast any spells that do not deal direct damage without breaking stealth. Nice for distracting enemies.
Kk, talking wvwvw Worth getting? Yes, will be times whenyou might want it, if you have a group and a thief in hes house of the sneeky and your timewarp will be better thu. Most times you run time warp thu, in lur guildruns we have 4 mesmers on 12 players, al using time warp.
Under water thu this is your best elite imo as it give room to get away. Hide a portal in water when chased, jump down and start get some clones up, get some distance and hit mass invis, when 3,5 of the 5 sec gone use portal, portal behind chaser and jump up from water. Work suprisingly well vs zergs and bigger groups chasing you.
If you condition mesmer and run with lyssa runes 6/6 will give you al boons and clear al conditions. As mass invis is the shortest cd this give you biggest bennefit out of the runes.
(edited by Osicat.4139)
I’d say it depends on your racial option. If for example you’re running a charr like my case, get the Charrzooka (it combos with EVERYTHING we do and knocks back all day long <3)
Norn mesmer the shapeshift may be more valuable first depending on the moveset
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