Is this the class for me?

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506



I recently started playing, and I don’t have as much time to play as I would like, so I am trying to narrow down my class choices before I invest.

In DAOC I played a Sorcerer
WoW -mage, rogue and lock

I love stealth, crowd control and utility—-doing decent damage is always nice.

From the videos I have watched, Mesmers seem to do solid damage, have great utility, blink like a mage, stealth like a rogue and have a bunch of other tricks depending on the build.

From your experience, do you think the above is a fair description?

Are they valuable in groups in WvW?

Thanks for the help

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dracatis.1908


Your name is Ender’s Shadow, you play a caster, stealth, pet and CC style stuff. Yes, this is your class. It’s not an easy class but there is a lot of variety in how you use it along with perfection for tactics and pure chaos. However it isn’t one of the stronger DPS classes. That doesn’t stop it from being the most useful class in WvW, hands down. You have found your home.

“We are the makers of the music, we are the dreamers of the dream”
-Willy Wonka(Gene Wilder)

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Don’t get me wrong, I love high dps. But glass cannons without utility are kitten imo. And I wouldn’t mind pitching in to help the group if I choose.

I think you are right, I think it is the class for me.


Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


….ok I am new so what is the deal with changing “G. .i. .m.. .p. .e. .d.” to kitten?

Is that word offensive some how?

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: drongas.4189


well if u like roaming or small scale group. u can ofc try mesmer, his one of the best 1v1 class. but if u wanna run with large group 20-30 ppl u better take another class, like elementalist, (have blink ^^, and with staff fields allways needed.) becouse 3 mesmer enough after patch when our AOE enemy lockdown is nerfed. now we just use veil when commander say and sometimes timewarp


I’m kill you’r bessies

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: RedCobra.7693


Don’t get me wrong, I love high dps. But glass cannons without utility are kitten imo. And I wouldn’t mind pitching in to help the group if I choose.

I think you are right, I think it is the class for me.


honestly in wvw youll find yourself being able to do more damage than if you played a warrior compared to your own survivability, ive gone full glass cannon and am able to be an asset to a group and solo groups, the stealth is key to being able to break peoples lock ons, stops rangers and ele’s and necros and other mesmers from spamming auto attacks on you

RedCobra – Ranked PVP Druid
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin

Is this the class for me?

in Mesmer

Posted by: gorma.3725


Seems to be your class, some things to remember:

- active defense is strong, which means that if you don’t defend yourself(dodge, blink, stealth, invulnerability, target dropping….) you are very squishy. if you manage to defend yourself right, you have a very strong defense. so situational awareness is a must.
- out of combat mobility is bad(no reliable speed buffs), in combat mobility is very good(low cd blink, numerous stealth abilities, some cc, portal + the mental insecurity of your enemy which of the clones is you)
- stealth is just a tool, that means, you will not do extra damage when you attack from stealth or you will not get special skills when you are stealthed. stealth is just a tool to confuse your enemy or wait for cds to come up.
- when you plan to zerg as a mesmer you’ll have a hard time. there are a lot of ways to help your zerg as a mesmer, throwing portals, cleansing conditions, mass stealth and stuff like that. but when it comes to dealing damage in a zergfight mesmer is not the best choice you will rarely see loot.
- mesmers are great in 1vs1 and small scale fights(5vs5 and stuff). Mesmers are also capable of surviving for a long time until reinforcements arrive in case you are outnumbered by far.
- ranged aoe is really weak. melee aoe is decent in some builds(mainly gc shatter builds)
- playing mesmer is all about trolling people, confusing them, use tricks and stuff, its not faceroll. if you don’t have a idea what you are doing, you’ll be the trolled person
- you should really read about illusions, clones and phantasms in the gw wiki. this gameplay is not for everyone(a lot of people QQ about the mechanic, like killing your main dmg source for the shatter effects and stuff…)

so if you are ok with this you will have tons of fun playing the mesmer.

(edited by gorma.3725)