Issue with stealth?

Issue with stealth?

in Mesmer

Posted by: tdopun.7439


Hey guys.

Has anyone else had an issue stealthing recently? Whether by torch or by decoy? Those seem to be the only ones I’ve seen an issue with.

Basically, when I use stealth, I’ve noticed:

  1. I’m not turning invisible as per my point of view
  2. Enemies of all sorts have no issues finding me when I’m stealthed

Also with point 2, I’ve tested this out a few times. At first it was ranged toons. So I figured I was just the victim of heat seeking (skill popped off before I was truly stealthed). But then I stealthed and walked behind a warrior. He turned around and hit me with his greatsword 3 dash. Which isn’t really possible if you are truly in stealth. There was no telegraphing on my part either. This type of thing has happened with melee toons for the past few nights now.

Just checking to see if this is happening to anyone else.

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Issue with stealth?

in Mesmer

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

I have experienced too see myself too when stealthed. I wether dont know if enemies can see me. Haven’t experienced this. I dont know what is really happening, i might go test it some more this afternoon.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

Issue with stealth?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I havent had this issue, last tested it yesterday in spvp.

I decided to finally do some condi again, so i YOLO’d in a group of 4 people and survived for 10 minutes xD.

If they saw me through stealth, that probably wasnt possible :P

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Issue with stealth?

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


Yeah i’ve had the issue of my character not turning invisible when go stealth, however the invis icon still pops up above my utilities bar.

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