It's time to get some Out-of-Combat mobility
Wait…, now its time to get out of combat swiftness? It’s been said since early beta. This is something we’ll likely never see. Just sayin…
Did Warriors finally get something?
Yup, 25% speed while holding melee weapon
Considering this is mainly a quality of life issue i would like to see something implemented in pve only (in pvp the maps are small enough to not stress it) . Like signet of insp only giving swiftness ooc (should be an easy adjustment)
Considering this is mainly a quality of life issue i would like to see something implemented in pve only (in pvp the maps are small enough to not stress it) . Like signet of insp only giving swiftness ooc (should be an easy adjustment)
I totally disagree with your statement. Out of combat swiftness is very important in WvW. The maps are not ‘small’. I actually see it as more important in WvW than PvE but I would never say this should be a WvW feature only.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Considering this is mainly a quality of life issue i would like to see something implemented in pve only (in pvp the maps are small enough to not stress it) . Like signet of insp only giving swiftness ooc (should be an easy adjustment)
I totally disagree with your statement. Out of combat swiftness is very important in WvW. The maps are not ‘small’. I actually see it as more important in WvW than PvE but I would never say this should be a WvW feature only.
I mean s/tPvP of course it should be implemented in wvw
Considering this is mainly a quality of life issue i would like to see something implemented in pve only (in pvp the maps are small enough to not stress it) . Like signet of insp only giving swiftness ooc (should be an easy adjustment)
I totally disagree with your statement. Out of combat swiftness is very important in WvW. The maps are not ‘small’. I actually see it as more important in WvW than PvE but I would never say this should be a WvW feature only.
I mean s/tPvP of course it should be implemented in wvw
Thing is, if other classes have 100% swiftness so that they can get to a node quickly, why not give it to a Mesmer as well?
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Considering this is mainly a quality of life issue i would like to see something implemented in pve only (in pvp the maps are small enough to not stress it) . Like signet of insp only giving swiftness ooc (should be an easy adjustment)
I totally disagree with your statement. Out of combat swiftness is very important in WvW. The maps are not ‘small’. I actually see it as more important in WvW than PvE but I would never say this should be a WvW feature only.
I mean s/tPvP of course it should be implemented in wvw
Thing is, if other classes have 100% swiftness so that they can get to a node quickly, why not give it to a Mesmer as well?
Because we have it good other wise… Just saying…
Yeah, cuz all the other classes just suck except for their OOC speed. Oh, wait…
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Yeah, cuz all the other classes just suck except for their OOC speed. Oh, wait…
Also classes that have OOC usually don’t take it into tourneys… In most cases they offer only that and the active application is meh…. Signet of locust isn’t as powerful to a team as sig of undeath/plague signet. Signet of shadows only offers a blind (so many thief signets are better) maybe air signet by ele is good to bring to tourneys but they didn’t really need the OOC from that signet… Warrior just got the new trait but we have better escape mechanisms than them. So yeah we may not be “all powerful top gods” but we aren’t in need of OOC for sPvP/tPvP. For wvw and pve yes it would be nice.
I should have clarified that, i guess. I mainly WvW where it can be quite a chore to get from camp to camp without lagging behind the rest of your group.
After ItV nerf i use my focus basically only for swiftness since i seem to not be able to get the pull in time anymore (might be me, got to adept at the delay) and Warden is still lacking.
I’m not talking about in-combat mobility since we already have it pretty good with staff, blink + sword swap. I’m mainly concerned with getting from A to B in a time similar to other classes (even necro is way faster…).
Actually being able to catch a fleeing opponent would also be nice but that’s actually not top priority for me (and nobody is going to catch a fleeing warrior anyway, for example ^^)
I had seen it mentioned before and like the idea. Change compounding celerity to give say 25% constant speed decreasing with each illusion up so you use your mobility skills. -9%/-8%/-8%
changing one of the signets, like ionno, midnight to give 25% movement speed, or inspiration to provide swiftness periodically instead of random boons.
-signet of inspiration passive need to give guarenteed swiftness, plus other random boons
Make Signet of Inspiration default to reapplying swiftness outside of combat, and applying its standard random boons while in combat.
Because there’s simply no need for fury when you’re not fighting.
What? You don’t like shouting out “I feel furious!” when running from a 30+ zerg? Me, I like taunting my lemongrass soup to , “come on, hit me!,” at the cooking station. :p
As for my previous comments, yes, I was talking about wvw/pve speed as well. Mesmers have absolutely ridiculous mobility in s/tpvp maps.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
In addition to what people have already suggested to improve ooc combat, my own idea is to add to Signet Mastery trait, something like increase movement speed by 7% under the effect of each signet. You lose this effect when the signet is activated or under cooldown. Do not stack with Swiftness or Compounding Celerity.