Jon Peters confirms iLeap fix
… I read the title, fell for it …
kitten you. :p
OH this was a good one!
I read the title and was like “Haleluja!”.
Don’t make jokes about those things. T_T
Now I’m crying. Great job. -.-
:O had me for a second, on the other hand whenever a warrior whines about rush not hitting i can still sit back and shrug.
PD: Burn in hell.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
After a thread on reddit the next topic i fell for…
Hope dies last, i guess .-(
Exciting news, everyone! Exciting news everywhere!
I fell for this.
Oh my god.
For a moment, the rain clouds dissapeared, and a white holy light came through and touched my skin, as angels sang and my horrible day became just perfect. Then the page loaded xD
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
whats broke with it?
whats broke with it?
Only one joker per thread!
I’ve got one in the engie and ranger forums too xD
Yea …. some of us noticed it T___T’’ xD
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Meh. When I read the title I was like ‘Yeeeee…. wait. No way. Screw you Pyro!’
I’ve got one in the engie and ranger forums too xD
Might trick me once, won’t let you trick me twice.
I’m trying to think up good ones for the others too.
T T you got me.
Enid Asuran Trollz [Join] The Asuran Fanclub
You know how buggy iLeap is?
It’s soo buggy that I used in Khylo to go up a ramp to an enemy… It went THE OPPOSITE direction…. Didn’t stand there, didn’t slowly go over… The total opposite direction… The clone said “screw you guys i’m out.”
Jesus kitten christ… Pyro i fell like that like a Cat fall for a box. kitten you mate.
Jportell LOOOOL <3 so fun, had some sick buggs aswell. Like ileap clone dont go for my target but for a rabbit, and i land BETWEEN the rabbit and my target with the “rooted” bugg…
I’m trying to think up good ones for the others too.
For the Warrior Forum:
“ANet confirms Warrior Nerf” ;D
Don’t think the necro one works as well as the others unfortunately – new weapons a bit too obvious.
It’s the job of mesmers to trick people. .. I guess. Still frustrating.
Really, the bobbleheads are enough.
Seems legit.
(Be sure to click the quote source :-D. )
(edited by Dastion.3106)
Lol no he didn’t. April fools
I always read what you post with respect for your knowledge of mesmers.. I will never be able to trust you again </3
People actually believed this could be true?
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
I have to say, the Ranger one’s probably your best. Curse you, Trollathiest!
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Aww ._. I fell for it :<
Equinox [EqnX]
hahaha good one pyro
Isle of Kickaspenwood
kitten … fell for third joke today…
Lol I fell for it too. kitten you!
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty