

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Link to my build is in the description of the video, however I do go over that in the video.
This is in response to a few people asking what my build is.
The video includes;

  • Brief description of my build and weapons
  • 1v1 battles
  • 2v1 survival
  • Group Functions
  • Group Survival

I hope you enjoy.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Supersun.4603


I actually play a pretty similar build to yours.

You can get some Prec, Tough, Cond boots with dungeon tokens.

HotW 1 is a pretty quick dungeon and you’ll be able to get the boots fairly quickly farming tokens over a few days doing it once a day.

(Also, if you didn’t catch it, Condition mesmer is absolutely brutal underwater with trident clones. Being able to keep up 7-8 stacks of confusion on the opponent at all times is just broken)


in Mesmer

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


I love to run with a condition mesmer on my necro. Its a beautiful time with all the conditions being spread about so often. I might want to use this spec for my own mesmer though, it looks more how i want play him. I just have not found the build that works for me yet.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


As much as crippling dissipation is nice, you may want to consider taking those 10 points and putting them into the inspiration line, so that you can get menders purity, removing a condition every time you heal. That allows you to drop the null field utility, and grab something more useful, such as feedback in wvw, mirror images, or possibly mantra of distraction, for a bit more daze locking.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Ah, one more thing I forgot to mention. You don’t seem to make use of your pistol phantasm very often, and this is a huge mistake. I would recommend getting the fury buff for phantasms in dueling, and before you initiate with the pistol 5, you should ALWAYS drop a pistol phantasm. Your build has a very high critrate, even though that was not the base intention of your design. Because you have sharper images, the pistol phantasm will add on average 6 stacks of bleed to your target. Not only is this hefty damage by itself, it also provides something else for them to try and cleanse, other than confusion.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Mender’s Purity hardly replaces a proper condition removal even with MoR, cleansing a single condition is risky (there’s a good chance the Cripple or Vulnerability will be cleansed instead of the 20 stacks of Bleeding, for example) and tying it to your heal is awkward (sometimes you want condition removal to break an immobilise).


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Mender’s Purity hardly replaces a proper condition removal even with MoR, cleansing a single condition is risky (there’s a good chance the Cripple or Vulnerability will be cleansed instead of the 20 stacks of Bleeding, for example) and tying it to your heal is awkward (sometimes you want condition removal to break an immobilise).

Having used that trait extensively, I’m pretty sure that there is some sort of order in how conditions are cleansed, and more deadly ones are removed first, but I’m not positive what the order is. It can be awkward sometimes with it being tied to my heal, but overall since usually the heal is getting spammed anyway, its a great choice.


in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Thanks for the advice and whatnot, I’ll make a video in the future if I change my build at all.

The main reason I dont make use of iDuelist is because I like to have up 2 Staff clones and an iWarlock. In a long fight, I’ll pop the Duelist to help wear down the enemy, but for the most part I swap to Scepter/Pistol for the stun followed by Confusing Images.

(edited by TheRamosOnline.2670)


in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaxir.3562


Hey Ramos,

Nice insight and a view on something i’ve been doing for a while as well.
I run a 0/20/30/0/20 build myself and most of the time am the last person standing

One thing i wanted to mention – I personally prefer to keep a healthy balance of Rabid/Carrion gear to keep my hp around 20k mark. That gives me a big enough pool to deal with high burst or heavy conditions while still keeping the armor at around 2,3k.

Hope you find this useful.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Supersun.4603


If you are running a condition bunker build in WvW I’m not sure how you could use anything other then a focus in the offhand for swiftness. You are just way to slow without it.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Thanks for the advice and whatnot, I’ll make a video in the future if I change my build at all.

The main reason I dont make use of iDuelist is because I like to have up 2 Staff clones and an iWarlock. In a long fight, I’ll pop the Duelist to help wear down the enemy, but for the most part I swap to Scepter/Pistol for the stun followed by Confusing Images.

2 staff clones are all well and good, but a duelist is better than a staff clone in every way other than looking like you. Staff clones attack really slowly, and are not going to be in the world for more than 2 attacks at the most. These two attacks will at the most add 20% to the damage from the warlock, but since your build isn’t geared for power, the warlock won’t be doing significant damage anyway. Also, best case scenario is that the 2 attacks add some mix of the 2 conditions. From the time you spawn the clone to the time it uses the second attack is a total of slightly over 2 seconds.

Now, compare it to the duelist. Time from spawning to finishing its first burst is ~2 seconds, slightly less than in some cases. In these 2 seconds, it will do ok damage, provide 8 projectile finishers, and add an average of 6 stacks of bleeding. You can then shatter it immediately without worrying about having lost any damage, making it fit into the pistol 4—> pistol 5 —> shatter + confusing images chain very nicely. There is absolutely 0 reason to not spawn a duelist before using the stun/confusing images and shatter combo.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


For condition Staff builds there is no reason to conjure a Warlock other than Shatter fodder: it does pitiful damage compared to a Staff Clone and doesn’t give you any boons.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


(Also, if you didn’t catch it, Condition mesmer is absolutely brutal underwater with trident clones. Being able to keep up 7-8 stacks of confusion on the opponent at all times is just broken)

That’s true, a condition mesmer under water with trident clones is a brutal force.

I wonder why the trident clones use a different version of trident autoattack. My own trident autoattacks don’t cause confusion, theirs does.

Unfortunately the illusionary anchor is bugged. It reflects projectiles and thus you might end up confusing yourself, but only a little bit for a little time


in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


For condition Staff builds there is no reason to conjure a Warlock other than Shatter fodder: it does pitiful damage compared to a Staff Clone and doesn’t give you any boons.

Depends on your power and also on the duration of the fight.

A bleed from a staff clone does about 500 damage in a condition build. A single shot from a (weak) iWarlock does about 1000 damage or 1500 on a crit. So the staff clone needs multiple crits/procs and more time to do the same amount of damage. In a longer fight the staff clone will be ahead of course.

The iDuelist on the other hand will cause about 6 bleeds on the target, that’s about 3000 damage on top of the iDuelists direct damage. In this build, the iDuelist is MUCH better than iWarlock and also better than staff clones.

btw, anyone else having trouble finding proper equip WITHOUT power? In a condition based build I have almost no use for power, but I’m still sitting at about 1300 power. Wish I had only the 900 base power and 400 more in other stats, but that seems to be impossible. For example, there is no rare/exotic jewelry with prec/tough/cond.

(edited by Snoxx.7943)


in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


For condition Staff builds there is no reason to conjure a Warlock other than Shatter fodder: it does pitiful damage compared to a Staff Clone and doesn’t give you any boons.

Depends on your power and also on the duration of the fight.

A bleed from a staff clone does about 500 damage in a condition build. A single shot from a (weak) iWarlock does about 1000 damage or 1500 on a crit. So the staff clone needs multiple crits/procs and more time to do the same amount of damage. In a longer fight the staff clone will be ahead of course.

The iDuelist on the other hand will cause about 6 bleeds on the target, that’s about 3000 damage on top of the iDuelists direct damage. In this build, the iDuelist is MUCH better than iWarlock and also better than staff clones.

btw, anyone else having trouble finding proper equip WITHOUT power? In a condition based build I have almost no use for power, but I’m still sitting at about 1300 power. Wish I had only the 900 base power and 400 more in other stats, but that seems to be impossible. For example, there is no rare/exotic jewelry with prec/tough/cond.

precision, toughness, condition damage gear. found in Twilight Arbor, the temples in Orr, arah, Khilbron exotic set on the TP . Those are the ones I know for sure. Jewelry you are correct best bet is rampager. I run mostly rampager with 2 pieces of carrion(power,vit,condition)

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}


in Mesmer

Posted by: CindyBunnie.1764


Ty for posting your video and answering my questions I PMed you about.

btw, anyone else having trouble finding proper equip WITHOUT power? In a condition based build I have almost no use for power, but I’m still sitting at about 1300 power. Wish I had only the 900 base power and 400 more in other stats, but that seems to be impossible. For example, there is no rare/exotic jewelry with prec/tough/cond.

For jewelry, I think you’re out of luck finding higher than Masterwork (Green) for now. Honor of the Waves, Caudecus’s Manor, Twilight Arbor, and Arah Explorable dungeons, plus Order of the Whispers armor and then certain pieces of the 6 Gods’ armors, have the Rabid stats.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


(Also, if you didn’t catch it, Condition mesmer is absolutely brutal underwater with trident clones. Being able to keep up 7-8 stacks of confusion on the opponent at all times is just broken)

That’s true, a condition mesmer under water with trident clones is a brutal force.

I wonder why the trident clones use a different version of trident autoattack. My own trident autoattacks don’t cause confusion, theirs does.

This is because in Beta, Siren’s Call used to inflict Confusion on enemies and heal allies.

For condition Staff builds there is no reason to conjure a Warlock other than Shatter fodder: it does pitiful damage compared to a Staff Clone and doesn’t give you any boons.

Depends on your power and also on the duration of the fight.

A bleed from a staff clone does about 500 damage in a condition build. A single shot from a (weak) iWarlock does about 1000 damage or 1500 on a crit. So the staff clone needs multiple crits/procs and more time to do the same amount of damage. In a longer fight the staff clone will be ahead of course.

In my condition damage build, Staff Clones deal ~700 damage from Burning and ~600 damage from Bleeding, and this is increased as they stack Might (and Fury) on you. My Warlock, on the other hand, deals ~600 damage and attacks once for every three Staff Clone attacks.

When I say condition builds I mean pure condition builds. If you have a significant Power investment then you’re a hybrid build. Unfortunately this cannot be completely avoided in WvW due to there being no Rabid jewelery.

(edited by Embolism.8106)


in Mesmer

Posted by: RoRo.8270


(Also, if you didn’t catch it, Condition mesmer is absolutely brutal underwater with trident clones. Being able to keep up 7-8 stacks of confusion on the opponent at all times is just broken)

That’s true, a condition mesmer under water with trident clones is a brutal force.

I wonder why the trident clones use a different version of trident autoattack. My own trident autoattacks don’t cause confusion, theirs does.

This is because in Beta, Siren’s Call used to inflict Confusion on enemies and heal allies.

For condition Staff builds there is no reason to conjure a Warlock other than Shatter fodder: it does pitiful damage compared to a Staff Clone and doesn’t give you any boons.

Depends on your power and also on the duration of the fight.

A bleed from a staff clone does about 500 damage in a condition build. A single shot from a (weak) iWarlock does about 1000 damage or 1500 on a crit. So the staff clone needs multiple crits/procs and more time to do the same amount of damage. In a longer fight the staff clone will be ahead of course.

In my condition damage build, Staff Clones deal ~700 damage from Burning and ~600 damage from Bleeding, and this is increased as they stack Might (and Fury) on you. My Warlock, on the other hand, deals ~600 damage and attacks once for every three Staff Clone attacks.

When I say condition builds I mean pure condition builds. If you have a significant Power investment then you’re a hybrid build. Unfortunately this cannot be completely avoided in WvW due to there being no Rabid jewelery.

What do you use inplace of rabid trinkets?


in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


What do you use inplace of rabid trinkets?

My preference is CondDmg-Vitality-Power. There are some Rabid jewelery out there but they’re Green at most.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


In my condition damage build, Staff Clones deal ~700 damage from Burning and ~600 damage from Bleeding, and this is increased as they stack Might (and Fury) on you. My Warlock, on the other hand, deals ~600 damage and attacks once for every three Staff Clone attacks.

When I say condition builds I mean pure condition builds. If you have a significant Power investment then you’re a hybrid build. Unfortunately this cannot be completely avoided in WvW due to there being no Rabid jewelery.

I understand in sPvP environment the iWarlock is indeed useless because you can spec for a pure condition build and have really low power. I play mostly WvW and as you already mentioned, with the available equip there you have at least 1200 power (and a stack of might on top of that).

Too bad you can’t overwrite a iWarlock with a staff clone once you got three illusions out. And if you shatter, the already stacked bleedings stop doing damage (this is a bug). There is no proper way to get rid of the iWarlock once you casted it.


in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


I had a staff swap to that Plant-like Lv80 staff.
I transmorphed it to the t3 staff skin, but I love the extra toughness from it

Once I fix my PC I’ll try to make a new video about it.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


What do you use inplace of rabid trinkets?

My preference is CondDmg-Vitality-Power. There are some Rabid jewelery out there but they’re Green at most.

Why power in a condition build?

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |


in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


What do you use inplace of rabid trinkets?

My preference is CondDmg-Vitality-Power. There are some Rabid jewelery out there but they’re Green at most.

Why power in a condition build?

Because there is no alternative. Rabid Exotic jewelery doesn’t exist.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Basically the game is biased against condition builds.

There’s no Cond-Tough-Vit gear.

The Cond-Tough-Precision gear has no jewelry.

There’s no Cond-Vit-Precision gear.

Unless you consider Healing Power equal to the other stats (I sure don’t) you’re bound to get some power.


in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Basically right now there’s no real reason to not be a power build; there’s tons of gear for power builds, there’s tons of jewels and extras, tons of runes and sigils and you kill things before you even render on their screen.

Hopefully the patch today will fix this.


in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


What do you use inplace of rabid trinkets?

My preference is CondDmg-Vitality-Power. There are some Rabid jewelery out there but they’re Green at most.

Why power in a condition build?

If you want any kind of duration on your condition with staff you kind of have to go into power since that is where the condition duration is located. 2sec chill is meh. This is of course WvW I am thinking about since that is what I play.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}